Sentences with high EQ and tactful refusal of others' confession
Heart to heart
2023-01-30 17:11:30
Complete sentences

1. I can't change what you like about me?

2. I always regard you as my brother or younger brother.

3. My type, nothing special

4. I think we'd better be friends.

5. It is better to forget each other in the Jianghu than to help each other.

6. I don't want to have nothing to do with my friends in the future.

7. I'm not suitable for anyone, not just you

8. Reason for refusal: I was actually a man before.

9. I'm afraid we will have husband and wife together after a long time.

10. You even look up to me. What else can't you do?

11. If only we had known each other earlier. (It can make you realize earlier)

12. I'm not fit to be a lover. (Nonsense, no one will be suitable to be your lover.)

13. Samson, do you go to the toilet? What's up? Oh, just let you pee.

14. My feelings for you are just feelings between friends. I hope you don't misunderstand me.

15. Don't worry, we can be friends first. (I can find my boyfriend at this time)

16. Don't worry, we can be friends first. (I can find my boyfriend at this time)

17. I don't want to hurt our friendship. (There will always be only friendship between us)

18. I think it is true that there is pure friendship between men and women, such as us, right?

19. Sorry, we are not drawn in the same style. I can't get your dot.

20. Since you like me because of my face, you have to accept me because your face doesn't like you.

21. There is a person in my heart. (That person is a fake one for me to block people like you.)

22. Meeting you will always make me relive the happiness of my childhood. (It feels like an aunt meets a little brother)

23. I think you are good. (Wearing vulgar clothes, I know it's not fun to go out with you at a glance)

24. I don't think I can give you the feeling you want. So we may not be suitable for each other.

25. I really don't like you very much. It's no use saying it again. How can you understand me? I just don't feel for you.

At the age of 26, he aspires to become a loser, but when he grows up, he becomes a foodie; Be endowed with cute eyes and fat waist; Life is like this. You can overeat, but you can't refuse to get fat. Hold on, it means everything! Yes, I'm not the "Dragon Warrior". NOT AT ALL!