Super short greetings on Mother's Day
The night is dim
2023-06-13 20:20:14
Blessing words

1. Dear mother: Time has burned your youth, but your care and encouragement will accompany me through a stormy life. Use my heart to smooth the wrinkles on your forehead, and use my feelings to darken the white hair on your head. Happy Mother's Day!

2. As time goes by, Mom, your wrinkles are also increasing day and night. But, Mom, do you know that you are always beautiful and beautiful in my heart. Mom, "Mother's Day is coming. Mom, I wish you a happy Mother's Day, and I wish you always young and beautiful.

3. In this world, family love always makes life full of ordinary but lasting warmth. Family love runs through life. Therefore, we wish every mother in the world a happy Mother's Day!

4. You fed me with the sweet milk; It is also that you have spared no pains to escort me on my way of growth. No words, no regrets! Here, my son says hello to you. Thank you, Mom! Wish you a happy holiday

5. A mother's love is an umbrella in the heavy rain, a bowl of hot noodle soup in the cold, a rough hand, and a sweet smile. Tomorrow Mother's Day, I wish my mother happy and happy, happy always!

6. You show me the way with your love, making my life easy, firm, happy and correct. I remember your hard work in my heart, mom, thank you, and wish you a happy Mother's Day!

7. Who gives you life and brings you to this world with warmth. Who nurtures you to grow up, let you know what great love is selfless only for you. Mother, she is greater than anyone, to honor Mother's Day.

8. Today is Mother's Day! On behalf of the vast old men, I would like to pay high tribute to the beautiful women/hot mothers who have not become but will become, have become or will become mothers in the future! You are the most beautiful! Happy Mother's Day!

9. Mother's Day is coming. May mother be healthy and always smiling!

10. Please forgive me, this clumsy son (daughter), he really does not love.

11. Many words are hidden in my mouth, many feelings are hidden in my heart, and many feelings are hidden in ordinary days. Let me expose them on Mother's Day. Thank you, dear mother. I wish you a happy holiday, happy health, and happy every day!

12. I would like to be a handful of streams to take away your worries; I would like to be a wisp of breeze, blowing away your fatigue; I would like to be a white cloud, embellishing your mood; I would like to be a small flower, fragrant your years. I wish you happiness and health on Mother's Day!

13. Mother's smile is like a gentle spring breeze, blowing my face.

14. In the child's mouth and heart, the mother is God.

15. I hope you can live for yourself and live happily.

16. All the glory and pride in the world come from mother.

17. Today is Mother's Day. Thank you for your continuous kindness to me, but also thank your mother. Because of her training, I have such an excellent and outstanding friend!

18. When I was young, your praise was the reason for my obedience. When I was reading, your praise was my motivation for diligence. When I grow up, you must be my goal. Now your health is my greatest happiness! Happy Mother's Day!

19. Mother's Day is coming. I wish my dear mother a happy holiday.

20. Mother has given us life, life experience and everything she can give us. We are mother's lifelong care, and mother is our lifelong dependence. On the occasion of Mother's Day, I wish my mother happiness forever!

21. May mother be safe and happy, healthy and happy on Mother's Day.

22. Mother, it is you who guide me to take the first step and help me to move forward. You are my positive spiritual pillar. In the future, I will be filial to you and protect you. On Mother's Day, I wish you all the best, good luck and happy holidays.

23. Maternal love is the wind of summer night, which blows away the stuffy heat and brings cool.

24. Working hard for home and working hard for family. He is virtuous, caring and selfless. On Mother's Day, I wish my mother health and safety. Beautiful and charming, always happy and happy!

25. Mother, you will always be the harbor of my soul. I wish my dear mother health and happiness! The world is always so gentle, only you. Thank you, Mom!

26. Where there is no heaven, there is no earth, where there is life without water, where there is light without sunshine, where there is me without you. Dear mother, Mother's Day, I wish you good health and everything goes well. The younger you live, the more beautiful you are in my heart!

27. On Mother's Day, I wish my dear mother happiness, health, happiness and good luck!

28. May you be safe and happy every day in the days when I can't accompany you.

29. Dear mother, although I can't always be with you, I will miss you wherever I go, just as you always care about me. Mom, on a special day, I want to say to you: Mom, you have worked hard, and I will always love you!

30. Mother's Day is coming. May mothers worry less and smile more. Less disease, more health. Less wrinkles, more beauty. Less white hair, more safety. Happy Mother's Day.

31. You are the one who misses me, you are the one who loves me, you are the one who cares about me, and this person is the mother who gives me life; Mother's Day is coming. I wish you good health and a happy mood.

32. Mom, thank you for giving me life. I wish you health and longevity as a son and daughter on your holiday today. Mother is always the harbor of my soul. I wish my dear mother health and happiness!

33. I have never written anything for you, nor said anything to thank you, but your care and love for me are all in my heart, happy Mother's Day!

34. The needle and thread of mother condense deep feelings. Mother's words and deeds affect the soul. Who can say that the grass heart can win the Three Chunhui? Mother's Day is coming. Remember to offer warm wishes to your mother. I wish you a happy family!

35. Give me the most patient and reasonable person I know. Thank you for being there to support me. Happy Mother's Day.

36. On Mother's Day, make a bowl of longevity noodles with sincerity and filial piety, and wish mother a hundred years of longevity. With sincerity and true feelings, we can make a pot of happiness soup and wish mother happiness and health. With blessings, wishes, send a short message, wish mother happy. Happy Mother's Day.

37. I love you most when I travel all over the country. Through spring, summer, autumn and winter, I love you most. I love you most when I see the world. Taste the bitter, hot, sour and sweet, I love you most! Thank you for loving me and giving me life. Happy Mother's Day!

38. The world is very big, but I can't get out of your concern; The world is very wide, but I can't leave your knitting affection; The sea is deep, but not as good as your upbringing. Mom, a thousand words can't express my gratitude. I wish you a happy holiday and I love you!

39. When Mother's Day comes, send a short message to bless the mother. May the mother be more happy, less upset, more happy, less sad, more smiling and less painful. I wish her a happy and happy life.

40. Bless you, dear mother, happy Mother's Day, safe life and happiness forever!

41. Thanks to my mother. When I am frustrated and my eyes are blurred, it is my mother who has great tenderness that enlightened me, found a guide for me on the road of life, and guided me forward.

42. Mother's Day is a day of blessing. I wish my mother always good health!

43. Maternal love is selfless, and the world is wide; Family love is new and warm in the world.

44. Even if my journey is far, it is far from your concern; No matter how great my achievements are, they are no more than your gentle care; Today I want to be by your side and tell you quietly, Mom, I love you.

45. Mother's Day is coming. Don't forget to call home and tell your mother some confidences. Don't let her worry about you any more. May our dear mother always be healthy, happy and safe.

46. Carnations, infinite gratitude, Mother's Day, all happiness to mother.

47. Mom, happy holidays! I am busy recently, but I will also take time to go home to see you. You should take care of yourself! Mom, no matter where you are, there is the place we are most happy and yearning for.

48. After walking through thousands of mountains and rivers, seeing the ebb and flow of tides, experiencing the ups and downs of wind and rain, tasting the ups and downs, I always feel your arms are the warmest! No matter how far I go, my heart will always be attached. Happy Mother's Day!

49. No matter how big the world is, mother will always be the most beautiful focus.

50. When you are happy, you are happier than me; When you are sad, you are more sad than me; When frustrated, you are more worried than me; When you succeed, you are more proud than me. Good and great mother, I wish you happiness, health and longevity!

51. There is no love in the world that can surpass your love, no flower that can be more beautiful than you, no face that can be more kind than you, and you have the most beautiful name in the world: Mom!

52. Mother, believe me, my daughter has her own reward.

53. A child without a mother is like a broken kite, drifting around without direction.

54. Without the sun, flowers cannot bloom brightly; Without mother, we can't grow up happily; Sheep have the grace of kneeling milk, and crows have the filial piety of feeding back; Mother's Day is coming. Don't forget to send a text message to your mother. Happy Mother's Day.

55. It is the wish of every parent to hope that his son will become a dragon and his daughter will become a phoenix. In order for parents to enjoy a happy and healthy old age, please work hard and make progress. Today is Mother's Day. I wish your mother happy every day and always young!

56. Mother! You are the lotus leaf, I am the red lotus. The rain in my heart is coming. Who is the shade under my sky except you? Happy Mother's Day!

57. How many times has my mother covered the fallen quilt for us; How many times has my mother sent us warm clothes; How many times has my mother sent me hard pocket money. Pick up your mobile phone, write a short message, thank your mother!

58. Mom, I will always love you wherever I am.

59. When Mother's Day comes, say hello: I wish my mother health forever!

60. Go all over the mountains and rivers, see the ebb and flow of the tide, taste the ups and downs, and always feel your arms are the warmest! No matter how far I go, my heart is attached. Wish: Happy Mother's Day!

61. After traveling through thousands of mountains and rivers, seeing the world of mortals, experiencing ups and downs, tasting the ups and downs, only the mother's care has never wavered. Today's Mother's Day, remember to go home and give your mother a sincere hug!

62. Without the sun, flowers cannot open; Without love, there is no happiness; Without women, there is no love; Without mothers, there would be no poets and heroes, and there would be no whole world. Happy Mother's Day!

63. Mother's Day is coming. Thank you in May. I wish you happiness and health!

64. There are always so many smiles in front of children. When they are sad, they become a river. Youth and beauty endow them with support. The loneliness of old age combs the years. Mother's love is the spring rain season by season, which moistens the children like flowers and leaves quietly. On Mother's Day, I wish my mother a happy life, peace and health, love you, mother.

65. Mother's Day is coming. I hope my mother can enjoy a happy old age, happy and safe every day.

66. It's so nice to think of you when you are attached to the boundless ocean and undulating waves again and again!

67. Dear mother, on the warm and happy Mother's Day, I use short messages to turn this bunch of beautiful carnations. The "petals" you received are my love wishes! Mom: Mother's Day is warm! Happy Mother's Day! Happy Mother's Day!

68. Mom, I thank you for giving me life, for giving me a colorful life, and for giving me a heart of struggle, enthusiasm and gratitude! Today is Mother's Day, let me say to you: "Mom, thank you! Wish you good health!"

69. Knit happiness into yarn clothes, wrap auspicious buttons, sew safety into leather shoes, and make healthy trousers; To my mother, my dearest mother, I wish her happiness, longevity, peace of mind in her old age, and a lifetime of happiness!

70. One of the most beautiful things in life is maternal love. I am very satisfied because I have always had the most beautiful maternal love, along with my success. Mom, today is your festival. I wish you happy, healthy and healthy every day!