Childhood Reading Feelings 600 Words Beautiful Beginning
Until the four seasons are missed
2023-06-18 02:10:29

Childhood is like a song, singing out the happiness of each child; Childhood is like a picture, drawing a colorful picture; Childhood is like a dream, innocent and free. This is our childhood, happy childhood! But Gorky's Childhood is a world away from our childhood. When I hold the book, my emotions rise and fall with the heavy words

Childhood is an autobiographical novel of Gorky. The hero of the story, Alesha, lost his father when he was three years old, and followed his mother and grandmother to live in the grandfather's house. Maybe Aliosha never dreamed that his nightmarish childhood would begin... Grandpa is a grumpy, selfish and greedy owner of Xiaoran's house. Aliosha's two uncles are also as rude and selfish as her grandfather. They face endless quarrels every day, and her grandfather often beats them like a meal. Aliosha experienced unbearable pain in her childhood. The merciless whip, the helplessness of parting in life and death, and the young soul are devastated! Fortunately, the world is not completely shrouded in darkness. There are also some kind-hearted and honest people who take Aliosha to the light. She loves life and is kind and considerate. She heals the wounds in Alesha's heart and teaches him to be honest and kind and not bow to evil forces! Tsoka, optimistic and compassionate, is willing to bear merciless whipping for him; Grigory, an honest elder worker... They are all the guiding lights of Alesha's gloomy childhood, bringing him courage and confidence in life!

The tragic fate of his childhood has made Aliosha's amazing ability to take charge of his own affairs, but the unfortunate experience has enabled him to have vigorous growth! From him, I deeply understand that although we can't choose our own destiny, we may not be able to change our destiny!

Time flies and childhood is fleeting. Let's be grateful to our parents, teachers and students, and to all the encounters in our lives; Let us always keep a kind, honest and brave heart, and love everything life gives us, including suffering, because they will be an indispensable experience and wealth in our growth!