1566 Hai Rui's classic lines of the Ming Dynasty (80 selected lines)
Young and frivolous
2023-07-29 19:38:21
Classic lines

1. The Ming Dynasty could not live without the Southeast, and the Southeast could not live without Hu Zongxian. The Japanese pirates could not not be eliminated, nor could they be totally eliminated. When Hu Zongxian was in the Southeast, Yan Song would not be able to defeat us.

2. Eunuch Lv, the treacherous minister has already jumped out by himself. Gao Gong is one, and Zhang Juzheng is another!

3. The books of saints are used for reading, and for doing nothing.

4. You have me in you, and I have you in me. That's why everything is so bad.

5. The war against Japanese is a military and state affair, and Xiliu Camp must have Zhou Yafu!

6. As the saying goes, waiting for someone is the longest. What's more, it's Xu Jie who has a good mouth.

7. It is not difficult to be a man or an official. It is difficult to be a good official instead of a villain.

8. The ancestors of our Haijia family believed in Mingjiao, which was a fire. They burned themselves, but others were hot.

9. Family affairs, state affairs and world affairs, I dare not know. I don't know everything about family, state and the world.

10. Stealing fruit from the yellow lotus tree is asking for trouble.

11. Reward those who are willing to do good; A careless mistake will not be punished!

12. Living in the world, there is no one who is not sophisticated.

13. A friend has the meaning of exhortation, not much instruction.

14. The sky wind and the clouds, the vortex and the deep valley, are all at your feet!

15. The six exogenous evils and the seven internal evils make people sick sometimes.

16. To do something, we should not ask whether we can do it, but whether we should do it.

17. When you step back, you will have a chance. Take your time to look and think about what you have done wrong before and what you should do in the future. This is called thinking about change.

18. You have to die when you die, and you have to live when you live.

19. In the same way, some people can say it, while others can't. In this matter, it is also public for you to neglect injustice, and it is also private for me to neglect selflessness.

20. Below people, above all people; Mingjun is in power, and the powerful ministers are all in the court. It's the most difficult for the garrison elders.

21. Those who cannot plan for the whole world cannot plan for one moment, and those who cannot plan for the whole situation cannot plan for one corner.

22. People who have always rebelled are farmers. I have never heard that businessmen can make trouble.

23. In this world, there are only two kinds of people who are really reliable: stupid people and straight people. A fool has no mind, a straight man has no mind.

24. When did the sage leave the Yellow River to clear it? Although the Yellow River is turbid, it can also irrigate; Although the Yangtze River is clear, it often overflows.

25. Today's correct performance is either a leap to the sky or an abyss. He is ready to gamble.

26. Back to your majesty, I want you to be really able to make a pen holder, and also to let the Ming Dynasty write a painting without offending.

27. It is the greatest principle to live by water and grass, and move according to the weather!

28. The purpose of reading is to understand the reason. If you understand the reason, you will have an opinion and know how to do it. But reason is changing, and we can't abide by it.

29. Lord Tan said that I was extreme, which is my extreme. Lord Tan can transfer my words to others. If I am convicted of this, it is my fault! I have nothing to do with you. I, Hai Rui, have no party!

30. Like a mountain stream, although it is easy to rise and retreat, once it flows into the river, it will never return to the mountain.

31. Jiner, we are safe now. From this moment on, you don't have to pretend.

32. It is Kong Rong's blessing if he is just incompetent. He is afraid that his cleverness will be mistaken by his cleverness, which will lead to death.

33. As the ancients said, all great disasters and blessings have omens.

34. It is not necessary to make a statement, and you should bear the responsibility for making an idea in the future.

35. It is said that old clothes are better than new ones. But in my opinion, clothes and people are both old and good. Old clothes are close to the body, and old people are intimate.

36. Your head is so high. Do you want to see the stars in the sky? Applause!

37. Hou Fei Hou, Wang Fei Wang, return to Beimang with thousands of horses! When a cunning rabbit dies, a good bow hides; After me, Jun recovered! One song "Guangling San", and then play it for Yun Niang!

38. Some things seem to be less than half a dozen, and even if they are put on the scale, they can't be beaten.

39. You are a loser. With a face full of machinations, one's heart and intestines are soft.

40. The doctor said that the feet that are afraid of heat in winter are fire feet. They are very angry and have a bad temper.