Tfboys, 93 sentences
Beloved old lover
2023-04-30 16:12:12
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1. I was poisoned by TF.

2. If you don't love TF, I can't do it.

3. There is a kind of grass that lasts for ten years.

4. Kaiyuan Seal has always been there, and four leaf clover is always with us.

5. You hate TFboys, and I also hate you.

6. Two sources are not cute, Xiao Kai is not handsome, and Qian Zong is not cool.

7. Never lose or forget the ten-year agreement. I will keep this promise for a lifetime.

8. I am determined to stay the same and treat you with great radiance [TFBOYS]

9. I have a heart that is immune to all poisons, because there are three in it.

10. Four leaf clover will bloom beautifully in the future, and now you are my flower sea.

11. If you can't find me in the crowd. Please shout tfboys.

12. If loving TFBOYS is a disease, I have already given up treatment.

13. While I'm still here, while I'm still in love, I've been with you for every ten years.

14. You can dislike TFboys, but you are not qualified to scold them!

15. In a few years, when we think of tf, it must be our best memory!

16. Tfboys, you are only responsible for lighting up. Four leaf clover is used to block gossip.

17. If TF is taking feces, then HF (black powder) is drinking feces!

18. The sky is vast and the wild is vast, so we all go to buy Yake candy, as long as the packaging does not require sugar.

19. If Shuai Mengku can be used as food, TFboys can feed the world.

20. If God kissed Wang Yuan for his good looks, he must have been kissed by God.

21. TFboys, they are one inch from the fourth rib in my left chest.

22. TF, you are oxygen. Without your four leaf clover, it is difficult for people to breathe.

23. You are like the sun. You feel warm when you look at it. TF-boys

24. You stick to your dreams on the stage, and we guard your persistence off the stage.

25. No matter how many ten years, four leaf clover will never leave. Time will never grow old, and we will never part!

26. TFBOYS has been used to raising his head reflexively when hearing your name.

27. Even if the fluorescent wand in my hand turns into a crutch, I will always guard you three.

28. Some people said that they wanted a perfect combination, so God created TFBOYS.

29. Baidu checked how the next meter came first, and the best answer was that Sanxiao was molested at the end.

30. Please cherish the TF of three people, because there is no time to wait for the EXO of twelve people.

31. You were stubborn and refused to bow to the world, but you bowed to the four leaf clover!

32. Kaikai, if you were in front of me, I would carry you all the way to the Civil Affairs Bureau.

33. I said that Yuanyuan is exquisite, Xiao Kai is cool and handsome, and thousands of people are cold. Do you agree!

34. Give me a test paper about TFBOYS, so that you can see what Xueba is!

35. You are like the sun of four leaf clover, which we cannot refuse.

36. Four leaf clover will be in full bloom for TFBOYS in the future. Now you are our flower sea.

37. I just love Dayuan, Kaiye, Qianxi and TFBOYS. You bite me!

38. Do you know why four leaf clover is also called lucky grass? Because they met TFBOYS.

39. You once stubbornly refused to bow to the world, but bowed 90 ° for four leaf clover!

40. If you are willing to peel off my heart layer by layer, you will find that you will be surprised that TF is all inside.

41. Now the most inspiring sentence for me to learn: How can I go to see TFBOYS if I don't study hard!

42. We will never give up our ten-year commitment. We will gather together because of the source, sing a song of triumph all the way, seal our youth, and walk with four leaf clover.

43. Four leaf clover guards tfboys, three boys and one agreement that will not break its promise.

44. Yuanlai is the Kaimo in my heart. I hope they don't need any gorgeous language to give reasons.

45. Baidu checked how to win the first place at 1500 meters. The best answer is that Sanxiao was molested at the end.

46. The young man standing on the stage is my unreachable lover, and I can't get rid of him.

47. From the fluorescent stick to the crutch, I am still here. You are the sun, you are the direction, you are my first and last heaven.

48. I would like to accompany you on the farthest road with my initial heart to TF

49. There are two kinds of grass in the world. One is Qi Baicao, the three male gods in the north, and the other is four leaf grass, the three male gods.

50, 10 or 20 years, when you are old, ugly or fat, I still love you, tfboys.

51. My mother said that I could not hang myself from one tree. Well, I will hang myself from the three trees of TFBOYS!

52. Eason Chan has taught us how to sing for ten years, and TFboys has taught us how to go forward for ten years.

53. Four leaf clover has three treasures: Kaibao, Yuanbao and Xibao; Three treasures have three virtues: good study, good eloquence and good dancing.

54. In this changeable world, the only constant is their efforts, simplicity and love for four leaf clover.

55. Love you as long as your heart beats -- To TFboys

56. I would like to accompany you on the farthest road with my initial heart—— To TF

57. There is a combination called TFBOYS, a grass called clover, and a unity called Kaiyuanxi.

58. Wang Yuan is milk, pure and flawless; Qianxi is milk tea, gentle and delicate; Wang Junkai is Sprite, domineering and leaky.

59. They are faith, they are light, they are heart, they are my life, they are TFBOYS.

60. When Wang Junkai smiles, his eyes glow. When Wang Yuan smiles, there are stars in his eyes. When Qian Xi smiles, there is sunshine in his eyes.

61. Over ten years of spring and autumn, just for your one day appointment—— To TFBOYS

62. Love him, love him, love him, love him, love him, love him, love him, love him, love him, love him, love him forever.

63. TFBOYS, loving you is as natural as breathing, but I can hold my breath, but I can't stop loving you.

64. The furthest distance in the world is not between life and death, but when I saw the standing cards of tfboys, I couldn't take them home.

65. Wang Junkai is the eternal lover, Yi Shuqian is the constant lover, Wang Yuan is the full lover, and TFBOYS is the lifelong lover.

66. Follow my left hand and right hand in a slow motion, and the right hand and left hand in a slow motion replay. This song gives you happiness. Do you fall in love with me.

67. There are only three people in the world. Let me put down all my pride—— TFboys

68. I have been crazy since the moment I fell in love with you. I love you not because of anything else, but because your name is TFBOYS.

69. The plant I like is four leaf clover, the animal I like is crab, the food I like is tangyuan, and the paper crane I like to fold.

70. The lemon will not be sour, the bitter gourd will not be bitter, the mint will not be cold, the earth will not rotate, and the clover will not love TFBOYS.

71. TFBOYS Ten years later, if you have your own girlfriend, you will be the boy I haven't chased for ten years.

72. TFBOYS, the world is too big, and you are a dream I cannot touch. The world is so small that there are four leaf clovers everywhere.

73. Ten years is long or short, but I will accompany you every ten years - TFBoys

74. When you become famous all over the world, I will be proud of knowing you so early - to tfboys

75. There are a total of English letters in the alphabet, but I like the six letters "TFBOYS" best.

76. There are 26 English letters in the alphabet, but I like the six letters "TFBOYS" best.

77. It is not when I met you at the best time, but when you are here, I have the best time—— TFBOYS

78. You once stubbornly refused to bow to the world, but bowed 90 ° for four leaf clover—— To TFBOYS

79. Wang Junkai is a high-end, grand and upscale person. Wang Yuan is crazy to pull the cool and cute sky, and Qianxi has a deep cool atmosphere - to TFBOYS

80. "Who will you save first when Junkai and Ma Ma fall into the water?" "I will not let the person I love fall into the water"

81. There are always some people who ask me why I like TF. To this end, I just want to say: "I don't like TF. It's hard to like you!"

82. ldquo; Why do you add so many clovers to QQ? Don't talk "" Nothing, just look at it with ease "

83. ldquo; Why is four leaf clover also called lucky grass? " "Because they met TFBOYS!"

84. In fact, I am very tired. Don't work so hard. Take a rest. Nobody will blame you. You are still young - TFBOYS

85. ldquo; It's the shyest to change clothes in front of your boyfriend every day. "" It's just a few posters on the wall. "

86. "Boys better not black TF" "Why" "I'm afraid you can't make a girlfriend"

87. "TFBOYS is mine." "It's mine." "Go find Mingming."

88. "Don't you mind turning off the lights at night and sleeping alone?" "Don't be afraid. Look, there are TFBOYS on the wall. They will shine."

89. "What do you like most about Wang Yuan's clothes?" "The emperor's new clothes." "I seem to understand something."

90. "Who is important between TFBOYS and your parents?" "Parents are the world, TFBOYS is the sun, and my world cannot be without the sun"

91. ldquo; I dreamed of TFBOYS, saying, "All dreams are negative." "You mean that TFBOYS dreamed of me."

92. "TFBOYS has a weight of 24 grams in my heart" "Ah! So light!" "24 grams is the weight of the soul"

93. "Can someone make you a lady in a second?" "Yes" "Who" "tfboys"