Sentences on the Revival of All Things About Mood (23 selected sentences)
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2023-01-28 16:39:49
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1. In the warm spring, everything recovers, and the canal water, like a little girl just waking up, is full of vitality, singing new songs and running forward.

2. The spring outside the Great Wall always comes slowly. In May, when everything on the grassland recovers, the trees turn green, and the grassland is still yellow. Only the sprouts that are slowly emerging from the soil bring spring to the land

3. As soon as Grandpa Winter left, Miss Spring came quietly to the world with a hundred flower basket, accompanied by the spring wind and rain. Suddenly, everything on the earth recovered, and the smell of flowers in the black language showed a school of vitality.

4. In spring, when the spring is warm and the flowers bloom, everything recovers and the peach blossom opens.

5. Everything revives and flowers bloom in spring. The character of Zijinghua, playing chess, also opens quietly in spring.

6. The spring breeze is blowing on your face, making you relaxed and happy. Spring has come and everything has come back to life. Spring came and the animals woke up. Spring has come, and the spring breeze has replaced the cold west wind. I am in a good mood.

7. I point to you to the south. I love you as a sunken ship in the deep sea. When you come, everything will recover. When you leave, the world will become desolate.

8. The plum blossom bloomed in the cold wind. In winter, when everything is exhausted, the plum blossom is still proudly blooming alone. In spring, when everything recovers and plum blossom leaves alone, will it be it that opens the door of spring.

9. It is said that you will come back when spring comes, and the recovery of everything may not be spring, after all, you did not come back, right?

10. I like spring, the spring when everything recovers, the spring full of hope, the spring full of vitality, the spring full of green and the spring of life.

11. What a good spring rain!

12. Spring is coming. Although the weather is a little cold, everything is reviving and full of vitality. It is a fascinating season.

13. When you are moved, everything recovers, everything rushes to joy, and when you are sad, everything disappears, and everything belongs to sigh.

14. Spring is like a fairy tale fairy. Everywhere we go, everything recovers, trees sprout, flowers open and smile, and the earth is clothed with green new clothes.

15. One person is afraid of loneliness, and two people are afraid of disappointments. When you are moved, everything recovers. When you are sad, everything disappears. The furthest distance in the world is not love or hate, but the familiar people, who gradually become unfamiliar.

16. The sun makes the crops harvest, the sun drives away the darkness, the sun makes our life bright, and the sun revives everything. In short, the role of the sun is countless.

17. When spring is warm and flowers bloom, everything recovers, flowers compete with each other, and peach blossom is unwilling to be outdone.

18. In the spring, everything is revived and the spring rain is flowing. It is like a painter with gentle steps. If you are not careful, it has printed colors on every corner of the earth.

19. Spring is like a beautiful fairy. Everywhere we go, everything comes back to life. Flowers bloom with smiles and grass sticks out of our heads. The earth is full of life.

20. Spring girl comes to the world slowly. Ice and snow melt and everything recovers. The green grass, green leaves and colorful words form a vibrant picture of spring.

21. I have crossed mountains and waded through water. I have seen everything recover and start again and again. Now, mountains are you and water is you.

22. Spring returns to the earth and everything recovers. It is also a year of green grass and a year of red flowers. On the field, the grass has changed into green clothes, full of vitality.

23. In the season when everything recovers from winter to spring, the trip to the wildlife park organized by the school is really time for children to finally release the haze of the whole winter under the close contact with nature.