Happy greetings for the old on the Double Ninth Festival in 2023
Cold light bamboo shadow
2023-02-11 05:13:46
Blessing words

1. Six thousand paper cranes will be folded for you on the Double Ninth Festival. They are named health, happiness, beauty, happiness, wealth, kinship, and Liuliushun. Happy Double Ninth Festival!

2. Chongyang, Chongyang, reborn, looking forward to the future, wonderful, I hope you are happy, I hope you are happy, have something to do, harvest, sincerely wish you a happy Double Ninth Festival!

3. It's the Double Ninth Festival again. Looking back on the days when we met with relatives and friends, I would like to get together again. On the day of climbing high, I wish my relatives good health, my friends successful career, and my children happy!

4. Chongyang tip: cool climate, love your body; Drink more water and rest more; Cover the quilt and add clothes; Drink less; Nutrition; More exercise, less temper! I wish my dear friends a happy holiday and all the best!

5. The Double Ninth Festival gathers, raises a glass and raises a glass to raise money. It will give you the wine for your prosperous career, the wine for your wealth, the wine for your travel, the wine for your health, and the wine for your good luck. I wish you happiness forever.

6. The arrival of Chongyang is long expected; Nine nine happiness; Long time missing; Jiujiu happiness, long wait; Jiujiu's blessing, a long time collection; Ninety nine, happy events and good deeds will accompany you for a long time.

7. The Double Ninth Festival is a good one. The autumn wind is refreshing, the blessings are endless, and there is no limit to happiness. May you be happier, safe, and happy. Good luck is always with you. Your spirit is fresh and refreshing, your life is happier, and your life is more natural!

8. When the Double Ninth Festival arrives, climb high, and then step by step; Chrysanthemum blooms, and it blooms like red; When wild geese fly to the south, everything will prosper when they fly; Send missing, read it every day; Blessing to send, send to send a full blessing!

9. Chongyang comes to climb the mountain and sends you step by step. I wish you high income and happy life; High career and good fortune; High vision, good things all around; High wisdom, difficult detour; High mood, good everywhere!

10. The Double Ninth Festival is a sunny day. May your love be sweet for a long time, your career be prosperous for a long time, your friendship be mellow for a long time, your wealth be high for a long time, your happiness be long for a long time, and your happiness be long for a long time. I wish you a happy Chongyang!

11. You don't have to find time to climb high on the Double Ninth Festival. With my blessing, sickness hides from you, failure abandons you, poverty abandons you, depression ignores you, unsmooth shuns you, disaster keeps away from you. Happy Double Ninth Festival!

12. On the Double Ninth Festival, cornel and chrysanthemums were planted everywhere. Family members get together to drink good wine, and the family is happy together. When I think of my friends not getting together, I send them a message. I wish your family happiness and health, and a happy Double Ninth Festival!

13. On the Double Ninth Festival, collect two pieces of yearning, blend them into two strands of happiness, add a single piece of wholehearted care, and then add five dollars of blessings to brew a soup of sincerity and sincerity. After drinking it, you will be energetic and happy!

14. In late autumn, the climate is getting colder, and Chongyang wishes you warmth. May you live without worries, work better, love sweet, friends all over the world, good luck around you, and happy smiles every day!

15. Use colorful clouds to weave an intimate dream, collect every touch in your heart, make every wish in the starry sky, record every hope in your heart, and weave it into a happy and beautiful movement, which will accompany you in this Double Ninth Festival!

16. Chongyang on September 9, SMS to send blessings. Eat a piece of Double Ninth Cake, and wish you success; Wearing a cornel, I wish you good luck; Drink a cup of chrysanthemum wine to wish you health and longevity; Send a short message, all the concerns to you!

17. Why does Chongyang want to eat cakes? Because it is necessary to climb high on that day; Why does Chongyang climb high? I want to compete with God. The Double Ninth Festival is coming. I wish you a higher salary, a higher career, a higher mood and a higher life!

18. On the Double Ninth Festival, please climb high to avoid disasters and pray for good luck. A piece of cornel will be inserted at the head of the bed, making you healthy and happy all your life. In autumn, you will enjoy chrysanthemums and have a mouthful of Double Ninth Cake. On the Double Ninth Festival, I wish you every success and happiness for ten thousand years.

19. On the Double Ninth Festival, my short message took nine bulls' effort. With my "nine nines" yearning and long "nine" blessing, I made up nine nines to fly to you, wishing you: happy "nine nines", happy "nine nines"!

20. Chongyang, have you climbed high? Did you buy a windmill for transportation? none? Let me send you a special SMS windmill: the windmill pole is healthy, and the windmill leaf is smooth, happy, warm, and lucky. We must make it turn!

21. As time goes by, you can't leave my heart! Entrust thousands of thoughts to the lucky bird, and bring my deep greetings; Time can't stop that dedication. No matter how rough the road in the future is, I send you Chongyang blessing today!

22. Climbing high on the Double Ninth Festival, I went to the heaven and bribed the almighty God with chrysanthemum wine. I borrowed his mobile phone to send you a message, because those who receive God's blessing will be healthy, long lived, happy and happy for a long time!

23. Over time, the fruit will be redder; When autumn is deep, it will bring a winter; If you are worried for a long time, you will miss more. Double Ninth Festival, a long friendship, a long greeting. Wish you happiness for a long time, good luck for a long time, happiness for ever!

24. During the Double Ninth Festival, I will not steal others' creations, nor copy others' works, nor give you valuable gifts. I just want to send you the best wishes with my most sincere heart: I wish you good health, always smiling, and happiness!

25. Double Ninth Festival is full of chrysanthemums, bright autumn and wild geese, which send you good luck. Double Ninth Festival is full of good things, disasters and diseases. Double Ninth Festival is full of short messages. Happiness and Double Ninth Festival are always happy!

26. The festival is staged along the river, and the clear ice of the boat is displayed; Wait for the month to raise your glass, and call your fragrant bottle green. Thanks to the fall of the Chinese star, it is about the floating raft of the moon. When the city is full of wind and rain, how lucky it is that the two suns are close; As picturesque as rivers and mountains, it is still the time to visit Red Cliff. Grasping straw for payment, and issuing cloth by turns.

27. A limited edition of Double Ninth Cake will be sent to you on the Double Ninth Festival. I wish you a good mood and a high degree of happiness; Work smoothly and efficiently; Salary rise and high promotion position; Good health, high quality of life; Many friends, high popularity index; Blessed, luck is as high as heaven!

28. The Double Ninth Festival is coming, and relatives and friends are laughing happily. They are in a happy mood to go out for a trip, and all their worries are thrown away. On the good day of the ninth day of September, you can climb high and look far and embrace the good fortune. Drink the mellow wine and share your worries and happiness. Wish friends a happy Double Ninth Festival!

29. The autumn insects sing, and now the sun is shining again. The sky is high and the clouds are light. Migrating birds fly, climb high and look far, and the mind sets sail. The kindness of parents cannot be forgotten. In the memory of family love, send a message to the hometown to wish the family all well. May parents have peace and good luck on the Double Ninth Old Man's Day!

30. Climb up the mountain and look down at it from the bird's eye. The clouds and mist are curling like smoke from cooking. The mountains are all dyed, the mountains are stacked, and the pines, waves, and winds howl. Insert cornel, light incense, worship ancestors and pray for peace. On the Double Ninth Festival, I wish the world good people, peace and good luck, happiness and joy.