Send customers' greetings on Army Day (62 selected sentences)
Until the four seasons are missed
2023-02-09 06:13:51
Blessing words

1. Today is August 1 Friendship Day. I sincerely hold your hand and I happily hold his shoulder. Our mutual sincerity will move God and make our friendship everlasting.

2. The military songs are sung loud and clear in my heart, and the military will never forget them. Blessed, although not beautiful enough, it is enough to express my heart. The Army Day is coming again, and I wish the soldiers in the border a smooth life!

3. As the August 1st Army Day is approaching, red envelopes will be distributed all over the country. No matter whether you join the army or not, as long as you love the army and support the army, you can receive tens of thousands of yuan from the local administration. First come, first served. Please call back for details.

4. When you arrive, I will give you eight points: happy life, less worry, happy life, less sorrow, more friends, less enemies, better food, and more natural! Happy August Day!

5. You are the copper wall of the motherland, you are the pride of your mother, earthquake relief has your shadow, it is your desire to eliminate the cruel and pacify the good, you can not protect the country without you, the people of the motherland will not forget you, I wish comrades in arms a happy August 1st Army Day!

6. Life is not a battle for one person. Your comrades in arms are your dependence for victory, your partners are your chips for success, your smile is your best weapon, and happiness is your goal for liberation. Army Day, we fight together!

7. The horn of concern blows, and the flag of yearning is inserted; Concerned bullet shooting, smoke of good fortune; Happy grenades ring, frustrated enemies hang up. On the Army Day, a message of greetings rings, and wishes reach your heart.

8. Some people want to be soldiers for their country, some people want to be soldiers for their dreams, and some people want to be soldiers for the future. But I know that you want to be a soldier for the Army Day! Ha ha, am I right? I will send you my best wishes!

9. The opening ceremony of greetings has begun. Happiness lurks around you. The Luck Group launches a surprise attack, and health rushes forward. Happiness is responsible for cutting off the rear and outflanking. Your troubles are overwhelmed. Finally, you are forced to surrender to happiness.

10. I don't know how long a meteor can fly and whether it is worth pursuing; I don't know how long the cherry blossom will last. Is it worth waiting for. But I know that there is a comrade in arms friendship that is as permanent as a star and worth waiting for all my life!

11. Wearing the green military uniform, he defends his hometown, defends national defense hard, and is not afraid to leave. As soon as the motherland calls, dragons soar and eagles soar. They are eager to protect people's feelings and protect the land for health. The Bayi Banner is flying. Blessings never forget that our army is the strongest and powerful!

12. Sweating and bleeding without tears, clank and iron is your manly nature. For the people, for the family, for the motherland, fighting in the forefront of the crisis is your choice without regret. Salute to the most lovely people and wish our soldiers: Happy Army Day on August 1!

13. The contributions of all martyrs' families, military families, veterans of the Red Army, disabled soldiers, retired military cadres and demobilized, transferred and veterans are also immeasurable.

14. As soon as the rally call is sounded, friends' wishes come to report. The happy bullet sweeps in a dense way, and the happy atom is alive and kicking. Auspicious Three Treasures came to look for them and counted the money with wishful thinking. Happiness Building has a solid foundation, and the Health Express will never break down!

15. You are a great soldier who protects the country for the people and guards the border. You are a major force in the construction of the motherland, showing your skills. You are a brave man, standing up in danger. You are an invincible hero. Happy Army Day!

16. Selfless dedication is the principle of servicemen, and serving the motherland is the ideal of servicemen's practice. On the occasion of the arrival of August 1, I will praise them with the most beautiful lines, and only give you the earliest and most sincere blessing of the Army Day.

17. The military flag flutters and the spirit shakes, the military posture is crisp and the military appearance is neat; The military discipline is as strict as iron law, and the military song sounds awe inspiring; The bugle is loud, the army is united, and the military achievements are known all over the world. May the people's army continue to grow stronger and more powerful on the August 1st Army Day!

18. Do not measure with ruler, do not use Dousheng. Sincerely send greetings on special days; Sincerely bless for Chinese soldiers; A small message, with friendship, kinship and love, three feelings over 81, you will always be the first!

19. First of all, I would like to salute you on the Army Day and wish you good health and success in everything; Next, take a step towards you and wish you success in your career; Finally, I will wear a military badge for you, and wish you good luck and honor!

20. When the Army Day came, the army brought ancient greetings. The Yellow Emperor said, "You are good.". The navy brought greetings from the Dragon Palace. The Dragon King said, "Come and sit down when you are free.". The air force brought greetings from Tiangong. Chang'e said: Eight Commandments, long time no see.

21. When the festival comes to a happy face, I will praise the soldiers. Go to the ends of the earth to guard the motherland silently. Practice hard on the training ground, and be determined to climb and roll. The front line of disaster prevention is in advance, and one's own safety is put aside. Thousands of words are hard to praise, and I wish my relatives peace forever!

22. I thought it was far away, but in fact it was close! Because you give me green dreams every night, because you give me a sunny mood every day! On the eve of the Army Day, I wish you a happy August Day and smooth work!

23. Keep the frontier defense with a steel gun in hand, and write the Spring and Autumn Annals with enthusiasm and loyalty; It is a true hero to rescue and fight disasters without fear, and to relieve people's worries; The military discipline is strict, the military prestige is strong, and the military achievements are outstanding. On the August 1st Army Day, pay tribute to the great people's soldiers!

24. Take off the false mask, the false packaging, the false clothes, the false delusions, the impetuosity, the hypocrisy, the naked love, the sincere blessing, and I wish you a happy August Day!

25. Measure with a ruler, not Dousheng. Sincere comrade in arms, please feel with each other's hearts. Even though the world is far away, I will always bless you deeply and think about you quietly.

26. A big contest: use greeting detonators to blow up the blockhouse of worry. Destroy the fortress of sorrow with sincerity. Take care of rockets to smooth the unhappy base. Use the friendship nuclear bomb to release the atom of happiness. Happy Army Day!

27. Blessings are unstoppable. Armored vehicles come to open the way, gifts arrive quickly, all thanks to rockets. Happiness comes to you at full speed, and planes arrive by air. Today's Army Day, I wish all soldiers a happy family and good fortune every day.

28. Let every heartbeat be integrated into the pulse of the motherland; Let every drop of blood and sweat blossom the flower of peace; Let every iron fist turn into roaring thunder and lightning; Let every cry break the enemy's courage.

29. First, I will establish a happy base for you to help you eliminate sadness; Consolidate the fortune blockhouse and help you fight against poverty; Train lucky troops to help you beat back bad luck. Accept my order and celebrate Happy Army Day!

30. The happiness before and after the moon, the romance after the appointment, the dependence of hand in hand, the snuggling side by side, and all the ordinary happiness will never forget you. Our young soldiers, I wish you a happy August Day!

31. The battlefield of life is fierce and intensive, and it is difficult to win alone. I would like to work hand in hand with you to unswervingly deliver the food and grass of friendship and happy weapons, and occupy the happy highland with you forever! Happy Army Day!