81 classic life maxims
Self floating forest
2023-03-22 08:58:54
A complete set of maxims

1. Human beings should strive even more to survive in the competition.

2. You can drink when the water is cold, but it's hard to be hot when the heart is cold.

3. Luminescence is not the patent of the sun, you can also shine.

4. Sometimes the killer of marriage is not an affair, but time.

5. I would rather regret having done it than having missed it.

6. If a man does not seek happiness, he will not suffer misfortune. People who don't seek profits are harmless.

7. Human value is determined at the moment of suffering.

8. Behind every hard work, there will be double rewards.

9. Be happy when you are alive, because we will die for a long time.

10. It is easy for Chinese people to learn from Americans, but difficult for Chinese people to learn from Chinese people.

11. How much pressure you should bear should you do.

12. Any failure to submit results must be explained reasonably.

13. Losing is just a gesture, but getting is not equal to happiness.

14. Self criticism is always believed, but self praise is not.

15. If you can't learn, ask if you don't know. If you are ashamed to ask others, you will never make progress.

16. Fools watch their hearts, while wise men watch their hearts.

17. A wise man who cares a thousand times must lose something; A fool who cares a thousand times must get something.

18. I will miss you when I am free, and I will miss you when I am not free.

19. An old hero is ambitious; In their twilight years, the martyrs are determined.

20. Action does not necessarily bring happiness, and there is no happiness without action.

21. The more a person cares about the place, the most inferiority.

22. A bachelor does not necessarily mean misfortune, and money does not necessarily bring misfortune.

23. I don't like wearing watches because time is a heavy thing.

24. The most vulnerable thing in the world is life. It is very important to be healthy.

25. I would rather swallow the chaff with good people than have a feast with bad people.

26. Try to have excellent professional skills, and the unskilled will panic.

27. When I think of desert, I think of water. When I think of love, I think of you.

28. I hope to lie on the sunflower and face the sun even if I am depressed.

29. This is life. If you don't want to change it, it will change you.

30. Life is endless, so there is no so-called destination.

31. Achievement is a ladder for modest people to move forward and a slide for proud people to move backward.

32. Love is like a poem. It does not crave gorgeous appearance but pure connotation.

33. If you want to win the friendship of others, you must first show friendship to others.

34. Most people want to transform the world, but few want to transform themselves.

35. My landing means my sinking and aging, so I keep flying.

36. Nine out of ten people who can seize the opportunity to walk in front of them will succeed.

37. Walk forward with your feet on the ground. The sunshine always comes after the wind and rain. There is a rainbow after the wind and rain.

38. Why should you sleep in three hours and get up in five hours? It's most useless to be afraid of being exposed to cold in ten days.

39. People who speak little are not necessarily brave and wise, and talking and laughing are not necessarily not serious.

40. Remember: you are the captain of your life; Go your own way, why care about others.

41. When things are done in the world, we don't want to be absolutely perfect. If we leave a deficiency, we can get infinite beauty.

42. People with profound knowledge should ask questions when they understand; A man of shallow learning neither understands nor asks.

43. When you are honest with yourself, no one in the world can cheat you.

44. Maybe the real success is to spend your life in the way you like.

45. Rich people are afraid that others will know that they are rich, while those without money are afraid that others will know that they are poor.

46. When you walk with a companion, you don't feel far away. When you eat with a companion, you will enjoy your meal.

47. When you have nothing to lose, you begin to gain.

48. We came to this world crying. I hope we will leave with a smile when we leave.

49. A person's life may burn or decay. I can't decay. I am willing to burn!

50. The more proud a person is, the more he likes to hide. The more painful a person is, the more he likes to make a mountain out of a molehill.

51. On the neck of young people, there is nothing more brilliant than career ambition.

52. Jealousy is the potential desperation of people who are completely immersed in the gain and loss of accidental opportunities.

53. The belief of success acts like an alarm clock in the human brain, which will wake you up when you need it.

54. There are thousands of reasons for success, but if the will is weak, all the reasons are useless.

55. A man's lie can cheat a woman one night, and a woman's lie can cheat a man's life.

56. Invest love in one person and take risks; It is dangerous to invest love in many people.

57. In addition to love, you must also find something that can make you stand on the earth with strong feet.

58. What is love? Life tells me that love is a pair of hands that can stretch and shrink, and two hearts that know both cold and hot.

59. People should be like "people", always upward and with both feet on the ground.

60. The role of a leader: to be a public servant in front of the people, a model in front of work, and a sword in front of corruption.

61. To bear the pain that others cannot bear, and to eat the pain that others cannot, is to reap the harvest that others cannot.

62. Everything must have a deadline, otherwise, most people will spend as much time as they have.

63. Give others a chance to help you, let them enjoy the happiness after helping others, and at the same time, you enjoy the happiness of being helped!

64. Make your own decisions. Then be prepared to take the consequences. Remind yourself from the beginning that there is no regret medicine in the world.

65. Faith is the power that governs the action of soldiers. He can endure all hardships and sufferings to achieve the goal he has chosen.

66. The place most prone to fall is not high mountains but flat ground. Those who fall into the deep valley can only find the exit by going up.

67. Those who live in yesterday lose the past, those who live in tomorrow lose the future, and those who live in today have the past and the future.

68. Loneliness in life is a force. People can stand loneliness and get freedom; If you can't stand loneliness, you will be restrained by others.

69. If the person you like doesn't like you, then even if people all over the world like you, you still feel lonely?

70. We can avoid everyone, but we can't avoid a fly. It is often trivial things that make us unhappy in life.

71. If we have happy thoughts, we will be happy; If we have miserable thoughts, we will be miserable.

72. Don't be a hedgehog. If you don't make enemies with others, you won't make enemies with others. No one will stay with you forever. There is no need to keep some things in mind.

73. On the long road of life, whether it is stormy, or torrential rapids. The most important thing is that the lust of life cannot be extinguished.

74. People should be honest with themselves. Love has no traffic lights and will not tell you when to leave or when to stop. You can only go forward bravely by intuition.

75. It turns out that when you are lonely, your fingers count your toes; It turns out that even breathing can cause heartache when missing; Originally, a person is a lifetime.

76. I only ask you one thing: if you can live through this era, then don't forget, don't forget the good and don't forget the bad.

77. Life requires our efforts. When we are young, we should work hard to exercise our ability to master knowledge, skills and necessary social experience.

78. If you have a good plan, summon the courage to move forward. Don't be discouraged or give up halfway. Going along a curve is not failure. You don't have to be sad in your mood.

79. What is charm? Charm is not beautiful. A beautiful woman may not attract me. I like a dignified and elegant woman. So you don't have to worry about not being beautiful enough.

80. People who walk with their heads down only see the thickness of the earth, but ignore the height of the sky; People who walk with their heads up only see the vast sky, but ignore the hardships and steepness at their feet.

81. Self interested people die first. He lives by himself and lives for himself. If his "I" is damaged, he cannot survive.