Complete set of propaganda slogans for eliminating waste (66 selected sentences)
treat with indifference
2023-03-24 07:54:56
A complete set of slogans

1. In front of the table, promote the traditional virtue of diligence and thrift; On the tip of the tongue, we should oppose extravagance and waste.

2. What fell down was leftovers, and what flowed away was blood and sweat.

3. Porridge is hard won when thinking about a meal, and a wisp of perseverance is hard to find.

4. Grain and a drop of sweat can save and waste two days.

5. You should know that every meal is hard.

6. Food is culture, please start from window civilization.

7. Meal reasonably and order moderately; There is no limit to virtue when leftovers are packed.

8. Watch the wind when you go out, dress, eat and measure your belongings.

9. Material regeneration, proper classification, waste reduction and waste avoidance.

10. Save the new wind and waste the old habits.

11. Improve the quality of grain and enhance the awareness of legal system.

12. Two coals and one piece of charcoal make a mickle.

13. To respect others is to respect oneself, and to be convenient with others is to be convenient with oneself.

14. Food is life, knowledge saves the soul.

15. Establish the awareness of saving resources and energy, and develop good habits of diligence and thrift.

16. Saving is glorious, and everyone praises it; It's shameful to waste. Anyone who hears of it is evil.

17. Cherish food and form a good habit of saving.

18. Who knows that every meal on the plate is hard.

19. It is the duty of every citizen to save food.

20. Food is the most important thing for the people, and frugality is the first.

21. Weeding is more than poetry. We need to take action when we know how hard it is.

22. Although the grain of rice is small, it is especially courteous, righteous, honest and shameless. It can help to promote Guoan Gang by being frugal and doing little.

23. It is shameful to be proud and wasteful to practise economy and civilized dining.

24. Advocate grain saving and promote sustainable development.

25. Spending is not generosity, and frugality is not stinginess.

26. Stick to the virtue of diligence and thrift, and lead the fashion of thrift.

27. Keep green and beautiful. For the sake of a better home, please don't use disposable chopsticks.

28. To cherish food is to love life.

29. Establish a sense of saving and advocate saving behavior.

30. No waste, no hunger.

31. Open the grain market and strengthen supervision and management.

32. Perhaps food and clothing is still a problem in some corner. Please cherish the food in your hands.

33. Looking at the country and family of the former sages, success goes from thrift to extravagance.