84 SMS messages for business birthday wishes
Thousands of miles in autumn
2023-03-28 02:29:33
SMS Collection

1. Close your heart and show your humorous words and frank temperament. You are a trickle, moistening our hearts, happy birthday.

2. There are light poems in the long clouds, continuous joy in the light poems, and my gentle blessing in the continuous joy. Happy birthday!

3. Time flies like an arrow. Once again, you are a bull. May you grow white and fat, live a happy life, and be happy. Happy birthday!

4. On the occasion of your birthday, I sincerely wish you three best wishes: I wish you good health; Second, I wish you happiness; Third, I wish you all the best.

5. I think health and happiness are the two most important things in life. If they can be transferred, I would like to give you my share. Happy birthday.

6. Today, I wish you a happy birthday. The God of Wealth is chasing you every day. The headmaster attaches importance to you every day. The disease has eluded you all his life. Happiness will always accompany you and everything will follow you!

7. The reasonable idea is called ideal, the dream idea is called dream, the patient's idea is called fantasy, the fan's idea is called silk idea, and the office worker's idea is to pay every day.

8. The flowers are similar from year to year, but people are different from year to year. When I wake up, I am not dreaming. The wrinkles between the eyebrows are again heavy. On your birthday, I only hope you are happy!

9. Happy birthday to you, good things are after you, the boss attaches importance to you, illness is hiding from you, lovers love you deeply, pain is far away from you, happiness follows you, and everything goes well with you!

10. Lily is pure and flawless, just like our affection is priceless; The fragrance is cool and elegant, just like our hearts care about each other. Happy birthday to you and may our friendship last forever.

11. It is an old habit to fill the food with years, but please don't blow it out, don't blow out the longing of childhood, and a life will burn forever!

12. Happy birthday. May my best wishes haunt you on your colorful life journey and in your flying rainbow sky. Wish: Happy birthday! Good mood every day! Always beautiful!

13. Let the short message carry my greetings and express my wishes in words. On your birthday today, my heart is as exuberant and happy as you! Happy birthday to you!

14. When your birthday comes, you are in a good mood. SMS blessing will be sent first; Make a wish, eat a cake, and say hello in a few words; I wish you every year today, every year today, life and career step by step!

15. It's ugly when the world is hot! It's not easy to live to this age! Who doesn't live like this? Don't have any idea, just live! Happy birthday to you!

16. Your bowl of noodles is neither salty nor light. Eating it will make you happy. Good luck comes every day, and health lasts forever. Today is your birthday, I wish you evergreen pines and cypresses, always bathe in the spring breeze!

17. Friendship does not ask for fame and wealth but for sincerity; Friends do not ask for distance, but for correspondence; The night sky is beautiful only when there are stars. It is time that elapses in one's life, and it is friends that gain. I wish you happiness!

18. A bowl of long-lived noodles, each noodle is a happy time, two red eggs, and each protein is a happy wish. I wish you a healthy life, good luck, and a happy birthday.

19. Light the tense air with ease, light the humid mood with sunny days, light the brilliance of life with time, light the happiness with blessings, pick up happiness, and wish you a happy birthday!

20. Send you a rose. It's all about it. Send you a big peach blossom. Luck depends on it. Send you a bowl of tofu flowers, and make you laugh all day long! Happy birthday!

21. A bowl of noodles is neither salty nor light. Eating it will make you happy. Good luck comes every day, and health lasts forever. Today is your birthday, I wish you evergreen pines and cypresses, always bathe in the spring breeze!

22. Flowers send love. The true love is in the heart. Romantic spring is always here. The flowers bloom and smile. May you be more charming than peonies and more pure than lotus. Stunned all gentlemen, everyone praises! Happy birthday!

23. A bowl of longevity noodles, I wish you good health, two red eggs, I wish you many blessings, three cups of Hesheng wine, I wish you always have money, good fortune and longevity, life is another step, I wish you a happy birthday!

24. The flowers are similar from year to year, but people are different from each other. When you wake up, the wrinkles between your eyebrows are not the same. On your birthday, I only hope you can be happy, healthy and beautiful. Happy birthday.

25. A bowl of sweet long-lived noodles, and the noodles in the tumbling are my long wishes, which will wrap you forever. May health and happiness, happiness and sweetness accompany you day and night, and I wish you a happy birthday!

26. In my missing, I thought of your birthday. I would like to express my feelings for you in a few words. Sincerely wish you a long stay of youth, wish to quietly bring you peace and joy, happy birthday!

27. Happy birthday contains the deep feelings of parents. Happy birthday is wrapped with the true feelings of friends. Happy birthday is filled with memories of the past. The warm birthday reflects the course of life.

28. My dear friend, may you have a state of years, a mind of years, a wisdom of years, a will of years, and a childlike innocence of two or three years along the way of life! I hope you have a happy birthday!

29. Friend, it's your birthday! May you have endless happiness, endless blessings, endless gifts and endless happiness today! At this beautiful moment, I wish you a happy birthday!

30. If I have no money to buy a cake for you, I will send a short message to make you smile; Can't help you achieve your wish, just pray that you are happy every day; The sun rises in the morning. May your birthday wishes come true. Happy birthday!

31. It is said that meteors can respond to every request. If I can, I would like to wait under the night sky until a star is moved by me and crosses the sky for me and lands on your pillow with my blessing. Happy birthday!

32. The sun rises for you, flowers bloom for you, birds sing for you, and I send you my best wishes: I wish you happiness every day, laughter, good luck, happiness, happy birthday, and good health.

33. Youth, sunshine and laughter. Dance out a happy beat for this day that belongs to you. Pray for your heart? The grass is always green, the youth is permanent, and the smile is always open. I wish you a happy birthday, health and happiness!

34. Because your arrival has become a beautiful day, and the world has become more attractive since then. The candles of my birthday are full of flowers, each of which is my wish: Happy birthday!

35. The mountains are connected with the water, and the scenery is more beautiful; When sugar and water meet, they dissolve faster; You and I share the same spirit, and our friendship is stronger; My heart will always remember your birthday and send my sincere wishes to you. Happy birthday!

36. I don't know how to bless you with my expectant heart. I hope you will have a warm smile in the moment you look back and meet me in your life journey. Happy birthday!

37. Stir up the chaos of life, decorate the stumbling blocks of life, paint happiness with warm colors, give a full reason for happiness, and send me a love cake made by myself to wish you a happy birthday.

38. Wisdom and beauty coexist, and the trend and cutting-edge represent the incomparable young birthday star with devil figure and angel face. On behalf of the whole world, I would like to wish you a happy birthday and forever beautiful!

39. Words are poor and care is sincere; Characters are monotonous, and blessings are diverse; When your birthday comes, I send you my most sincere and varied wishes. I wish you a happy birthday and everything goes well!

40. A big cake will be sent to you, and a blessing message will be sent to you. On the left, it says "Fu is like the sea water in the east", and on the right, it says "Shou is like a pine in the south". Happiness is always with you on the top, and happiness is always with you on the bottom. Eat quickly! Happy birthday!

41. Youth and genius go hand in hand, which is undoubtedly the most beautiful scene in the world. And you have both. Today, may your youth and talent bring you a better tomorrow! Happy birthday!

42. Your noble temperament is like champagne rose, which makes people admire you. Your elegant posture is like a blooming lotus, which makes people worship you. The essence of heaven and earth gives birth to colorful you. On your birthday, I wish you a happy birthday!

43. I made a wish when the meteor crossed the sky, when the birthday candle was blown, and when I sent this message, I might make a wish: I wish the person who is reading the message a happy life!

44. Cup of good wine, cup of blessing, little candlelight, little love, may candlelight warm your every year, may good wine make you happy every day. The familiar melody to you, sincere wishes to you: I wish you a happy birthday!

45. Candlelight reflected smiling faces, red wine drunk face, music around the ears, singing happy reunion, cake sweet heartstrings, greeting cards wrote: happy life every year, happy time every day. Wish: Happy birthday!

46. I give you a piece of warmth, two pieces of greetings, three pieces of beauty, four pieces of ignorance, five pieces of nobility, six pieces of future, seven pieces of elegance, eight pieces of tenderness, nine pieces of wealth and ten pieces of sincerity. Happy birthday, happiness and health.

47. Wuzhou Avenue leads to the sky, and all messages bless you. The radio wave transmits the message for thousands of miles, unknowingly. It's another year's birthday. It's better than saying goodbye. I wish you a happy birthday. My friend wants you to know.

48. You are the biggest on your birthday today. Make a wish that will sprout. A friend wishes to water, and the dream of good luck fertilization comes true. My short message is Jintianhua, weed removal and lucky scattering. Your wish will come true and be lucky to receive, and we can compete with Meimei!

49. On your birthday, I will send you a boat, hoping to carry you to the other side of happiness; For your birthday, I send you green shade, hoping to help you shelter from the wind and rain; I wish you happiness, health and safety on your birthday!

50. Time takes too much away in the coming and going dust; In the gathering and parting crowd, smiles drown too much, but only sincere blessings and deep thoughts among friends remain unchanged. Happy birthday to you!

51. I weave the spring breeze into a warm blanket for you to wrap happiness. I weave the spring rain into a dreamy ribbon and give it to you to entangle happiness. I send you my best wishes for spring and let the beauty stay!

52. Yesterday was brilliant, but that has become the past; How beautiful tomorrow is, but that is the future; Only today is the most practical, beautiful and treasured day. May you be happy every day and always happy! Happy birthday!

53. Clone a safe one for you, and wish you a healthy life; Clone a happiness to you, and share it with you; Clone one I give you, let me accompany you forever; Clone a blessing for you and wish you a happy birthday!

54. On this special day, a small greeting card will bring you an indelible memory, a friendship that will never be forgotten: let joy fill time and space, let time and space fill with joy. Happy birthday!

55. I sent the wind to dance for you in the air; I arranged clouds to tour for you in the sky; I have arranged the sounds of nature to play for you at this moment and wish you a happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!

56. Friends are thinking of you, wishing you a happy birthday, good things chasing you, worries hiding you, health accompanying you, diseases isolating you, happiness following you, pain away from you, life spoiling you, everything goes well with you! Happy birthday!

57. Wax candles are lit on your birthday, making your dreams sweet and happy; Have a bowl of long-lived noodles on your birthday, and good luck will continue; When you receive a greeting on your birthday, you are happy; I wish you a happy birthday with many smiles and a happy life at home and in business.

58. Greeting from afar will warm your heart, and the beautiful moment will be forever; This feeling is still lingering in the mountains and rivers, no longer sad, and happy; I will keep your greetings forever. I hope my blessing can also swing for you, a happy heart boat!

59. Today is your birthday. Today is your festival. The sun shines happiness, the breeze blows happiness, the birds sing good luck, and the flowers are dotted with luck. I wish you a happy birthday, happiness, good health, and good luck.

60. Do you know why I was born later than you? That's because I drank too much to celebrate your birthday. Who knew I could not see you when I woke up. Fortunately, now I finally found you. Happy birthday!

61. When I woke up in the morning, the magpie called outside the window. Think hard, today is your birthday. Not beside you. Health is always accompanied, happiness is always with you, sleep every night, and life troubles disappear. Happy birthday.

62. Every year, there is a special day, today, because today is your birthday. Please accept my sincere blessing and wish you more happiness, health and peace in the future. Happy birthday!

63. Today is your birthday. I want to give you a glass of juice to drink healthy and energetic; I will give you a piece of cake. I hope you can eat pure and beautiful; I want to send you a song, wish you to hear good luck! Happy birthday!

64. I heard magpies chirping when I got up this morning. It turned out that it was the good news. It said that my friend was celebrating his birthday and came to send his blessing. Ha ha, I wish you a happy birthday, good health and good luck. Don't forget your old friends!

65. Today, N years ago, you suddenly came to the world. This day has become an unusual day. Since then, the world has more laughter. When the birthday candles are lit, each one is my blessing: Happy birthday!

66. A friend is an endless love of reading, an endless meaning of writing, a book of reading and a song of listening. The friendship between you and me is stored in dreams and hearts. Today is your birthday. I wish you a happy birthday and all the best.

67. Birthday is in the present day, happiness is what you want. Good luck has come, and good luck has increased. The gifts are full of arms, and the songs are accompanied by laughter. Happy birthday song, lingering in my ears. Blessings also arrived, Happy Birthday. happy birthday to you.

68. Flying flowers convey true feelings, and fine clouds send good luck. Grab a wisp of passing wind, wrap deep blessings in them, and send them to you, to eliminate your troubles and add your smile. If happiness lasts for a long time, it will not exist every year. Happy birthday!

69. The golden age lights up your youthful smile like fire, and the dream time sings my heartfelt wishes like a song. When the meteor crosses a stream of color, in the birthday candle light, the words of happiness and peace will record the fleeting years of your life! Happy birthday!

70. There are gentle verses in the beautiful candlelight, romantic warmth in the gentle verses, my blessing in the romantic warmth, your name in my blessing, your name today has a special moment of commemoration, happy birthday friends!

71. Let the rippling spring breeze send away all the troubles, let the romantic spring rain slowly moisten the dreams, let the gorgeous spring flowers dress up the life, let the warm spring hang more blessings, and wish you a happy birthday and happiness forever!

72. That year and today, you came out with a small fist, and the world was enriched by you; Today this year, you waved your big hand and laughed. Life is happy because of you. I feel lucky to have friends like you. Happy birthday!

73. The days of wind are relaxing memories, the days of rain are romantic and elegant, the days of frost are emotional precipitation, and the days of snow are waiting for the soul. Your day is the voice of flowers. I wish you a happy birthday and all the best.

74. Year after year, the flowers are similar, but the people who leave are different. Every dreamy season will bring unexpected surprises. The deep wrinkles and the old face are the proof of the passage of life. Happy birthday to you!

75. People travel thousands of miles. The Yangtze River flows into the sea. Friends do not see their friends. They think about it day and night. Pines are not planted in pots. Friendship is not bought with money. As long as friends are willing, wind and waves cannot be divided. Happy birthday!

76. The gentle wind winds my deep thoughts and turns them into true blessings, floating and falling gently beside you. You should listen to the sound of the wind quietly and feel the coziness with your heart. That's when I wish you a happy birthday.

77. Looking at the beautiful flowers, I miss your face, look at the clouds, think about your date, and hold my breath gently. I still can't feel you when I am too far away. May I wish you a happy birthday and a beautiful smile!

78. I will never forget our sincere friendship, cherish each other's reincarnation fate, and thank you for the surprise you brought to me. I will always bless you like this. In this golden autumn harvest day, I wish you a happy birthday and never have trouble!

79. The sun is golden, the moon is silver, and your birthday is colorful. May you be surrounded by happiness, chased by good luck, subdued by happiness, and stuck by smiles. At that time, don't forget that someone is far away to bless you. Happy birthday!

80. Spring, summer, autumn and winter flow because of today, day and night change because of today, the sun, moon and stars are bright because of today, and continuous blessings appear because of today. Angels are born in the world. Let me sincerely wish: Happy birthday!

81. Take a deep breath of fresh air and let all your troubles go with the wind; Flowers are blooming for you at this moment, smiles are shining for you at this moment, candlelight is lit, and the heartbeat of blessings is ringing. I wish my friend a happy birthday!

82. Let the wind blow away your worries, let the rain wash away your troubles, let the sun bring you warmth, let the moon bring you warmth, let love bring you happiness, let friendship bring you happiness, let today's flowers laugh for you, happy birthday!

83. A magic wand can bring you thousands of blessings, an invisibility cloak can help you hide all your troubles, a magic sweep can take you to distant happiness, and a good friend can bring you sincere blessings. I wish you a happy birthday as if you were in the magical world!

84. Quietly, please accept my blessing. I will give you deep happiness. The wind in spring will float my thoughts and give you my sweetest dream. The stars in spring are extremely bright. May you have a happy spring! Happy birthday!