86 sentences from the circle of lovelorn friends
Water like Love
2023-04-22 23:31:15
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1、 It's good of you to leave, otherwise I'm always worried about you.

2、 If I disappear, you will know my existence.

3、 The strong wind wakes up the strong liquor, and then we know that the original love is all a dream.

4、 At the beginning, we know that there will always be an end.

5、 Sometimes caring too much is a kind of torture to oneself.

6、 Without your original letting go, there is no happiness for me now.

7、 Whose loneliness covers my clothes, whose clothes cover my shoulders.

8、 Thank you for letting me move, now only heartache.

9、 You gave me all hope, but you also blocked my sunshine.

10、 One small action of others reminds me of you for a long time.

11、 Start to learn not to be accompanied by others. Pretending to be alone is also a kind of beauty.

12、 Don't want to separate from you, but your choice is to give up me.

13、 You said I was your life. Are you still alive when you lost your life.

14、 You still leave me, my world, no longer have you.

15、 In fact, I used to be very cute. At least be sure to last forever.

16、 All women talk about breaking up with each other, and they shout in their hearts not to leave.

17、 I once regarded you as all, but now we are strangers.

18、 There is nothing wrong. I don't believe in happiness. I believe in you.

19、 Tears said goodbye, is not willing to let go or feel sorry.

20、 Don't be afraid of being used by others. They use you to show that you are still useful.

21、 If we change our hearts, you will understand, and I will understand you.

22、 It was you who said we were together at the beginning, but it was me who was reluctant to part with us in the end.

23、 I have loved you like that, and I will love others like that in the future.

24、 Carve you on a cigarette and breathe into your lungs, the nearest distance from my heart.

25、 What is happiness? It is to cover up your sadness and smile at everyone.

26、 In fact, we didn't start at all, so I don't have to say the end.

27、 We are just passers-by A, B, C and D, playing collective games in this colorful world.

28、 I just want people around me to be happy, but I forget that I am not the master of the world.

29、 How many tears does love need to be watered to grow into a strong forest.

30、 Real satisfaction comes from your heart, not from people and things outside.

31、 Wipe off the tears bit by bit, and then leave without saying a word.

32、 The most beautiful thing in the world is the smile that comes out of tears.

33、 My illness is a person's name, and my life is also a person's name.

34、 Sometimes, it's better not to say anything. Some people are not worth wasting their words.

35、 Always a person, nothing, including the friends I care about.

36、 Without him, I would not be unaccustomed, because I have never been accustomed to having him.

37、 Wait or not, I have waited. In and don't care, I already care.

38、 You are at a loss that I can't guess, and I am irrelevant that you can't imagine.

39、 You said that you should protect her well. From then on, I would wander around alone.

40、 You said that you would accompany me to a certain day, but you left me on a certain day, a certain night, a certain street.

41、 If we can go back in time and not break up, can we stay together forever now.

42、 The ignorant age cannot say love, and the girl who must be hurt must be a dreamer.

43、 Sometimes, it is too late to say goodbye and forget about memories, and the moment becomes the past.

44、 Maybe God will arrange us to meet other people before meeting the right one.

45、 The colorful clouds are easy to disperse and the colored glaze is crisp. The beautiful things in the world can never last forever.

46、 The first and last love, the softest pain is that we are together every day.

47、 It can be found that the past has gradually faded away and is hard to reach, and the pursuit seems powerless.

48、 What you can't forget is memories, what you continue is life, what you miss is passing by.

49、 I don't know whether you love me now or not. I only know that I once loved you deeply.

50、 What we lack is not opportunity, but the courage to return to zero in the face of opportunity.

51. I choked up and told you all about the old days. How ridiculous! I thought you would be moved.

52. Some people appear in your life just to tell you that you are really easy to cheat.

53. Don't feel inferior in life. Even if you are a pile of shit, you will meet a dung beetle someday.

Fifty-four. i never entered your heart. i naively thought i was the only one for you.

55. When you can't see it, you think you've forgotten it. When you meet it, you will still be defeated.

56. Maybe it's not who loses who breaks up, but two right people love each other at the wrong time.

57. The most painful thing in life is that you pay too much attention to others and even forget that you are special.

58. Occasionally, you should look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost.

59. I put down my dignity, personality and stubbornness, all because I can't put you down.

If you don't let go of the old things, you will miss the new ones even if they come.

61. The older you grow, the more you dare not rely on others. Because people's hearts are changeable, what you give yourself is called a sense of security.

62. In love, we must know each other. If we don't know each other well, we will definitely fall in love. Even if we open our hearts to one person.

Sixty three. If you put it down, you will not care so much. You are just looking for an embarrassing excuse for your inability to put it down.

64. Never think that other people's husbands or wives are better than their own, because they don't love you.

65. From the moment you had the heart to hurt me, I knew that you must never have considered my feelings.

Sixty six. I cried like a child and told you to stay, but you didn't look back, so I waved to me.

Sixty seven. The flower of a rose has no fragrance, misses a person, misses a wound, does not cry, does not speak.

68. The most painful feeling in the world is not lovelorn, but when I give my heart to you, you cheat me.

69. The past events have been deeply engraved in my mind, and the beautiful memories will accompany me forever.

70. Many times we give up, thinking that it is just a relationship. In the end, we realize that it is a life.

71. When we say "nothing", it is often the most uncomfortable time.

Seventy two, don't ask why what you said has become a joke? Because the vow of love is originally a joke for adults.

Seventy three, only you know whether it hurts or not, and only you know whether it changes or not. Don't ask me if I'm doing well. I'll be fine if I can't die.

Seventy four, like you, sour feeling, really afraid that one day, I will lose you. Lose you, why even breathing, will hurt.

Seventy five. Sleep a long sleep, listen to a favorite song, reduce your strong love, and feel that life is bright and everything is lovely.

Seventy six, I can't do it in my life. Therefore, I will wait for you in the next life. I will meet you earlier than everyone else.

Seventy seven. Every time I see news about you, I think, why is it that a person who used to be so kind to me is suddenly not mine.

Seventy eight, it's not love that won't let you go. It's not memory that won't let you go. It's fate that won't let you go. It's yourself that won't let you go.

79. I thought the easiest thing in the world was to forget. Later I finally realized that the most difficult thing in the world is to forget.

Eighty, I want to hear you say that you love me. I really want to accept the roses you sent, and I want to love you more, even if it is only a second, I want to see you again.

Eighty one. Although I wipe away the tears left by myself, the enthusiasm in my heart never fades away. Thinking about your happiness and your sadness, your mood is my eternal concern!

82. When you break up, you should forget, especially those you love deeply. Only time can change everything. Don't force yourself to forget. When you can't forget it, just think about it and cry. It's nothing.

83. Sometimes, when God wants you to end a relationship, it is not to confiscate your happiness, but God has always looked at your unhappiness. Even God loves you and thinks he is unworthy, so he lets you go.

Eighty four, stop being so negative. What should we do when we are being pretentious at night? We should really turn off our mobile phones, cut off some unnecessary connections, throw away all negative energy, live a serious life, and do some serious things again.

Eighty five, there is a kind of love with tears, but very beautiful, it is called giving up! Although giving up is painful, it is also a kind of happiness to have. Emotion cannot be forced. If you hold on to it, you will also hold on to scars and pain. Hold your hand tightly, and there is nothing inside. Release your hand, and you have everything.

Eighty six. Two people are together for happiness, and breaking up is to ease pain. You can't make me happy anymore, and I have to leave. When I left you, it was also very painful, but you must be more painful than me, because I said goodbye first, and I was the first to pursue happiness. Everything has a price. The price of happiness is pain.