83 Allegorical sayings about pigs
2023-06-15 16:15:37
Allegorical sayings

1. Pig nailing knife - fast

2. Overnight pig head - cold face

3. Sow has pups - freak

4. The blind pig barks - humming

5. Full moon pig - don't talk

6. Pig large intestine hanging neck - greasy throat

7. Pork Liver Baolang Powder - camouflage

8. Pig licking the pot table - ditch walking

9. Old sows bring their young - no counting

10. Pig on the anvil -- tied up

11. Pry pigs without knives - raw crowding

12. Mudu Piglet -- Take it easy

13. A blind pig barks - humming

14. Dogs eat pig intestines - unclear

15. Pig's Mouth Skill - Light Can Arch

16. Put onions in the pig's nose - act like an elephant

17. Pig baby in net bag - barefoot

18. Old sow digs into the ground - arch the bottom fire

19. Wipe lard on the bottom of the foot plate - slip away

20. Hungry men snatch pig's head - fighting for food

21. Brush lard on the bare skull - slick

22. Pigs in slaughterhouses - slaughtered

23. The mountain pig was driven by people - self seeking

24. End of the Year Poker

25. Killing pigs and cutting ears - not the point

26. Pig driving in narrow alley - straight

27. Piglets yawn - open their mouths

28. Pigs are afraid to throw themselves into the well

29. Old sow smacking her mouth - bad

30. Old sows' urine nest - self inflicted

31. Old sow wears gold earrings - Maofu

32. Ears of Old Sows - Soft Bones

33. Pigs going to the slaughterhouse - goods cut

34. Raising pigs on your knees - for money's sake

35. Fat pigs for the New Year - sooner or later

36. No tail cutting for geldings - start without end

37. One kilogram breeding pig -- fat head and big ears

38. Piglets eat garlic -- one at a time

39. Wild boar in the mountain - mouth is so fierce

40. Killing pigs to make tofu - no expert

41. Pencil sharpener for killing pigs - all by tips

42. Pig Bajie Buys Pig Liver - A Kind Heart

43. Pig Bajie Wears Earrings - Pretty

44. Zhu Bajie Reads Poems and Essays - Pretend to be a Sage

45. Sesame oil mixed in lard

46. Cut down the Bark Dew Boar - can't hide

47. Pigging in Lane Lane - Straight

48. Old sow rubbing against the wall stick - itchy

49. Wipe fat on the fat pig - do nothing

50. Pig baby in gunny bag - black and white unknown

51. Fierce wolves bite lame pigs to bully the weak

52. Chinese fir mast to build pigsty - big talent for small use

53. Lin Chong arrives at the Wild Boar Forest - desperate for survival

54. Old sows eat peach trees - go to the pole

55. Old sow swallowing sickle head - bending intestines

56. Old sows go through the gate - eat with arch

57. The old lady pig pooped in the stone trough - self damage

58. Braised Pig Trotters without Soy Sauce - White Pig Trotters

59. Having drunk Huanglian Pig Gall Soup -- a stomach of bitter water

60. Four Bodhisattvas, three pigs' heads -- where's your share

61. Mountain pig is hard to open its mouth - tough and unconvinced

62. The old woman eats pig's feet - pulling tendons horizontally; Pull a tendon

63. Old sows eat stars - they don't know the height of heaven and earth

64. Old sows chasing rabbits - not breathing down

65. Old sows get into the grain store - enough to eat and drink

66. Ribs for pig pawls - not included; Uneconomical

67. The fat pig runs into the butcher's house - meat delivered to the door

68. Fake silver dollars buy pig meat - one cheat at a time

69. The pig butcher closes the door - stop blowing; It's not blowing

70. The old sow went into the corn field to find a stick to eat

71. The old woman pooped in the stone waste - self destruction

72. Potato kernels dropped to pig blood bucket - waste man; Blood kernel

73. Zhu Bajie's 36 changes - no good face

74. Pig's urine beats people -- I can't beat them to death, I'm ashamed of myself

75. Stir fried water chestnut with lard - sharp and smooth; It's cunning

76. The wolf cherishes the baby pig - it can't be paid back (it means no return without going)

77. Pig Bajie can't become immortal - he has suffered a lot; It's all broken in the mouth

78. The old crow laughs at the black pig -- I don't know whether I'm black myself; I don't think

79. The old sow went into the water bamboo field - looking for a stick to eat; I'm looking for a eating stick

80. The old crow fell on the pig - only to see others black; Telling people that they are black

81. Pig Bajie gets married - one joy comes another sorrow; Joy of joy, sorrow of sorrow

82. The procuress falls on the pig's back - he who sees others is black cannot see himself

83. The old crow flies on the pig - you can't see yourself when you see others are black