94 inspirational quotes by Lu Xun
Dragon of Imperial Phoenix
2023-07-31 15:59:55
A complete list of famous sayings

1. It is enough to have a bosom friend in life.

2. Not satisfied is the upward wheel.

3. Forgiveness without complaint is just a lie.

4. A child is weak, but a mother is strong.

5. To live, not to die!

6. Shi Zai, the kindling will not be cut off.

7. Without innovation, it is difficult to survive.

8. Words alone do not work. What matters is doing.

9. When reading, you should think for yourself and make your own decisions.

10. There will be no room for cannibalism in the future.

11. Reading dead books is harmful to oneself, and it hurts others when you open your mouth.

12. I am not afraid to speculate about the Chinese people with the worst malice.

13. It is always harder to reform oneself than to prohibit others.

14. Love must always renew, grow and create.

15. Beasts always walk alone, while cattle and sheep flock together.

16. Singing long songs while crying must be done after the pain is settled.

17. The greatest pain in life is waking up with no way to go.

18. In fact, pioneers are easy to become stumbling blocks.

19. He looks at a thousand fingers coldly and bows his head to be a willing ox.

20. I have always been unafraid to speculate about the Chinese with the worst malice.

21. Human pessimism is not the same. I just think they are noisy.

22. It is clear that there is a circle of red and white flowers around the sharp and round tomb top.

23. It is lonely snow, dead rain, and the soul of rain!

24. Despair is the same as hope, and great hatred is the starting point of great love.

25. The most painful thing in one's life is waking up but having no way to go.

26. May her soul always be in your arms, kind and dark Earth Mother!

27. It is very bad to do something, no matter how big or small, without perseverance.

28. In fact, there is no way on the ground, and more people walk, it becomes a way.

29. It is a pity that many of them are not equal to critics.

30. No matter how wrong she is, the moment she cries, it's all my fault.

31. Exclusive, whether he is alive or dead, can give everyone happiness.

32. Time is like water in sponge. As long as you are willing to squeeze, there is always time.

33. It is not a big whip on the back, and China will not move itself.

34. Lonely New Wenyuan is safe in the old battlefield. There is a pawn left in the two rooms, and the lotus halberd wanders alone.

35. We must dare to face it squarely, so that we can dare to think, speak, act and act.

36. I should also calm down and spend my scheduled time without worrying the little hedgehog.

37. Use the past and the present as iron casting facts to measure the future, as if watching the fire!

38. Silence, silence! If you do not break out in silence, you will perish in silence.

39. A real warrior, dare to face the bleak life and the dripping blood.

40. Time is precious to me. It is a kind of wealth from the perspective of economics.

41. In the world, it is not a lover who can share happiness with you. It must be a lover who can share difficulties.

42. It is my sin that the mud of life is abandoned on the ground, giving birth to no trees but weeds.

43. Most people in the world only know how to command swords, so they can command warriors, but they can also command literati.

44. Time is life. To waste others' time for no reason is tantamount to murder for money.

45. Those who used to be rich should go back to ancient times, those who are now rich should maintain the status quo, and those who have never been rich should be innovated.

46. It is the mission of today's youth to create this third era that has never existed in Chinese history.

47. The real strong man does not die heroically because of something, but lives humbly because of something.

48. Tragedy is the destruction of valuable things in life; Comedy is tearing up worthless things for people to see.

49. It is better to go by yourself than to find a muddle headed tutor, so that you can save the effort of searching. He doesn't know anything anyway.

50. My essays often describe a nose, a mouth and a hair, but when combined, they are almost a whole image.

51. Let others live more comfortably. It doesn't matter if you don't have happiness. It's also comfortable to see others happy.

52. The road of life is progressive, always walking up the slope of the infinite spiritual triangle, and nothing can stop him.

53. When Haoge is crazy, he is cold, sees the abyss in the sky, sees nothing in all eyes, and is saved from nothing.

54. Underground fire runs quickly underground; Once the lava erupts, it will burn all weeds and trees, so there is no decay.

55. I have always been unafraid to speculate about the Chinese people with the worst malice, but I did not expect or believe that it would be so cruel.

56. No 'gentleman' nor 'rumor'

57. The society worships celebrities, so it thinks that the words of celebrities are famous words, but it forgets what kind of knowledge and career they are named for.

58. Ah Q not only has a vague name and place of origin, but also his previous "behavior".

59. There are still many disharmonies imposed by nature on people, and many people themselves have shrunk and degenerated. However, life will never turn back.

60. Hope does not matter whether there is something or not. This is just like the road on the ground. In fact, there is no road on the ground, and more people will become a road.

61. Wild grass is not deep at all, and its flowers and leaves are not beautiful. However, it absorbs dew, water, and the blood and meat of old dead people to seize its survival.

62. There are many races of people who are not complacent. They will always move forward and have hope. There are many races of people who only know responsibility but don't know introspection. What a pity!

63. The daily life of soldiers is not all singing and crying, but it is all related to singing and crying. This is the actual soldier.

64. Personal life is valuable, but the truth of a generation is even more valuable. It is worth dying when life is sacrificed and the truth is revealed to the world.

65. Huge buildings are always stacked by one wood and one stone. Why don't we build them? I often do odd things, that's why.

66. Many beautiful people and beautiful things are intricate like a day's brocade, and thousands of stars fly like flying stars, and at the same time they unfold to infinity.

67. The most painful thing in life is waking up with no way to go. The dreamer is happy; If you don't see the way to go, the most important thing is not to wake him up.

68. The most painful thing in life is waking up with no way to go. The dreamer is happy; If you don't see the way to go, the most important thing is not to wake him up.

69. "Don't be ashamed of the last." Even if you are slow, you can keep going, even if you fall behind, and even if you fail, you can certainly achieve the goal he is aiming for.

70. He used to be afraid of children more than they were afraid of me, and always kept a low voice. Recently, it's different. We can say it's noisy. Our heroes also like to play with him.

71. All weak and stupid citizens, even if they are healthy and strong, can only make meaningless materials and visitors to the public. It is unnecessary to think it unfortunate to die of illness.

72. Young people can first turn China into a vocal China: speak boldly, carry out bravely, forget all interests, push the ancients away and publish their true words.

73. Genius is not a monster growing in the deep forest and wilderness. It is produced and developed by people who can make genius grow. Therefore, without such people, there will be no genius.

74. Although the winners are respectable, the athletes who are lagging behind but still not running to the finish line, and the spectators who see such athletes and do not smile with awe, are the backbone of China's future.

75. However, although I am free and groundless, I am not resentful, because this experience makes me reflect on myself and see myself: I am not a hero who rallies to answer the call.

76. A great mind should show such spirit - use a smiling face to meet the tragic fate, and use a hundred times courage to deal with all the misfortunes.

77. There is something I don't like in heaven, I don't want to go; There is something I don't like in hell, I don't want to go; There is something I would not like to go to in your future golden world.

78. I like this, friend - I travel alone, not only without you, but also without other shadows in the dark. Only I am sunk by darkness, and the world belongs to me.

79. I don't believe it; But the house is strangely lonely and empty. I look everywhere, looking for Zijun; Only a few pieces of shabby and gloomy furniture appeared extremely clear, which proved that they had no ability to hide one person and one thing.

80. Warriors, for example, fight, rest, eat, and naturally have sex. If we only take the last point of him, draw a portrait, hang it in a brothel, and respect him as a master of sexual intercourse, it certainly cannot be said that it is groundless. However, isn't it unfair?

81. When I was young, I loved to watch the waves stirred up by fast ships and the flames spewed out by furnaces. Not only love to see, but also want to see clearly. It's a pity that they are all changing and never take shape. Although gazing and gazing, there is no certain sign left.

82. People can't help but dislike the animals that come out at night, because he does not sleep, which is different from his own habits, and he is afraid that he will peep into some secrets in the deep sleep or "micro walk" at night.

83. I often want to find some leisure in the disturbance, but it's really not easy. At present, it is so strange, and my heart is so confused. When one has only memories left, his life is probably boring, but sometimes he even has no memories.

84. As far as I can see today, there are many filial sons who have met thieves, tigers, fire and wind in ancient and modern times. The way to deal with them is 90 out of 10 "cry" and "worship"

85. Only once, an old man praised and said, "Ah Q can do it!" At that time, Ah Q was barebacked, lazy and thin in front of him, and others could not tell whether this was true or ironic, but Ah Q liked it very much.

86. Our automatic reading, that is, hobby reading, is mostly useless to ask others for advice, so we have to go through it first, and then decide to enter one or more more specialized courses we love; But there are also disadvantages in specialized reading, so we must contact with the real society to make the books we read alive.

87. I wish there were ghosts and hell. Then, even in the howling of evil wind, I will look for Zijun, tell my regret and sorrow to her face, and pray for her forgiveness; Otherwise, the poisonous flame of hell will surround me and burn up my regret and sorrow violently.

88. Ah Q's money was gradually input into the waist of another sweaty figure under such singing. Finally, he had to squeeze out of the pile, stand behind and watch, worried about others until the end of the show, and then returned to the Tugu Temple. The next day, he went to work with swollen eyes.

89. In the gloom, I saw a stretch of green sand on the beach, with a golden full moon hanging in the dark blue sky above. I think: I hope it doesn't matter. This is just like the road on the ground; In fact, there is no road on the ground, and more people walk, it will become a road.

90. In my own mind, I thought that now I am not a person who is eager to speak, but I have not forgotten my lonely sorrow on that day, so sometimes I still can't help shouting a few times to comfort the brave man who runs in loneliness, so that he will not be afraid of the front runner.

91. The enemy is not afraid. The most terrible thing is the moth in his own camp. Many things are lost to them. Therefore, it sometimes makes me feel lonely, and I really often feel tired, but what I can do, do it, and often have the sadness of "standing alone".

92. Since ancient times, we have had people who work hard, who work hard, who ask for orders for the people, and who sacrifice themselves to seek justice. Although it is the so-called "official history" that is equivalent to making genealogy for emperors and generals, it often cannot hide their glory, which is the backbone of China.

93. It's twelve o'clock, but it's very quiet. It's quite different from Shanghai. I wonder if my dear aunt has slept yet? I thought she must not have fallen asleep, because I was talking about my experience in the past three years. In fact, I didn't talk much about it. Now I just hope that my dear aunt will be good and take care of herself. I should also be kind and spend the scheduled time without worrying the little hedgehog.

94. No wonder some kind-hearted people are unwilling to read unofficial history and listen to stories; Some things, really not like the world, to be creepy, hurt in the heart, never completely healed. There are many cruel facts. It's better not to hear them. Only by doing so can we preserve our spirit. It also means that "a gentleman can cook far away".