Inspirational Quotations for High School Students in the New Semester of 2022 (73 selected sentences)
2023-05-22 17:50:45

1. Don't stay up too late. Make good use of 45 minutes in class. You can definitely get twice the result with half the effort!

2. Desire to enhance enthusiasm, perseverance to smooth mountains.

3. Let's harvest every day of life wholeheartedly, feel the beauty of life in ordinary days, and feel the joy of labor and the expectation of harvest in farming.

4. Some people have no glory in their life, not because they can't be brilliant, but because they have no brilliant idea in their mind, or do not know how to be brilliant.

5. The college entrance examination is an exercise that millions of people take part in.

6. Children without umbrellas must run hard.

7. In fact, if the test papers are all the same, I may also be at Tsinghua University in Fudan.

8. Perseverance can conquer any peak in the world!

9. Students with weak English foundation must read the required words more than three times and recite more passages.

10. Practice is the college entrance exam, and college entrance exam is practice.

11. Don't lose yourself in your busy life. After studying, enjoy life, and your mood will blossom like a flower.

12. If you are more persistent than others, you will create miracles.

13. For some non written homework in Chinese and English, don't do it because there are too many homework, or you will regret it. A necessary link in Chinese review is to remember the meaning of words, sounds, shapes and idioms.

14. The college entrance examination is really a harvest, which contains too much connotation. No matter what your college entrance examination results are, your growth and maturity is a fact that no one can change. After three years of hard work, you have gained too much.

15. To put it bluntly, it's not difficult to improve your performance. It depends on whether you are willing to work hard to accumulate - do more questions and summarize more.

16. Keep an eye on the present, don't indulge in fun, don't indulge in learning and progress without the pain of others.

17. Power must be found in yourself, and you will eventually find that you are the real strong!

18. Maths can't be separated from problem solving, so you must write frequently.

19. Don't say who you love most. Life is still long and you can't predict tomorrow.

20. Twist it into a rope, do your best, and work hard to realize a dream.

21. A pessimist is still dead in life, while an optimist is never old.

22. Be grateful and never give up! Even in the most violent wind and rain, we should have the courage to raise our heads and face the front. Because please believe: any suffering experience, as long as it is not destruction, is wealth!

23. There are many choices in life. Be careful at every step. But one choice can't decide everything. Don't hesitate, make a choice and don't regret it. As long as we can work tirelessly, victory is ahead.

24. Those who always want to win will lose, and those who are not afraid of losing will win.

25. Difficulties and hardships are the source of happiness, and comfortable enjoyment is the beginning of suffering.

26. Life is too short. If you give up today, you may not get it tomorrow.

27. Everyone should have a lighted candle in his heart. Through our efforts, the flame will become bigger and brighter. The candle in our heart is our goal of unremitting struggle.

28. Don't fall in love, especially girls. After one year, they won't come back. But when they fall in love, boys are not afraid of losing their wives.

29. In the face of the "top score" of the college entrance examination paper, I am determined to win, and I will not donate anything; More points are better than losses.

30. We don't want to compare with others, but to surpass ourselves. If we want to cry, we will cry out excited tears, and if we want to laugh, we will laugh out our growing character.

31. Do a good job and cherish the people in front of you.

32. It is not necessary to study every minute, but to learn every minute.

33. Even if it is the most hopeless thing, as long as there is a brave person who insists on doing it, there will be hope in the end.

34. If you don't have a history of struggle filled with tears when you think about it, you will live in vain.

35. No matter how great you think you are, there will always be someone stronger than you; No matter how unfortunate you feel, there will always be someone more unfortunate than you.

36. The more a person cares about the place, the most inferiority.

37. Life itself is a miracle. Everyone should be brave to dream and create miracles.