Sentences describing the passage of time
Rainy Rose
2023-04-26 22:44:38
Complete sentences

1. A thousand miles of solitary graves, where there is no desolation.

2. Sages do not value the wall of a foot but the Yin of an inch.

3. In, we still remember the beacon fire on Yangzhou Road.

4. Life is too short to be petty.

5. The time of life is fleeting, so we can set the date as early as possible.

6. Ten thousand miles of grief and severe punishment, a hundred years of dying Zhongxing.

7. If the world is tired by tomorrow, the old general will arrive after spring and autumn.

8. The cold rootstocks in September hasten the leaves of trees, and the ten years of garrison recall Liaoyang.

9. Time flies like an arrow, and time flies like a steed to drive away young people.

10. A small street in the south of the city is in spring again. There are no people but plum blossoms.

11. How to be willing to go to the autumn day with the setting sun and cicadas.

12. One hundred years old is like fingers twirling, and life has been rare for seventy years.

13. The flowers will bloom again, and life will never be young again.

14. Winter is more than one year old, night is more than one day, and rainy is more than one hour.

15. Time is a war drum, which can encourage us to speed up our pace.

16. The sky can be filled, the sea can be filled, and the mountains can be moved. The sun and the moon pass by, and cannot be recovered.

17. Time is like a dose of good medicine, it can help us alleviate the pain in our hearts.

18. Time is a loan, and even the creditworthy borrower cannot afford it.

19. When they hold hands for a long time, the freshness will fade, and gradually there will be cracks.

20. Smile not because happiness lasts too long, but because you forget to be sad for too long

21. The fleeting years have passed, and there are thousands of dreams. False fame and vanity, but lost many good times.

22. Falling flowers will not have fragrance, flowing water will not return, and time will not return.

23. All things should be done at the present time, instead of waiting for tomorrow to waste time.

24. As long as you follow the pace of time closely, the god of luck will always follow you.

25. You can create as much happiness as possible to fill time. You can't live with time to accompany happiness.

26. Find time to think about what you did in a day, whether it was a plus sign or a minus sign.

27. Those who use minutes to calculate time have 59 times more time than those who use hours to calculate time.

28. Time is short, and the horizon is far away. In the future, one mountain, one water, one night, go quietly.

29. Time is the soil of all achievements in the world. Time brings pain to dreamers and happiness to creators.

30. Wait for the time to clear, the years to flow, and the wine to have fun. In the dream, youth is not like you and I have seen for the first time.

31. Grasp the time and grasp the understanding. Through the bustle of the world of mortals, the deep time is still the quiet beauty of years.

32. Time has three steps: the future comes late, the present flies like an arrow, and the past never moves.

33. Time has three steps: the future comes late, the present flies like an arrow, and the past never moves.

34. In this life, we need to fall in love with many people at first sight, please some people, and then grow old together.

35. Time is scattered between the fingers, and the golden scenery in the left hand is prosperous, but it can't reach half of the city in the right hand.

36. Time flies, time flows, and after all the vicissitudes, we finally return to the starting point. Although there are many scars and emaciated body and mind along the way.

37. Those things that we think we will never forget are forgotten by us in the process of not forgetting every year.

38. The past is like smoke, shaking off the dust all over the place. Time is always in a hurry.

39. I may have been full of passion and confidence when I walked for a while, but I found that my passion had declined and my confidence did not know where to go.

40. The progress we have made is enough to inspire people. But compared with everything we will have in the future, everything today is insignificant.

41. Life is full of white clouds, and there are many vicissitudes and tears drifting away; Life is short, sweat, precipitation is how many past events and memories.

42. It is always in the old songs that I will fully realize my warmth. The golden years, coupled with simple old songs, will also be coupled with real joys and sorrows.

43. In the chaotic years, the maple leaves of Fragrant Hills should also be red. They are enchanting and blooming with pride. That touch of red glow warms this season's wandering and thin cool.

44. When the wind blows gently and the flowers settle down, time steps on the light footsteps and rolls up the beauty of the past. In the last chapter of the night, the sweet fragrance was dispersed.

45. Life is like a dream of spring and autumn, half joy and half sorrow. In the painting, clouds and smoke are in the air, and the shuttle is as bright as water. He who is devoted to good deeds is not stupid, and he will be happy without any hindrance.

46. Happiness has to go so many ways. It takes so long to make so many efforts, but it takes only one step to destroy it. In a flash, it doesn't take much soot blowing.

47. Time is like an hourglass, a naughty hourglass. Those pieces of good time were thrown away one by one, rolled flat, and we can no longer pick them up.

48. Childhood time is always interspersed in the gaps of countless years later, which is very memorable, just like the paper kite flying far away in my heart long ago.

49. All the more successful scientific workers, without exception, are experts in using time and are determined to devote a lot of time to work.

50. The passing years, the passing myths, these promises are the will of God, the gentle universe, what can I do on this small planet? Only in the passage of waiting for new miracles.

51. Sporadic time, if used agilely, can become complete time. The so-called "building a mountain from accumulated soil" is also that it is easy to lose one day, and there is no way to get back.

52. The merciless old man of Time is like a cold wind, blowing away the freshness of everything. But as long as you hurry with him, there will be nothing to regret when you get old.

53. We have lost the most innocent years, but in autumn, we have gained the charm and beauty of maturity and vicissitudes of life, which are pregnant with wind, frost, rain and snow. Not amazing, not flashy, not pretentious.

54. Time can neither be seen nor touched. When you don't notice it, it has quietly passed you by. Maybe you have waited, but what can you do?

55. Time is the best medicine to heal the pain. It can make people learn to forget and let go. The most beautiful time is who you met, and the deepest world of mortals is who you missed.

56. Time can make deep things deeper and shallow things shallower. Time tells us that love must grow with time, because the best love is in the deepest place of time.

57. When the swallow goes, it will come again; When the willows are withered, they will be green again; The peach blossom has withered and will bloom again. But, wise man, tell me, why are our days gone forever?

58. Time flies without trace. The past can not be repeated with the passage of time, hazy waiting, inexplicable expectations, beautiful fantasies, dim time like walking corpses, unwilling to recall.

59. As time goes by, you can never look back. In many ways, time is the most precious thing we have. But most of us treat time as if it had little value.

60. It is a lifelong wish to be a quiet woman who is far away from the world. However, there are so many people who are flashy. How can you stay away from the world? How can you keep your feet wet when you are in a big dye vat?

61. With the siege of time, my pace becomes more and more heavy and slow. Time seems to have forced me into a dead corner, and I fell into a Jedi. I can't save anything. I have to bear the pain and walk forward with difficulty step by step.

62. Thank you for the years. Let's accompany each other and comfort each other when we are down. From then on, we know that there must be someone in this world, like a family member, who can not only share hardships with you, but also sincerely share happiness with you.

63. Days are always like fine sand flowing through the fingertips, slipping down quietly. The sadness and sadness of the past passed away gently with the waves, and the joy and dimple left behind are fresh in the deep memory.

64. Time passes through the branches of time with long care. I will let you have an infatuation with thousands of years of waiting, which will ignite the flowering period of your life. The beauty is old and faded. After many twists and turns, you have been waiting for me in the Ten Mile Peach Blossom Garden.

65. As time goes by, a ray of spring flows out and a fragrance flows out; Tooth month ring, only pale face, helpless waiting; When recalling quicksand, no one could see his figure, no one could hear his steps, everything was going on and breaking out in the passage.

66. I often think that memory is the most easily blurred thing, and it will fade away in groups as time goes by. The boring life in middle school is gradually fading away. There are only a few unforgettable glances, firmly stuck in the memory.

67. Yesterday passed away silently with memories, today comes quietly with hope, and tomorrow awaits people with shining light. Some people are immersed in memories, they are attached to yesterday; Some people are intoxicated with dreams and look forward to tomorrow. Both of them forget that what should be valued most is today.

68. Youth passes so fast that even if we can't catch it, we can't catch it. Sometimes, from getting up in the morning to going to bed at night, you will feel that time flows fast. Who stole our youth, or did we run away? No one knows. Is it so easy for you to see an invisible person coming and going?

69. Life is such a rush. Life is an illusion. In fact, over the years, everyone is not in this false journey? Crying in the real smile, laughing in the real cry, a piece of misty rain, half curtain of dreams, many times, we have to admit that life is not lonely, just don't want to say.

70. In my childhood, I was still so reckless and did not understand anything, just like a carefree bird. Now, when I grow up, it is not like once. At this time, I suddenly realize that time has passed. Like a drop of water on the tip of a needle, it flows into the sea. My youth stays in time, and there is nothing left. I couldn't help crying.