82 SMS messages for colleagues
Contentment is bliss
2023-05-12 03:28:39
SMS Collection

1. May your birthday be filled with endless happiness, may your memories today be warm, may all your dreams be sweet, and may you have a wonderful year!

2. Since we separated, I like a lonely goose, flapping tired wings, looking at the sky is also confused, looking at the water is also confused, but I sincerely wish you!

3. May you have: the song of spring is joyful; Hot heart in summer; The meaning of autumn is profound; The feeling in winter is pure. In the future life journey, always keep yourself!

4. Take away yesterday's tiredness, let today's communication with the wind, extend your hand, hold my sincere greetings, and cheer for you in the new day! Good morning!

5. Say hello and be energetic; A word of care touches the heart; A hug is as warm as a cotton padded jacket; A short message, very sincere; It's cold, pay attention to your health, and wish you good health!

6. Good morning! Thank you for accompanying me through every day. I hope you will be wonderful every day, safe every step, happy every moment, happy every minute, happy every second.

7. Flowers are fragrant only when butterflies fly; Leaves are nourished by dew, and then grow gradually; The sky is protected by white clouds, so it will not be empty. If you have my message, you will always be healthy!

8. All sincerity is like gold. A thousand warmness is worth frost and cold. A hundred greetings send warmth. I am very worried about it. One message is the most concerned. When frost comes, may my blessing be as warm as spring!

9. For two days on the weekend, relax to your heart's content, squeeze out the busyness, keep your troubles aside, accompany with good luck, and meet happiness. When you receive it, connect with happiness and dance happily. May you always smile.

10. In this season when the autumn wind blows, I always miss you like that. A basket full of fallen leaves is my infinite blessing. I hope this light autumn wind will bring all my blessings to you.

11. Those who know how to let go find relaxation, those who know how to forget find freedom, and those who know how to care find friends. Cold weather is not cold, cold heart is cold. May your heart be warm forever.

12. My care came as promised, and my blessing came unannounced. You should not be bored or noisy, and your care is indispensable. It is cold, remember to dress, and wish you health and happiness!

13. Cold is the weather, warm is the heart! May my message bring you a warm moment: when the weather gets cold, remember to put on more clothes, prepare quilts, pay attention to your body, and take care of yourself!

14. In the new year, I wish you good health and lost teeth; Bon voyage, missing halfway; Go all the way, and fall halfway; Happy every day, often abnormal; Laugh often, and you deserve it!

15. Meeting is kind of fate, not chance; Know each other sweetly, friendship hand in hand; Your greetings, I take with me; My concern, bless you forever; Wish you good luck and good luck.

16. The years make bookmarks of the missing look, and clip them into each day of concern. At the moment when I miss you, I only hope this warm blessing will bring you happiness in the distance!

17. Light clouds are accompanied by cool wind, so beautiful mood is released, poetry and painting are supplemented by flowing water, so the quiet mood is meditated, laughter is shared by friends, and happiness and satisfaction are overflowing! Wish you happy every day!

18. The autumn wind blows water waves and memories. Water waves rise and fall in the wind. The memories are intermittent in the wind. It blows away the floating clouds in the sky, but it can't blow away the missing in the heart.

19. The cool wind is blowing in autumn, the harvest is spreading good news again and again, the yellow leaves are fluttering away, the autumn rain continues to miss, the message continues to bless, the mouth opens to laugh, the autumn cool adds clothes, and the heart is cool to keep in touch!

20. Sincerity is the golden key to success, love is the source of kindness, patience is the test of setbacks, concentration is the attitude of life, confidence is the cornerstone of success. Seize today and win in the Ming Dynasty. Congratulations on your promotion!

21. It's cold, big trees are shaking, grass is shivering, cows are burning carbon for warmth, rabbits are wearing down, ants are buying water bags, and Jack Bauer is hibernating. What else do you want to see? Put on an extra coat!

22. Autumn regimen: cultivate optimism and avoid negative thoughts; Keep your mind tranquil and free from all things; Exercise frequently, and the diet is reasonable; From time to time, it makes people relaxed and happy.

23. Take a break from work to have fun; Tired from work, have a rest and relax; If you are tired of working, send a short message to communicate; Listen to the music to edify you when you are sleepy at work. I hope you will be happy every day.

24. Open the door to luck and make a brilliant career; Add some sugar to your life and have a long aftertaste; Give friendship flowers and leave fragrance; Send greetings to friends and warm your heart. Wish you health and happiness!

25. Turning to Friday, work should be liberated; On Friday, Sheraton was free again; Let go of worries and troubles, and let go of worries and hardships; Visit mountains and water, talk about love and love. May you relax on Friday and be more carefree!

26. Work more carefully, rest more after work, go home more warm, love more sweet, friends more contact, worry more abandon, pain more forget, bless more for you, life more happy!

27. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I stand in front of you, you don't know I'm wearing pants. The temperature has dropped sharply in the past two days. The clockwork SMS reminds you: remember to add clothes to keep warm!

28. I am nostalgic for the beautiful scenery; Good times, I look forward to; Good life, I grasp; Good friends, I cherish; Good things, I share; Good wishes, I send you, I wish my good friend happy every day.

29. One night, the mountains are closed and autumn comes. The setting sun is like a maple. Wild geese fly from the south to the north in the same wind, and envy the morning flowers at dusk with thick dew. Thousands of miles of river send a message from heaven, telling the true feelings with a cold and warm voice. Life hurts the past several times, and the bleak autumn wind always closes the relationship.

30. In summer, when mosquitoes bite, insects and cicadas are noisy. It doesn't matter. Don't worry. A blessing will arrive right away. The most important thing is to be happy, no matter those little fidgety, sunny life, sunny day, cool mood!

31. It's cold, the cold wind is blowing, the temperature is falling, warm your body, send a message to care for you. Don't forget to add clothes in cold weather, exercise frequently and drink more water, eat healthily in winter, keep an optimistic attitude, and enjoy life with a broad mind and fat body!

32. I miss you and wish you happiness; I wish you happiness; Thinking of you, wish you are warm; Bless you, may you be healthy. Friend, the distance is far, but the friendship is not reduced. I wish you a safe life!

33. The spring rain is like silk, falling on my face clip, touching a piece of soft, straight to my heart! In the rain, the heart found the direction of the smile, stretched out her hands to watch her twining at her fingertips, and the dots gathered, condensed into beads.

34. Send blessing words via SMS and smile happily; Work smoothly, good health, sweet and beautiful life; Great events and small ones are happy to help others, and friends and relatives praise them together; Bless you every day, auspicious, safe and happy home.

35. The autumnal equinox, where the sun and the moon are equally divided, will be colder later; Love share love share, year after year, the years are long and steady; The autumn equinox is coming, so you should pay more attention to your daily life. Say hello and wish you a blessing!

36. When the sunny day comes, good luck begins to surround you. Worries and sorrows lean on you. The God of Wealth will embrace you, and you can receive good news at home. The position is rising step by step, and the days are getting better and better!

37. Life after parting is like a street. Let's add beautiful scenery to the street together. Step out of the school door and start a new journey in life. May you use the spark of life to illuminate the journey to the future.

38. When the weekend comes, pack up your worries and send them back to your hometown; Will melancholy ice, sink into the sea; Release happiness and delight your heart; It will spread easily and relax your heart; Condense the friendship and send greetings: happy weekend!

39. The time has come to the autumnal equinox. The ardent yearning has kept you waiting. The worries and sorrows have been dispelled. The sadness and helplessness are all unfounded. Life is not bad without worries. I remember my friends in my heart. SMS wishes you a happy autumnal equinox.

40. Send you a happy flower, which can give you joy when you are depressed; I send you a happy broom. I hope you can clean up your troubles every day; Finally, I would like to send you a greeting and wish you happy every day.

41. When the hot summer comes, send a message to cool: send you a coat that is beautiful, shiny, sensible, generous, tasteful, stylish, simple, fashionable and graceful. When you put it on, look at Maggie Cheung from afar, Cecilia Cheung from afar, and look at you carefully!

42. Blessings are flowers, which can give you fragrance; Blessing is to give you health; Blessing is the spring, giving you cool; Blessing is the best friend. I wish you a happy and happy life in the blessed hot spring every day.

43. I don't know what you are doing. I may be the only one who misses you so deeply in such a late night. But I don't want to disturb you. I hope you can sleep safely, like a carefree pig. Dear, good night!

44. The seasons alternate and the friendship looks like memory. Wild geese fly to the south and play in the wind with fallen leaves. Cold and heat are unavoidable. Pay more attention to cold and warm weather. Mountains and rivers are separated from each other, and greetings are sent from afar. Although it is difficult to get together in a hurry, we cherish it in our heart: take care of our health.

45. Whether you are a healthy handsome man or a slim beautiful woman. Whether you are old and healthy, or young. Please pay attention: don't get angry with the weather. It's cold, you should wear what you should wear and eat what you should eat. Health is the most important!

46. Please remember that I will grow old with you. Don't think it's a joke. Promise to remember that your heart will never waver, please take it as the basis for happiness. I want to give you all the good, and take you to run in the direction of happiness.

47. How far a person can go depends on who he goes with, how excellent a person is, what guidance he has, how successful a person is, and what company he has with him. Thank God for bringing you to my side. It's nice to meet you!

48. The temperature of friendship warms the space; The luster of friendship brings happiness to life; Missing footsteps, through the cold; Sincere greetings warm my heart. My friend, the frost is coming, I wish you happiness and all the best!

49. Good mood comes from the beauty of life, which is peaceful and tranquil; Good feelings come from the memory, warm and tacit understanding; Good friends come from the true feelings of caring, sweet and happy. Wish good friends happy every day.

50. Learn to use Simbicin to achieve psychological balance when tired; Don't compare your salary with your salary. Be content and never look for trouble; Always be considerate and understand others to reduce conflicts. Peace of mind, all the troubles around!

51. When I was young, happiness is a thing, and happiness comes from having it; When you grow up, happiness is a goal, and you will be happy if you reach it; When you are mature, you will find that happiness is originally a state of mind, and you will be happy if you understand it. Happy to say: Good morning.

52. I will give you a bottle of nutrition express line when you are tired of work. May your spirit be refined easily; I will give you a cup of sweet orange when you are bored with your work. I hope you will always have a good mood. Two things make you happy every day and earn high salaries every day.

53. Don't forget the past when you are promoted today. Former colleagues get together and talk about the years of struggle; Master, please, thank you for your teaching in the past; Love friends with laughter, happy days to share. Wish you a happy promotion!

54. I heard that you have been promoted. The sea is wide with fish leaping. I wish you a good luck; The sky is high enough for birds to fly, and you spread your wings; Your work has gone up. Please give it all to your wife. Wish you a harmonious family and a happy life.

55. When the weekend comes, happiness goes round and round, and you are the starting point; You are the starting point when you travel around the world happily; Good luck, you are the standard line; Greetings are extremely thoughtful, just for you; I wish you a sweet weekend smile and a happy day!

56. Happiness is to eat breakfast on time every day. Happiness is to see smiling faces often. Happiness is to bask in the sun lazily in winter. Happiness is to be cared about by someone. Happiness is to send greetings to friends who are worried about: take care of yourself in cold weather.

57. The temperature is gradually rising in spring. Pay attention to health care. Early to bed and early to get up, strengthen exercise jogging. It's better to eat more vegetables and less meat, and stick to vegetarian liver. Open more windows for ventilation to prevent sleeping in spring. May you be healthy!

58. Sleep until you wake up naturally, play until you have leg cramps, the happy smile shows its original shape, the chess and card table wins the third army, the wine is immortal, the small house is the most warm, the worry and depression are cut across, and you should be the boss of happiness. Happy weekend!

59. The meaning of life is not to hold a good hand, but to play a bad hand. So we must seize every opportunity and cherish every rebirth, so that we can become more perfect and closer to success.

60. In winter, the energy consumption will increase due to cold snowflakes; Supplement fat and protein, and eat more fat meat; Take more vitamin A to ensure cold resistance; It can increase the intake of vitamin C and protect blood vessels. Wish you a healthy winter!

61. Don't say forever. Who can promise the future? What we can grasp is nothing but the local feelings at that time. But in a lifetime, it is also composed of innumerable now. If you work hard to make every moment better, you will be forever.

62. Every day is busy from Monday to Friday. Private enterprises are busy for a while. The boss makes profits and asks you to contribute more. Friday came, happy to dance. I hope my friends will sing happily at the weekend, cheer up and put pressure on me!

63. It's time to let go of worries at the weekend, and laugh happily. The sun is hanging in the sky, smiling at you. The blue sky is filled with white clouds, and a smile is charming. I am in a good mood when I come to the weekend. Have a nice weekend!

64. Don't look too good when it is good, and don't look too bad when it is bad. A blessing in disguise is a blessing in disguise. If you look far, you will not care about the immediate gains and losses. People will naturally live a lot easier and concentrate on achieving their goals.

65. There is a magic formula for health care in spring. Warm care should be given; Polygonum multiflorum powder soaked in water is a good recipe for tonifying the kidney and blood; Dizziness, tinnitus, poor spirit, a handful of black sesame every day; Lycium barbarum can prolong life. Dry chew 30 pieces before bed. Wish you happiness and health!

66. Talk about health preservation in autumn: 1. Spiritual recuperation: calm mind and comfortable mood. 2. Living and recuperation: the temperature is changeable, and clothes are increased or decreased. Three diet recuperation: eat more sour, nourishing yin and yang. Fourth, exercise and recuperation: breathe and keep fit, strengthen exercise.

67. In autumn, when the weather is cool and yearning is thick, greetings and care are sent; Good diet and nutrition adjustment, less spicy and more sour body stick; The duck meat has good drying effect, less greasy and less anti autumn glances; Early to bed, early to rise, healthy, less indoor ventilation bacteria. May good health be with you.

68. Guyu has a good way of keeping healthy. It is paired with white radish, radish and pear juice. It is a good recipe for moistening the lungs and clearing heat. Radish and mutton are stewed together to supplement nutrition and relieve greasy. Radish and crucian carp are used to make soup to strengthen the spleen and promote dampness. Wish you happiness and health!

69. The diet is healthy and effective against influenza: drinking milk is nutritious; Drink vegetable roots, bacteria run away; Drink ginger soup to cool the cold; Eat fruit, good skin; Steamed vinegar, less virus; Drink boiled water to prevent dryness. Winter is coming, wish you good health!

70. When cool wind and autumn rain accompany; When yellow leaves accompany morning frost; When the cold moon shines in the same light, when the geese pack their bags to fly south, and when the frost falls, I send a warm message. Please take care when the weather is cold!

71. When you succeed, I will cheer for you and share your happiness; When frustrated, I will give you comfort and continue to work hard. I will always be your best friend. I heard that you have been promoted. I sincerely congratulate you and wish you every success in the future!

72. Friend, in the boundless sea of people, you should know that there is always someone who cares for you and misses you all the time. There may be loneliness or unhappiness in the journey, but you will be happy when you think of my blessing. I wish you a happy journey!

73. When people meet each other, it depends on a bit of fate. When people get along with each other, it depends on a sincerity. When people love each other, it depends on a sincerity. Just because every fate in the world is hard won, I hope we will always be the best friends!

74. Time, freeze the happy scene; Years baptize the helplessness of life; Distance, by adding missing waves; Emotion, warm each other's hearts; Greetings sublimate the pure friendship. My friend, I wish you happy every day and everything is fine!

75. The wind of the vernal equinox dances the miracle of life, the rain of the vernal equinox washes away yesterday's troubles, the flowers of the vernal equinox bloom with the fragrance of happiness, the song of the vernal equinox spreads the happy rhythm, and the blessing of the vernal equinox conveys my concern. The spring equinox is coming, I wish you happiness!

76. Meeting and saying goodbye, returning to sail and going offshore, time is hurried and passing away, and lovesickness words are hard to open in my heart. Farewell is in a hurry. We embrace and wave goodbye to each other. When we recall the past, our thoughts rise. The tears of parting are so sad. The only thing I can do is to wish you a smooth journey.

77. The spring is warm and the flowers are blooming. Miss is floating in the fragrance of flowers. Grass sprouts. Care is growing wildly in the sprouting. Butterflies are flying. Blessings are conveyed in the joy. Friends, spring is coming. May you be happy and have good luck. Keep in touch!

78. Thank you for your care and guidance during my work. Now that you are leaving us, although I am reluctant to part with you, I still wish you good health, good luck and smooth work in your future life and work!

79. Give you 12 stars. Be comfortable in the morning, go out smoothly, be careful on the way, be patient when things happen, be careful, pay attention to making friends, treat others sincerely, go home happily, be at ease at night, have confidence in yourself and love others, and wish you happy every day forever!

80. Good luck has arrived, and the mildew has completely disappeared; Happiness has arrived, and all troubles have disappeared; The cool weather has come, and the heat has gone away; The cool wind is coming, and the hot air is running away; The coolness has arrived, and the heat has disappeared; Blessings have come, and the heat and dryness have disappeared; I wish you a cool, happy and safe summer.

81. Sing a song of praise for you happily. Congratulations on your promotion; Happiness sows fireworks for you. Congratulations on your promotion; Auspiciousness covers the aura for you, congratulating you on your salary increase and your wealth. My friend, I hope you can make great achievements and create infinite splendor!

82. Auspicious rain wafts to rain, and drops of rain moisten the heart; Sweep away the dust, and have a long spirit. Sweep away the melancholy and laugh happily; Enjoy tea and enjoy family life; Moisturize all things and make them feel comfortable. Little rain makes them feel friendly; I wish you a wonderful mood in the rain and boundless happiness!