85 Classic Sentences of Despising a Person
Winter about summer solstice
2023-05-12 04:14:31

1. You can't lose weight without enough food.

2. You are a rare person in the world!

3. International tolerance is universal.

4. A gentleman is straightforward, and a villain is always worried.

5. Brother Chun and Brother Zeng are more feminine than you!

6. I'm sorry to make you laugh.

7. A false heart cannot have strong legs.

8. The mask has been worn for a long time, that is the face.

9. Don't deceive yourself that is not your strength.

10. Boy, you are crazy. Your voice is bigger than your foot.

11. Five yuan means you have no strength.

12. Everything is going up, that is, people are becoming more and more cheap.

13. You are the Asia the Invincible in Chinese rap.

14. You are so smart that you know you are a person.

15. If you are a flower, cows will not dare to pull dung in the future!

16. Your language is not lethal. You hold 5 big coins.

17. It doesn't make sense to steal others' plagiarism.

18. Where there is no grass in the horizon, why do you love a flower.

19. Yes, just like Ah Dou, who can never be held upright.

20. It is difficult to paint a tiger on its skin, but not on its bones.

21. Look, look, and then I will send you to the recycle bin.

22. I was very satisfied with the day of watching Sanmao Wandering.

23. I knew you were a demon when I opened my eyes.

24. The falling flowers are intended to follow the flowing water, and the flowing water is merciless in love with falling flowers.

25. Ask what money is in the world, and teach people life and death!

26. As soon as you go out, birds will disappear from thousands of mountains and people will disappear from thousands of paths.

27. Don't be a beast with human skin and play rascal with shame!

28. I want to say that you are a fool. I praise you.

29. You are short of a lid from childhood to childhood, and you are short of a pot lid with hemp rope tied around your waist.

30. What do you say about your appearance. Pixel is low!

31. No one has blown the cow hide so fresh and refined for a long time!

32. I don't remember worries. I usually report them on the spot.

33. How can you set off the beauty of the world without your presence.

34. The person with wings may not be an angel. He may be a birdman.

35. Red in white, distinctive. The peacock is happy.

36. Don't take my tolerance for you as your shameless capital.

37. Do you know how to write about shame? Your ancestors have been lost for 18 generations.

38. Only women and heroes are sad. Only wives and jobs are hard to find.

39. Women refuse love with friendship, while men exchange friendship for love.

40. I'm not a straw boat. You don't have to be so mean to me!

41. You lean against mountains and rivers, watch chickens die, and watch dogs turn.

42. I love you, but I dare not say it. I am afraid I will die soon.

43. Holding the hand of Zi, I know that Zi is ugly. Tears flow down my face. If Zi doesn't leave, I will leave.

44. Please don't take my tolerance for you as your shameless capital.

45. During the episode of intermittent depression, do not disturb strangers, and do not look for acquaintances.

46. A fierce look at you is not good. A careful look is better than a fierce look.

47. Animals have become people when they wear these clothes. You will become an animal as soon as you put them on.

48. Since it must be shameless to do it, she is also used to bad words.

49. Behind every successful Altman, there is a small monster that is silently beaten.

50. When I see your face, I think your parents are not serious about making you.

51. It will always be. Even if the economy is in crisis, you can't afford it.

52. People who are willing to stay and quarrel with you are the ones who really love you!

53. You just bought PetroChina, and your whole family also bought Sinopec.

54. Small people are trapped and rushed, and young people are born with great vitality. If the world is solid, why should I follow you.

55. Don't be afraid of being used. If someone uses you, it shows that you still have the value of use.

56. Don't drag it in front of me like two hundred fifty eighty thousand. Put the POSE in place!

57. I firmly believe that there will be a man who came to this world because of my torture.

58. I finally know why there is famine in the world because of your presence.

59. Lei Feng did good deeds without leaving his name behind, but everything was recorded in his diary.

60. A shameless bitch may also be a free lady or a shabby shoe that everyone curses.

61. Every time I see you eating pork, I feel very sad. Ben was born from the same root. Don't be too anxious.

62. After all, this is not a society of love. You'd better restrain yourself.

63. I have seen Sister Feng and I am calm. Just you, let me hate myself for coming to the earth.

64. Others have to fly a plane to hit the Gemini, but you have the same power as long as you parachute.

65. I thought I was a flower by the cliff, but later I learned that I was just a piece of slag in the sea of people.

66. It's hard for people to fight with shit. You can beat it when you step on it, but it's still shit. It's you who pollutes it.

67. I'm not bragging about your appearance. There is no one in the world that can match you, really!

68. Don't think that you are younger than me, you can hop around for a few more days. The coffin is filled with dead people, not old people!

69. Because the scientific truth is that peas and rice will not tell you. Average, third in the world.

70. He always sits still before meeting; He is always faithful and unyielding before torture!

71. My father commented on my obesity: I didn't have Han Hong's life, but I also got Han Hong's disease.

72. African animals on the grassland; European and American animals are in zoos; Chinese animals are on the table.

73. How did I teach you? There are things that no one raises in life, and every day they know how to make a fool of themselves in front of others.

74. Many people say that marriage is the tomb of love, but love that can be buried in peace is better than the street.

75. People invented clothes to cover their shame, and took off clothes because of fashion The relationship between civilization and clothes.

76. A wolf in sheep's clothing, a liar with a mask, you are a beast when you take off your clothes, and a beast when you put on your clothes!

77. Your charming eyes make me intoxicated; Your tall body makes me drunk; Your handsome appearance fascinates me.

78. Someone told you that my family uses mineral water to flush the toilet. How do you respond? My urine is full of royal salutes.

79. Your life can be summed up in eight words - absurd life and cowardly death.

80. Marriage is the tomb of love - if there is no house, you can't even enter the tomb!

81. There is no way for me to divorce him unless you serve me well. Please please me. Maybe I can give you this loser.

82. I really want to invite you to experience KTV! Know what KTV is? It's just K you, T you, and finally I make a V gesture!

83. She argued with one MM about whether the whale is a fish. Finally, I said, "The Japanese have their own characters." Then she agreed that the whale is not a fish.

84. Look at your child's long hair. It's really a deformed head shape, head shape, face shape, neck shape, and body shape!

85. Women are the most hypocritical animals in the world. They say that "money is not important", but the most important thing is that the man she is looking for must be rich!