Excerpts from Good Sentences and Paragraphs on Qingming Festival (57 selected sentences)
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2023-03-09 22:51:04
Complete sentences

1. On Tomb Sweeping Day, going to their parents' graves and burning incense, hanging a group of relatives and setting off firecrackers is also a release of the memory of their parents.

2. The clear breeze, carrying infinite sorrow, blows through the valley where you sleep; The clear and bright drizzle, full of affectionate memories, moistens the soil under your feet; Qingming flowers, bearing silent memorial ceremony, wish you rest in heaven!

3. In the drizzling Tomb Sweeping Day, let's stop in front of the tombstone and listen to the voice of history. We feel the brave and fearless spirit of the martyrs. Let's firmly believe in fighting for tomorrow and making our country more prosperous.

4. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, it rained one after another, and I was tired from work and wanted to lose my soul. The boss only frowned when he asked when he would get a raise! The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. I wish you a "clear" and "bright" mood, and happiness will accompany you. Have fun!

5. During the small and long holiday of Tomb Sweeping Day, the work at hand was put aside early: go away, and get rid of your troubles and worries; Shake, you will be more energetic and relaxed; Laugh, smile always remember. Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, I wish you a happy life!

6. Year after year of Qingming, year after year of concern, time after time of missing, minute after minute of 'memory'. Will not forget, will not leave, for the side, leave, work hard, cherish.

7. Qingming rain is my tears, Qingming kite is my missing; Let the kite fly to heaven, it will warm your soul with my missing; Let the rain return to your hometown, and it will moisten your heart with my blessing!

8. Qingming presents you with Qingshan, Qingfeng, Qingquan, Qingshen, Qingshen, Qingxian, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qingming, Qing!

9. During the Tomb Sweeping Festival, willows and willows lean on each other. They miss their old friends and smile for tomorrow.

10. When you close your eyes, do you feel the cool wind blowing in your back bone, hear the desolate ghost crying and wolf howling, and do you have a hand moving on your left shoulder, fool? This is a joke I played on you on Tomb Sweeping Day!

11. The Chinese civilization has a long history and has been passed down for five thousand years. Today, we should strive for self-improvement, keep in mind the martyrs' wills, seek rejuvenation through scientific development, create harmony through spiritual civilization, and promote the prosperity of the Chinese people. The ancestors are smiling in Jiuquan

12. During the Qingming Festival, there were many words. The tourists in the countryside smiled and asked where the restaurant stopped. The peasant women on the roadside welcomed the guests. It was hard to say goodbye when they met. The east wind was weak and the flowers were rushing. Shang Yin played tears. He believed in incense and firecrackers and knew money

13. There are always some flowers in the Qingming Festival. These pure and sorrowful flowers in the image world shed tears when they open their eyes and close their vision; Maybe this rain is just my endless sorrow to vent, after venting, everything is fine.

14. The spring rain is continuous, the road is long, the barriers are heavy, the pedestrians are in a hurry, the memorial ceremony is year after year, the affection is continuous, the blessing is shallow, and the concern is deep. My dear friends, in the Tomb Sweeping Festival, I wish you all the best and bright future!

15. During the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession. It was the right time to remember our ancestors. Civilization and customs were everywhere. Sea burial and tree burial were eternal

16. Qingming Festival rain quietly, a sad heart around. A thousand sorrows and sorrows cannot be told. To remember our ancestors, the pines and cypresses bow their heads. Incense and paper burning are still not enough. Let's roar to the sky. I only hope that there is good news in the kingdom of heaven, and that people in the world will laugh and sing.

17. This year's Tomb Sweeping Day, I want to live my life, live a wonderful life, and live my own life!

18. You dyed the flag red with hot blood; You blocked the enemy's fire with your thin body; You use practical actions to fight for our freedom. In front of the mountain, you are so small; But in our hearts, you are so great.

19. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I came to my mother's grave and missed her more; Take a deep breath and relax; Can't help crying! It's harder than anything to swallow tears into your stomach; Is it a way to miss my mother? Is it an expression of missing your mother?

20. As the Tomb Sweeping Day approached, my heart began to ache again. This pain never disappeared. Only when nobody is around, it is more true.

21. Celebrate ancestors on Tomb Sweeping Day, pass on people's feelings and express their grief. Don't be extravagant and superstitious. Inherit the will of future generations, and the ancestors will comfort and laugh

22. The Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. We will pay tribute to our ancestors and visit their graves; Don't stop on the road of life. Take bold steps forward. On Tomb Sweeping Day, I wish you happiness and good luck.

23. The Chinese civilization will always be remembered, the people will release the cultural and national spirit, and the ancestors will have a good tradition. The world will know how to be grateful. When the civilization sends the ancestors to Qingming, the great people of the ancestors will remember, and the true feelings will convey the feelings of yearning, and the spirit of the ancestors will be full of China

24. Take advantage of a spring breeze to blow away your sadness; Use a little spring rain to moisten your heart; Borrow a spring flower to accompany you all the way; Use a spring scene to outline your mood; Let me borrow a little more spring, and wish you all the best in your Qingming Festival.

25. Qingming busy, information busy, greeting busy, blessing busy. Busy footstep, busy tomb sweeping, busy flower offering. Cemetery busy, explanation busy, children busy, notes busy. Goodbye busy, go home busy, Qingming Festival really busy. Wish your family a happy holiday!

26. Qingming, the spirit of the martyrs once again washed our hearts; Qingming, the deeds of the martyrs once again confirmed our journey; Qingming, the souls of the martyrs once again bless our peace!

27. The wind is the quietness of the Tomb Sweeping Day. It keeps the heart from loosening. The rain is the atmosphere of the Tomb Sweeping Day. Let the gods be peaceful and healthy. My friend, I will let time go through trials and hardships, and bring my blessing to you. I hope you will have a clear heart and a healthy body on the Tomb Sweeping Day.

28. People cannot be revived after death. Funerals can also be moderate. It is glorious to live frugally. It is shameful to waste. How many compatriots still live in poverty. Comrades still have to work hard