Delightful Writing
make progress every day
2023-06-27 07:11:03
Complete sentences

1. Looking back, I still have a smile on my face, maybe I really put it down.

2. Drink when you have wine, and love when you have affection. Life is so short, and it will really pass after a few more restrictions.

3. When most people are concerned about whether you fly high or not, only a small number of people are concerned about whether you are tired or not.

4. The heart is not big, don't put everything into it. To be entangled with yesterday is to desecrate today and tomorrow.

5. People always want to let ghosts and gods know when they do good things, and they always think that ghosts and gods don't know when they do bad things. We are too embarrassed for ghosts and gods.

6. In this society, if you want to gain a firm foothold, you should remember three points: see people's strengths, help people with difficulties, and remember people's benefits.

7. The best revenge is not hatred, but coldness from the bottom of my heart. Why bother hating an irrelevant person

8. What others see is shoes, and what they feel is feet. Don't covet the luxury of shoes and wronged your feet.

9. The biggest difference between people is not that they are smart and stupid, rich and poor, but that they have a correct attitude.

10. You should find out the script of your own life. You are not a sequel to your parents, a prequel to your children, or a profile of your friends.

11. Being a man like grass, because of the ordinary, so vast, because of the steadfast, so fearless of the wind and rain, because of the low-key, so endless.

12. In the years, some things, seemingly mottled and antique, are enough to fill the heart. As if the years are old, the heart is the original color.

13. Everything is complicated and changeable. You must see through everything and be open-minded. If you think only of the bad, the sky of your heart will only be covered with melancholy clouds.

14. Life is a fierce battle, whether it's pain relievers or slaps, it's all about training your courage alone.

15. When the tea is cold, don't continue it. It's not the original taste; People leave, don't stay, and it's not the original feeling to stay.

16. We need to understand love, pain, truth and hatred. All love and hatred in life can make us meet better ourselves on the way of practice.

17. If you change the idea of "why does this happen to me?" to "what does this thing want to teach me?" then you will find that everything around you has changed.

18. Not willing to fight with them is respect. Each has its own way of life and space. More tolerance, more magnanimity, wave your hand, smile, life is no big deal.

19. I hope you can have the joy of a child when you accidentally get something you like. When they have no choice but to lose something they love, they are as calm and relieved as those who try hard to learn.

20. There are three times of growth in life: one is to find that you are no longer the center of the world; Second, I found that no matter how hard I tried, I could do nothing; The third is to accept your own ordinariness and enjoy it.

21. People are as difficult as a hundred people want. What others think and how they evaluate is beyond our control. Just do what we should do. If you care too much about others' eyes, you will be very tired.

22. You run for yourself. Every heartbreak, every tear run, make you strong. When you are strong, you will meet someone stronger than you; When you become better, you deserve better.

23. Every day is both a destination and a starting point. No matter how good the past is, it will become the past; No matter how bad it is now, we will experience it. Smile at yourself, and the whole world will smile.

24. Everyone grows and ages quietly in silent changes. Unconsciously, those who used to be passionate and persistent, those who used to be naive and dreamy, have long gone away in the years.

25. When you cross the mountain and paddle across the river, you will always realize the Zen of tea fragrance in a decisive way, you will always feel the rustle of Suyun in the blue sky, and you will always appreciate life when the flowers fall. When I look back, the blue light falls on my face, and the moon shines on the stars.

26. When people are alive, there are many things they can't say. Sometimes go too far, often forget the original road; Sometimes I can see too clearly, often I can't see anything; Sometimes I think too much and often lose myself.

27. People who can fall in love with many people in their lives will understand that the former pain is actually a kind of wealth, which enables you to better grasp and cherish the people you love when you get your own happiness.

28. Morning after light wind and crisp rain. According to the almanac, it is better to bathe in waste. In fact, every morning should be a new beginning. Although there is no sunshine, I wish you a new happiness, just like the rising sun.

29. One day, you will know that people's hearts can not be replaced by people's hearts, and earnest can not get deep feelings. In this world, there are always ungrateful people and ungrateful hearts. Not everyone can be trusted, and not everyone is willing to pay sincerely.

30. I always think that there will be repercussions if I can't forget. I always think that there is a long way to go and that there is a lot of time to spend. When the morning sun shines through the window lattice, through the memory, and falls in those faraway times, I realize that there is a long way to go, and there are already thousands of mountains and rivers apart.

31. After overcoming sadness and pain, our life will be as bright as the sun in midsummer. Time can fade the memory and change the scenery, but if you stick to it, it will not be lost.

32. Learn to smile even when you encounter something unpleasant. In any case, there is something worth smiling about. In memory, some moments are not special when you experience them, but when you recall them, they are worth a thousand words. No matter how carefully you speak, someone will misunderstand you.

33. If you really want to do something, you will try your best to do it even if you encounter many obstacles. However, if you don't really want to accomplish something, even if the road ahead is smooth, you will try all reasons to stop yourself from moving forward.

34. Maturity is not the heart getting old, but the calm after prosperity. Life is like a tree, growing in the wind and rain, blossoming in the sun, with numerous flowers falling and fruitful results. The brilliance of the flowering season and the sadness of the rainy season gradually fade away with the growth rings, which are precipitated in the heart, half of which are the pursuit of beauty and half of which are the acceptance of the incomplete.

35. The way to make friends is also the way to live in the world. It is more important to be honest. Frankly express their needs and views; Sincerity, taking into account the position of others. Pay attention to long-term relations and pay less attention to short-term interests. Although sometimes you will suffer losses, you will always make friends who know the general situation. No confidence in friends, but also no confidence in the world.