The 70's and 90's classic quotations (120 selected sentences)
Silence Blooming
2023-06-19 13:40:25

1. Mandarin ducks are drowned when they play in the water; Flying together, they all fall to death!

2. The more you behave, the more hypocritical you are. You are really a hopeless person.

3. Women kiss men is a kind of happiness, men kiss women is a kind of luck.

4. Selective amnesia is a technical activity. Unfortunately, I am good at making mistakes when I choose one.

5. They all say that we are the flowers of our motherland. Why are all the injured people me.

6. Don't think that my cucurbit children in the countryside can't beat your city's concave and convex man.

7. No matter what kind of dog I become in the exam, I believe I have a bright future.

8. Cherish those who treat you well. If you lose them, you can't find them on Baidu.

9. Now call me daughter-in-law. If you dare to betray me in the future, I will let you call me sister-in-law.

10. Computer, please don't do that. Let me go. I am a person with homework.

11. You are just a dog who can eat shit.

12. Life is like fighting against landlords. When you are just a gang, you are the enemy in a twinkling of an eye.

13. It's hard to make friends without making dogs in your life. If you really change your mind, dogs will force you to contact less.

14. When I put out the smoke, I talked about the past. It's like this for the first half of my life. There is still tomorrow.

15. After breaking up, I could wake up crying when I thought of the money my girlfriend owed me.

16. The smurfs sing to Avatar: "When I grow up, I will become you"

17. After seeing the person you like, I know that I have lost to your taste.

18. Goodbye heirs, there is a feeling of lovelorn, reluctant point.

19. When others are waiting for Valentine's Day, I silently think about Children's Day.

20. You told me to go away, I went away, you asked me to come back, sorry to go away.

21. Even if I have thousands of hands, it's a waste of time. Your heart is not on me.

22. Goose, geese and geese, cut the curved neck with a knife, pluck the hair, add water, ignite and cover the pot.

23. Every girl who shouts to lose weight has an unstoppable mouth.

24. I am a person with principles. My principles only include three words: mood.

25. People who have never been disappointed in love do not understand love, and people who have never been disappointed do not understand life.

26. It's said that men and women are equal. Why can't I enter the women's toilet.

27. My way of expressing myself is always simple and rude: I have time to sleep together.

28. It is said that only the grass mud horse with outstanding talent will evolve into a crouching mud horse.

29. Life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you will get.

30. Break off friendship with those who are hostile to themselves. A close friend comes from a broken friend.