Personalized signature girl leather
Laugh at the world of mortals
2023-05-19 22:46:44
Complete set of signatures

1. Are you there? I want to tell you!

2. When all the people are here, you will be missed.

3. Men don't drink, don't walk in the society.

4. Although sleeping naked, plug and play.

5. At the ugliest time, meet the most real person.

6. It's too cold. This weather makes my heart even colder.

7. If a woman wants to stand firm, she must be gentle.

8. The men who cheated were dragged out to castrate.

9. Pay me back in this life, and read it backwards. Dare not.

10. The unfinished cup of poetry has become, and the surging poetry is also shocked every day.

11. Being able to eat is a blessing. Only when you are full can you lose weight.

12. Your eyes are really beautiful. They are only suitable for me.

13. Life is very short, I am willing to make mistakes with you.

14. Too much talk but not enough brains. It's not good to be appointed in the future.

15. Do you have the trouble of hair loss like me?

16. I don't want to complain about life anymore, I just want to hold you!

17. There are not too many heartless people in the world, but too many boring people.

18. Let go of the hand you can't hold, it's too fat.

19. Take out your complaints every day, and your mood will not be short of calcium.

20. Every day before going to bed with the mobile phone, wake up with the mobile phone.

21. Don't take your beauty seriously. I'm just being polite.

22. Drink a cup of dichlorvos to clear your mind and refresh your mind, and you'll be fine soon!

23. We are people who are delayed by time, and we are totally different.

24. When I said that I was not handsome, they said that I pretended to beat me.

25. Farting is the best way to verify whether love turns into kinship.

26. Love is your betrayal, but I have been waiting for you to turn back!

27. There are no naive women nowadays, who are either simple or stupid.

28. We screwed up this relationship together, and everyone is to blame.

29. Don't say life hurts you. Life doesn't even know who you are.

30. The earth is still turning, the world is still changing, and I love you forever.

31. Love is like a ceramic doll. It is cruel and beautiful, but it is hard and easy to break.

32. Say sorry to yourself, pick up your self-esteem and walk proudly!