Sentences about brotherhood
Look at the white clouds floating in the sky
2023-03-04 06:42:42
Complete sentences

1. Money is like dirt, and friends are worth thousands of gold.

2. Dude, I gave you a prize of eternal silence

3. Make friends, not quantity, only quality.

4. Friendship is like a vase. It will be broken when people make troubles

5. I'll just tell you once Don't touch my brother Don't touch my woman

6. The taste is sweet and easy to deteriorate. It is still known at an old age. The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water

7. Brother, I know your pain, but you don't know mine

8. Brothers, cover your own crotch and respect others' crotch as well.

9. A brother is a person who has to wear your underpants, but laughs at the fact that your underpants are too small.

10. Good brothers don't need more. One is willing to lend you money, and the other is willing to attend your funeral!

11. I am very happy friend. In the future, we will cheer each other on. Cherish each other. Take care of each other.

12. A brother can give up the whole world for a woman, or give up that woman for you.

13. No friends Find friends Find friends Love friends Don't give your heart to friends Because friends have friends

14. Brother always talks about "a man cannot shed tears easily", but he will cry like a child in front of you.

15. My brother was like a bright light in my past life, shining through my soul and making my life a little brighter.

16. Brother is the first one to clap your hands and laugh loudly when you make a fool of yourself, but he is the only one who will help you after laughing.

17. Brother is when you call him in the middle of the night. He asks you nervously what's wrong first. When he learns that there is nothing serious, he starts to complain about you.

18. Brothers are given by parents, and friends go out later; Brother is an iron camp, and friend is a flowing soldier. Who is far and who is near thinks.

19. Brother is not a bunch of gorgeous words, but a warm greeting; Brother is not a perfunctory hug, but a knowing look;

20. Brother, do you know that even if the brothers are not together, they will never walk side by side, and no one will shrink because we are brothers.

21. Every day, there is no chief male model and all-around trendy father, only father son love and brotherhood. When I see my own shadow every day, my child is both a lamp and a mirror.

22. I can not smoke cigarettes, but my brother, I can't help you. I can not drink wine, but my daughter-in-law, I can't help but love. My brother takes his life to help, and my daughter-in-law takes his life to love!

23. Who can predict everything in the world? Joy, anger, sorrow and joy are laughable. Optimism and peace of mind are good, depression and pessimism are forgotten, contentment and happiness are the most important, and learning and etiquette are free. I wish my good friend that he will never grow old again!

24. There is a kind of friendship more expensive than gold, a kind of friendship more pure than silver, a kind of blessing more brilliant than copper, and a kind of friend more iron than iron. I wish you a strong body like an iron wall, and a beautiful life like gold and silver!

25. On April 17, World Iron Brothers Day, the brotherhood is sincere, the difficulties are good, and the brotherhood lasts forever. SMS wishes you good life, good work, good mood, and good luck.

26. We go through the bitter years together; Happy time, we spend together. We are not brothers, but we are better than brothers. On April 17, World Iron Friends Day, we raise a glass to congratulate: iron brothers, happy!

27. I often think of your four appearances: the appearance of fighting chicken blood when defending justice, the appearance of taking heart out when talking, the appearance of laughing when playing crazy, and the appearance of robbing money at parties. Iron Brother Day, different greetings, wish you the same happiness!

28. Forget the clock and chopsticks are like onions; The relation iron is insincere, and the iron pot is regarded as an urn; Blessings are no matter what, greetings have already taken shape; The deep friendship has beautified you and made life easier. May your happiness last forever!

29. Brotherhood means helping, inheriting, accompanying and assisting each other in the long life. She is a continuous heart talk or shout when you are upset, a joyful song or laugh or a generous affection when you are lonely, a basin of cold water when you are happy, and a basin of good will when you are happy. Feel brothers' affection in talking and listening, and shake hands and be grateful in communication and contact.