Building slogans Building materials slogans (120 selected sentences)
2023-04-17 07:43:08
Complete set of slogans

1. Production must be safe, and safety promotes production.

2. Ensure that the owner is satisfied with Jianheng's wish, build quality projects and create quality life.

3. All the guards are safe, and all the guards are as stable as a mountain!

4. Overcome difficulties, construct meticulously, and complete project construction tasks with high quality, safety and on schedule!

5. Hidden danger is better than open fire, prevention is better than disaster relief, and responsibility is heavier than Mount Tai.

6. Operation against rules is equal to, and command against rules is equal to killing.

7. Establish polite construction site and build provincial excellent project.

8. Loving and dedicated, honest and trustworthy, fair, serving the masses and contributing to society.

9. Build an image and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises; Strengthen internal quality and stimulate employees' creativity.

10. Compliance with regulations is the guarantee of safety, and violation of regulations is the cause of accidents!

11. Strict process discipline to ensure project quality!

12. Labor creates wealth, safety brings happiness!

13. Building blocks and tiles; Living and working in peace and contentment will warm people's hearts.

14. Build the best power plant in China and create a world-class brand!

15. Implement safety rules and regulations and strengthen safety precautions.

16. Always pay attention to quality and establish a life outlook.

17. You can rest assured of our intentions.

18. Hidden dangers are not rooted, and accidents are rooted.

19. Focus on quality, ensure safety, promote degree and create benefits!

20. Safety is the glorious flower of those who comply with regulations, and accidents are the stigma of those who violate disciplines!

21. Widely carry out safety activities and thoroughly implement the safety production law.

22. Be competent or incompetent in work, and use safety production as a yardstick.

23. Safety responsibility is more important than Mount Tai, and the safety alarm bell is ringing all the time.

24. Master the knowledge of safety production and strive to be a law-abiding worker.

25. Always pay attention to safety and prevent accidents.

26. Quality is the life of the enterprise, and safety is the life of the staff!

27. It is glorious to observe rules and disciplines, and shameful to violate rules and disciplines.

28. Thorough planning, scientific management, loyalty to design and meticulous construction.

29. Learn from the advanced, find the gap, grasp the management and improve the level.

30. Safety is the biggest saving, and accidents are the biggest waste!