Love words written to girlfriend
Young after the vicissitudes
2023-06-01 09:18:52
Complete sentences

1. There are many flowers, but there is no repetition. You are destined to be unique in my life.

2. What is love? Love is when you are happy, I share with you; When you are sad, I give you comfort; When you are lonely, I will accompany you silently; When you are lost, I will take you forward bravely. No matter where you are, I will always be with you. I wish you happiness and peace. Remember that there is a person who loves you forever!

3. I love your eyes, hiding my deep feelings and your tenderness; I love your lips, knowing my passion and your infatuation; The person who loves you most, give you my life and your life.

4. Male: "I have a girlfriend" Female: "Then she must be very beautiful!" Male: "Why are you so narcissistic".

5. Yesterday is too close, tomorrow is too far. I will tell you today. The dependence on you is like the fish cannot leave the sea, like the plants cannot leave the sun. Give me a chance to write our happy life.

6. "I want you to read the first three words of this sentence"

7. I don't know whether I can meet you in the next life, so I will try so hard to give you the best in this life.

8. An accident happened, and the sea rose and sank half a lifetime.

9. Who can tell right from wrong in the world of mortals; Who knows, the truth and falsehood of the world are right and wrong; Who washes the dust of the soul with tears; Who uses holiness to stain the dirt of common things; You said that if you don't get close to the world of mortals from now on, you will not make trouble; If you are ethereal in the world, you will not touch the haze; I said, you are not near the world of mortals, but already in the world of mortals; No dust, but full of haze.

10. Life is like a stage, with only one chance.

11. The cowherd said to the Weaver Maid, "I just called you yesterday, and I will meet you today.". The Weaver Maid said to the Cowherd, "Keep your voice down. The magpie has set up the bridge, so we can save some telephone bills.". Magpie said: Shit, let's flash!

12. When you seriously talked about a relationship, but finally broke up, later you will be difficult to like others, you do not want to spend time, do not want to understand.

13. Love is not how rich I am, how much wisdom and achievement I have, but that I give everything to you. At the critical moment, I will protect you from the wind and rain.

14. Losing money is not terrible, but losing faith. The loss of property is not terrible, but the loss of intention. The loss of reputation is not terrible, but the loss of hope. Losing money doesn't mean you have nothing, at least you have learned a painful lesson. Losing money doesn't mean you have nothing, at least you have the support of your relatives and friends.

15. Counting the years when we had been together, we found that the stupidest thing was ourselves. I'm sorry I didn't love you well.

16. Love you is our fate, we are together is a fate, we will always be together has become a point, I hope we have fate also have points.

17. Maple leaves are red, and it is the season of Dorothy. I wish you with maple leaf enthusiasm, and I hope it will bring you infinite warmth.

18. On Tanabata Valentine's Day, I will sincerely tell the Queen Mother that she wants us to stay together for life; Tell the Cowherd and Weaver Girl that they wish us everlasting love; Tell the story to Cupid, and Cupid delivers: Love you is not a promise, but an oath.

19. I really want to hide you, hide in my chest pocket, melt you slowly, and you will never leave! Hide you, only love me!

20. I don't know how many wooden fish I broke in my previous life before I met you in this life. To be honest, at the first sight of you, I knew you were my deepest concern in this life.

21. The wind sweeps over the treetops, shattering the petals all over the ground, becoming the scars of our season.

22. Although I am not handsome, I am very cute. Although I am not smart, I am honest with you. Although I don't talk much, I can say that although I am poor now, I can succeed in the future.

23. Tanabata confession strategy: take a magpie hair, shake it, pray for love to the sky, love her infatuation will never fall; Find a branch, draw a line from the Milky Way, and ask her to jump together. I wish you success!

24. She can fade, wither, whatever, but as long as I look at her, all tenderness will come to my heart.

25. I will gather all the flowers of spring, the moon of autumn, the wind of summer, and the snow of winter to exchange your love of the four seasons.

26. Once a person has feelings, he will be very weak. You said that you should drink a glass of wine to honor the past, and never turn back to love again. In fact, even if you were drunk until dusk and worried alone, if the person reached out, you would still go with her.

27. Some losses are doomed, some predestination will never have results, love a person may not have, have a person must love her well.

28. Although it can not satisfy your biggest material life. But I can satisfy you with my heart.

29. From the first time I saw you, my eyes were full of clear 'you'.

30. What if I lose it? Just call the police What? Just hold me tight.

31. To report, I like you very much today.

32. A teacher said in class: In fact, married people are not necessarily two people who love each other. We shook our heads and said, "That's not true.". He looked at us, smiled slightly, and sighed that it was good to be young!

33. He alone is like her heart in this world, and she is like his heart. How could love be deep but shallow. Let me paint you with 3000 words. Listen to the string break, break the three thousand entanglement. Falling flowers annihilate, annihilating the wind ripple. If the flower is piteous, it falls at whose fingertips. Who will burn the smoke and scatter the vertical and horizontal ties.

34. On this special day, perhaps I should not send this message, but I hope you can feel my deep blessing in the distance - Happy Valentine's Day?

35. The best love in the world is that you spoil me. I love you with all my heart. The longest confession in the world is that you guard me and I protect you all my life.

36. When I left, I didn't say something myself.

37. You can have fun secretly. Why should I steal joy. Because I love you.

38. The angel said that as long as I stood in the tulips painted with my heart and made a wish, God would hear me. I filled the whole room with flowers. Finally, God said to me, "Make a wish, child. I said that people who want to read messages are happy!"!

39. I always regard money as dirt. After marrying me, you will have no worries in your life - I contracted 13 public toilets in the city to ensure that we don't worry about food or drink.

40. Edge is the beginning of love, and love is the process of love. Let's find the result of love together in the ocean of edge and love!

41. I want to give you the best in the world, but I find that you are the best in the world.

42. Do you feel my clothes today? Is it the material for your target?

43. Your figure appears more and more frequently in front of my eyes, gradually, like breathing, without interruption for a second, which makes me unable to eat well and sleep well.

44. Don't be lazy on Tanabata. It's inevitable to love you. Kiss your face, throw emotional bombs, quietly hold hands, release romantic smoke, invade with love, occupy your heart, and listen to my vows on Tanabata, and love you forever!

45. In a quiet room, a person's loneliness, endless lovesickness, and the hurried fingers on the cold mobile phone made a trace of nostalgia. At this moment, I really miss you!

46. You look beautiful when you smile. The moon is drunk, so am I.

47. Thinking of you, I feel lucky. I often feel that there is a warm place, like a comfortable place after eating and sleeping.

48. People have destiny, destiny is uncertain, and fate is unpredictable. Since it is unpredictable, why not make your own fate. I think you are my destiny, and you are my destiny. I hope I am right.

49. I will arrest you for the crime of heart attack.

50. My online name is Niulang, and your online name is Zhinu. Every night, none of us is on the other side of the phone line, but I have to say, this is much better than Galaxy!

51. I accidentally sent "I love you" to you by mistake. If you accept it, store it. If you do not accept it, return these three words to me.

52. It is doomed to a lonely life.

53. Who is Mona Lisa? Has she ever searched for love several times! Your smile is so mysterious and beautiful! Only then did I realize that the person I love was actually the tears of Mona Lisa!

54. Seasons change constantly, but I'm still beside you, laughing with you, crying with you, and making trouble with you. That's happiness.

55. Sometimes, there is always love that we cannot get.

56. It has been a week since I saw your beautiful face, just like seven years ago. In these seven days, your beautiful image appears in my heart all the time!

57. I need you as much as I need dinner, and I like you as much as I like snacks.

58. It is difficult to be a water when you have been through the sea. Except Wushan, it is not a cloud. Let the weak water be three thousand, and I will only take one ladle to drink! I only love you in this life.

59. The four lakes of spring water are your love, the summer clouds around the peaks are your love, the autumn moon is your tenderness, and the winter plum and snow are your love.

60. For you, I have unconditionally surrendered. Please sign the love contract, or no one will want me! I am ready to halve my rights and double my obligations. Meeting you is my lucky life; Falling in love with you is the happiness of my life; Losing you is the regret of my life; Without you, I can't feel the shock of my heart.

61. I don't want anything that doesn't belong to me. I don't care for things that are not really given to me, hum.

62. There is no desert in the world. Every time I think of you, God will drop a grain of sand, and then there will be Sahara!

63. I am so eager to see you. You are in every dream. I dreamed of you after a rain. In the morning, I picked the extremely beautiful rainbow in the sky and sent you two words: Miss you!

64. The grass is bearing its seeds, and the wind is shaking its leaves. If we stand and don't speak, it will be very beautiful.

65. Qixi Festival: brave people confess, romantic people date, happy people get married, busy people work overtime, rich people travel, only lonely people read SMS. Lonely now, thanks to my memory: happy holidays!

66. I hope to keep my smile in my heart forever and accompany you through every spring, summer, autumn and winter! I will sincerely pray for you: "May your tomorrow be better!"

67. In the next life, we are still together. If you don't come, I'm not old.

68. The glacier you see in the north is you, the aurora you seek in the south is you, the prayer flags you wander in the west are you, and the Buddhist sutras you convert to in the east are also you. You will never meet in the world, and you will never be happy.

69. It doesn't matter what you do, where you are, or how you do it. The important thing is to be with you.

70. Some people see dust, others see stars, the past has been cleared, love and hate are at will.

71. The Chinese Valentine's Day is coming. Don't you admit your mistake to me? Who let you invade my inner field without authorization, occupy my missing highland without reason, let me feel anxious for no reason, and don't ask me to spend the Double Seventh Festival together!

72. Male: Beauty, do you have a pen? Let me write down the phone number Female: Yes, male: Say, what's your phone number?

73. Before I met you, I didn't want to be forever.

74. The Tanabata Valentine's Day has just passed, and the Green Valentine's Day is coming again, which is simply a double spiritual devastation to single people! Moreover, the ancient and modern cooperation, the combination of Chinese and Western, myth and reality together to destroy ah! There are no single friends!

75. May you extend your loving hand to receive my abundant blessings; Let happiness blossom in bright roses, and welcome the feelings we share

76. Maybe the moon can't represent my heart, but it represents my love for you. I can love you day after day, month after month, year after year, year after year.

77. I will not love you forever, nor will I love you until the day you die. I will love you until the second I die.

78. You are busy. When are you free to marry me?

79. Use this lifetime to find all the feelings for you.

80. I want to be with you, watch sunrise and sunset with you, and collect romantic atmosphere with you.

81. Time does not make people forget the pain, but make people get used to it.

82. It doesn't hurt the spring, but it seems to hurt the spring. In the morning and night, thinking is leisurely, turning into spring waves.

83. Dear little pervert: I love you so much! I also want to learn how to be abnormal and treat people with their own way. Kiss you!

84. Now I have only two wishes. You are beside me.

85, infatuation, it is my promise to you!

86. My love for you is like playing with my mobile phone in a thin quilt

87. On your lonely and sad days, please read my name quietly and say: Someone is missing me. In the world, I live in one person's heart.

88. Love is a high fever. Those who are burning silly go to get married. Those who have fever go away. Those who are crazy about it are burning.

89. "The sun appears for an average of 12 hours a day. Do you know why it is so long

90. The reality is always so outrageous.

91. You will become a little star, shining in others' world, so I will hide you in my eyes before I fall asleep.

92. I thought the sweetest strawberry jam in the world was you.

93. Even if we stumble along the way, I just want to go through this life with you.

94. You don't have all the looks I like, but I like all the looks of you.

95. One day, I am used to your directness, and you have guessed my duplicity. We look at each other and smile, holding the hand of our son, and we are white headed.

96. You are my favorite girl and you won't change anything

97. When I meet you, my love is surging. Everything in the world is romantic.

98. I went to take a bath. I should love you as soon as possible.

99. When I wake up every morning, I see you and the sun are there. This is the future I want.

100. After farewell, we miss each other in two places, just saying that in three or four minutes, but who knows that five or six hours and seven hearts are like carrying water, there is no way to pass on the eight lines of calligraphy, there is a long life in the world, and I love you in the Ten Mile Pavilion!