88 qq signature waiting sentences
Empty old dreams
2023-05-13 03:12:02
Complete set of signatures

1. Time cannot bear to wait too long.

2. Because of you, because of you.

3. How many people I love you are shameless.

4. Now I can't accompany you.

5. Sister is still a flower. Don't destroy her.

6. Wait for your concern, wait until the heart is closed.

7. I have no sense of security, because I love you too much.

8. Encounter at dusk, passing by is also a kind of encounter.

9. The person who loves me cannot be hurt, and the moment of tenderness cannot deceive people.

10. For you, I choose to give up, for love, I choose to wait!

11. I only like women. In my eyes, you are the only one.

12. I only believe what I think. I won't listen to what others say.

13. Fall in love with you, including all your past and future.

14. Waiting is like wandering aimlessly, unable to find the direction.

15. It doesn't matter where you go, but whether you will come back.

16. It's easy to forget a person: don't meet, don't be cheap.

17. We are all the same vulnerable people, so why pretend to be strong.

18. To hate you is to beat and scold you, and only allow me to bully you.

19. Dear - Maybe you know, maybe you don't, I'm really tired.

20. I don't know what to say, I just know I still love you.

21. I am numb and tired of waiting for an ending without an end.

22. Mistake is a temporary regret, while missing is a permanent regret.

23. How silly it is for one person to wait silently for another person's news.

24. About how much I miss you, all the words seem powerless.

25. If you want to be the person who knows you best, you should not allow others to know you better.

26. In lazy summer and hot and dry weather, I am lazy to wait for evaporation.

27. The day is very short. Laugh when you are happy, and laugh later when you are unhappy.

28. I am not arrogant, nor mischievous, but tired of all dependence.

29. Will we forget ourselves one day in constant pretending.

30. It's hard to be water after all. In the end, no one can replace anyone.

31. If we are destined to leave, our life will still miss you.

32. You fall in love with a city, mostly because there is a person you love living here.

33. Memories are beautiful, but very hurt; Memory, just can't go back to the past memory.

34. I refuse all people's favor, just waiting for you to have an uncertain future.

35. I deliberately and accidentally passed the street just to wait for your welcoming ceremony.

36. At least for a short time, I was the reason for your smile.

37. The sky was originally a kind of scenery, but after meeting you, it became a kind of mood.

38. Sometimes the simplest advice you give others is the most difficult for you to do.

39. Day after day, I learned to miss different people with the same heart.

40. Happiness is that if you hold the right hand, you will not be afraid even if you lose the sense of direction.

41. I keep all our memories, but now there is one you missing from my memory.

42. My friends laughed at my stupidity when I waited blindly. I told them you didn't understand.

43. I have no advantage over you except that I love you more than you love me.

44. To give up is to sacrifice what belongs to you. To let go is to let go of what has never been yours.

45. The happiest thing is to share with you every day, every bit of ordinary life.

46. This summer, it should be cool, but because of that dream, it becomes hot.

47. When you are with a group of people, I will hide in silence. When you are alone, I will wait for the call.

48. If you want, I will always love you; If you don't want to, I will miss you forever.

49. Be the most simple person and take the happiest path. The rest is left to fate.

50. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness because I can't put you down.

51. A true friend will accept your past, support your present and inspire your future.

52. Farewell and reunion are the constant performances of life. Once you get used to them, you will no longer feel sorrowful.

53. The world is so big that I often forget that the people around me who love me most are still waiting for me silently.

54. When I wake up every morning, I see you and the sun are there. This is the future I want.

55. Sometimes love is not deeper than who loves more, and who loves more for longer than who loves more lowly.

56. Crouching in a corner, waiting for the wound to heal, I feel free and easy to love, hate and lose.

57. You ask me whether it is worth loving you. In fact, you should know that love is not worth it.

58. If you will think of me carelessly in the future, please don't forget that I loved you so deeply.

59. If you can't treat her well, don't feel disappointed when others treat her well.

60. My love for you. Can only silently in the heart. Buried in the deepest place. Waiting for you to dig.

61. I want to have a jingle cat like pocket. I will provide it for you when you need it.

62. It is clear that time will not turn back like you, but it still leaves an exquisite time reversal.

63. It is I who hide in the darkness. All the warmth has nothing to do with me. All the sadness is borne by me alone.

64. One day, when you find that you can no longer remember why you were injured, it is the time of recovery.

65. People can't be intimate with each other all their lives. They are lonely and only have to exchange money.

66. To be a beautiful woman, do not love the country, do not love the city, and only devote all of her to live the life she wants.

67. Love is to rent a person's heart, marriage is to tie a person's heart, and love is to warm a person's heart.

68. I can do many things that I don't want to do. I can get many things that I don't want.

69. Every girl should understand that they don't need a boy who doesn't put himself first.

70. Because you miss, others will meet; Because others missed it, you have a chance to have it.

71. When someone says that you have changed, it is only because you no longer live the way they are accustomed to.

72. If you send a text message to a person, he will never return it. Don't send it again. There is no such humble waiting.

73. When you hang out with other women, don't forget that there is a woman waiting for you at home silently.

74. We agreed that we should stay together all the time without separation, even if we are against time, and even if we depart from the world.

75. I really like you. I closed my eyes and thought I could forget, but the tears I shed did not deceive me.

76. The seemingly heartless and careless girl just leaves all tenderness to the person who is worth loving.

77. When I don't have the right to be invisible and visible, do I have the right to see what I want in your heart.

78. Someone said that if you really want something, let it go. If it comes back to you, it will always belong to you.

79. If you die, you will feel no pain. If your dreams are light, you will feel uneasy. If you lose your way, you will not find it. If you leave, you will not stay.

80. I made a joke to make the whole world cry for it, but I never found out that I was the protagonist of the joke.

81. Sometimes, what we wait for is time. We wait for time to change ourselves.

82. The best thing in life is to find the person who knows all your mistakes and shortcomings, but still thinks you are great.

83. If there is an afterlife, I would like to lock up the late autumn as a tree, the spirit of fallen leaves; If there is an afterlife, I would like to wait for the tree silently.

84. Like me, the wound is a stubborn child who refuses to heal, because the heart is a warm and humid place, suitable for anything to grow.

85. Today she asked me to go out tomorrow. I want to take advantage of tomorrow to tell her what I have hidden in my heart for two years. I don't want to wait in silence anymore.

86. I would like to have such a person to walk slowly across bridges with me under an umbrella, and let the rain wet my clothes, so that we can go through life like this.

87. In the season of withering flowers, sadness hides behind you, and you can quietly experience the tenderness on the tatami. The withering sunflowers are still waiting, perhaps waiting for me to say something to keep them.

88. Lonely people always remember everyone who has appeared in their life with heart, so I always remember you counting my loneliness again and again every night when stars fall.