Love, talk about touching
Untroubled ronin
2023-02-12 03:48:42
Complete sentences

1. Time does not make people forget the pain, but make people get used to it.

2. If a person has not updated his/her status signature for a long time, he/she must be well off!

3. Time is like a river. The left bank is an unforgettable memory, and the right bank is a time of youth worth grasping. What flows quickly in the middle is a young and faint sadness.

4. We try our best to do everything well, but we are not persistent. Even if the result is not as expected, we do not care. That is the realm of no desire.

5. I want to see it a little, and then a little, until I don't want to see it.

6. I thought you really cared about me, but later I realized that this was just a reason for you to excuse me.

7. My patience, my moderation, my carelessness, my mouth, meaningless. What do you think

8. The sound of the cello is like a river. The left bank is my unforgettable memory, the right bank is my bright years worth grasping, and what flows in the middle is my light sadness from year to year!

9. Women should be like men sometimes, brave, independent and responsible. Since you can't satisfy everyone, please satisfy yourself.

10. Sometimes, we are willing to forgive a person, not because we are really willing to forgive him, but because we are unwilling to lose him. Don't want to lose him, only pretend to forgive.

11. After the pain, you will not feel pain, and some will only be an indifferent heart.

12. We are parallel rails and will not be dislocated unless an accident occurs.

13. Don't think that if you don't meet often, your feelings will fade. I tell you, with our friendship at the beginning, I dare to be wild in your life all my life.

14. When life is not satisfactory, it is a long holiday given by God, and you should enjoy the holiday at this time. When one day's holiday ended suddenly, fortune turned and life really began.

15. I am in a good mood to enjoy flowers on the outing, eliminating worries and worries; Spring rain is as precious as oil, bringing hope and hope; Spring dew is sweet on the branches, and the harvest is sweet and happy for a long time; The spring breeze gently blows the willows and leaves no room for bad luck; The warm spring sun warms my heart and sends greetings continuously; Wishing you peace and longevity with bright spring flowers. Ching Ming Festival, I wish you all the best!

16. Some people are like the sea water where the Baltic Sea and the North Sea meet, but they can't be merged when they meet.

17. If one day, my words or signatures are no longer updated frequently, it will prove that I am well off.

18. The happiest love has no words. The most romantic love is to grow old with you.

19. The most beautiful side is only half of the incomplete side

20. Happiness is very simple, but can not say; Happiness is not simple, but can be seen everywhere. For me, the happiest thing in my life is to look at my friends and be happy one by one.

21. Looking for a Breeze to Place the Script of Youth

22. I have liked you for a long time and waited for you for a long time. Now I want to leave you, which is longer than a long time. Everyone has a blind corner. They can't get out by themselves and others can't get in. The deepest secret is there.