After Reading Resurrection
Clouds are light and the sky is high
2023-09-15 01:49:24
third year in high school
reaction to a book or an article

Reading Resurrection, the soul was shocked again and again, not only for the hero and heroine, especially the hero's soul's return, but also because of the resonance with him in his heart. In fact, each of us should have a thorough resurrection.
There are always two people active in the hero Nekhludoff. One is the spiritual life, the real self. He only pursues the kind of happiness that can become both himself and the happiness of others; One is the healthy, energetic and physical self, which only pursues personal happiness, and will sacrifice the happiness of all people in the world for personal happiness. The two are constantly engaged in a deadly contest, and whoever wins will dominate all his actions. A struggle is a reflection and a possibility of awakening. But the competition between the two is often unfair.
Believing in oneself means that when dealing with all kinds of problems, we can't consider the pursuit of relaxed and happy physical self, but almost always oppose him; Believing in others means that there is no need to deal with any problem. All problems have been solved. The principle of solving problems is always not to consider the spiritual self, but only the physical self. In addition, if he believes in himself, he will always be criticized by others -- if he believes in others, he will win praise from people around him. ' In this way, it is much harder to believe in yourself than in others. To defeat the physical self, the spiritual self often needs to pay more hard efforts.
In life, I often encounter a dilemma: I hesitate to see people who ignore the red light; Seeing the litter outside the window, I am hesitating with waste paper in my hand; In the face of possible accidents in the middle of the road, I hesitated... However, these hesitations, which did not need to be hesitated, were manipulated by the physical self in an instant. He said: "Why should others take it too seriously?" Or if no one else will do it, why should you show off and make people laugh He won. More than one victory. Let me sometimes fall into deep self blame later. We can't do things according to our own ideas, but we are afraid of the eyes of others, which are sometimes even our own imagination. Sad! Maybe I can be called a good person in the eyes of others if I am honest and calm. But as I, I never dare to think so. I can only say that I am not a bad person, and I am far away from good people!
The self of Nekhludoff's spirit, after a few victories, always set some codes of conduct for himself and decided to follow them to the end; Keep a diary and start a new life, hoping that this life will never change -- he said to himself, this is called turning a new page. However, every time, he was subdued by the temptation of the city, fell again unconsciously, and often appeared deeper than before.
Why am I not like this? Always in a period of depraved life suddenly realized that we should not continue to sink like this. We must abandon the past and start a new life. How spectacular! But in the end, I still degenerated as before, and didn't want to make progress.
There is no such thing as bad behavior, but there has been something worse than bad behavior, and there has been a thought that can produce all bad things. Bad behavior can not be repeated and can be repented, while bad thoughts can only breed bad behavior continuously. One bad behavior is just a way for other bad behaviors; Bad thoughts make it hard to restrain people from going this way. ' Only when I have positive thoughts can I bring a person to the successful side.
Nekhludoff was lucky. He met Katyusha, the girl he once loved, in a trial. Her appearance shocked his soul. In the painful struggle again and again, a person with free spirit, a real, powerful and eternal spirit, woke up in Nekhludoff, and he could not help believing him. Whatever the difference between his actual appearance and his hope, everything is possible for a person who has regained his spirit.
Nekhludoff began to revive slowly. In the past, he had to work hard to figure out what to do, and the things he thought of always revolved around him -- himself; But although all the interests in life were in him at that time, all the things were boring, but now all these things are for others, not for themselves, so these things become attractive, so these things are countless, not only that, when the Nekhludoff team was in time, Often feel vexed and resentful; He is happy to do other people's things now.
Of course, the pleasure of doing things for others is far more than that of doing things for ourselves, because there are close cooperation, sincere encouragement, appreciative eyes, joy of success, joy of sharing, and your value is also recognized when helping others, which is the greatest satisfaction when we do something.
Nekhludoff actively runs for Katyusha. In the process of running, he came into contact with some people he had never met before: laborious farmers who lost their land, prison officials who were abusive, and various figures in ZF departments at all levels from low to high, all of which gave him a deeper understanding and deeper thinking about his country and society. He saw that people were constantly deceiving themselves and each other, torturing themselves and each other, and they were playing the game of one man ruling another, which was invented by themselves. He recognized the society and saw its ugly and dark side. He will no longer focus on himself and run for Katyusha alone. He will seek something for the whole society. As the novel said at the end: 'From that night on, a new life began for Nekhludoff, not only because he entered a new living environment, but also because from then on, everything he met had a completely different meaning for him. ' Nekhludoff's resurrection stems from the shock of an unexpected meeting to his heart, which enables him to constantly reflect on himself and analyze himself, so as to embark on the opposite path of life. But is our "resurrection" just a lack of such an accident? No, certainly not. The most important thing we lack is the courage and belief to dare to revive. Without strong spiritual motivation, it is impossible to drive us to fight against our own inertia for a long time. If you want to make a difference, you must fully realize this, dare to break through yourself and dare to resurrect yourself constantly