78 classic sentences for eloquence
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2023-04-01 22:01:39

1. If you excuse me first, I can get flat.

2. A grain of salt is the sea when you lose your temper.

3. Let me see your gentle fangs.

4. Your new sweetheart is not someone else's broken shoes.

5. It's OK for you to step on my feet, but don't step on my shoes!

6. Stealing is not my fault, but my loneliness.

7. I am a mute. I usually speak in disguise.

8. The doctor told me not to stay up late for photosynthesis.

9. The weather is hot like a joke, and life is like nonsense.

10. What's your vital capacity? You can blow Niu B so much.

11. Only those who can keep secrets can get more secrets.

12. Confucius said: When three people walk together, there must be my wife. Choose the beautiful and marry them.

13. The earth is moving, and a person will not always be in an unlucky position.

14. Cheap is also an art. Let's do it well together!

15. You are too short! Let me borrow your telescope and see more clearly. Am I not handsome?

16. Trust is like a delicate snowflake. Never play with it.

17. The girl who looks at the sky is lonely, and the boy who looks at the sky is looking for UFOs!

18. It's not that we grow up more lonely, but that we give less and less love to others.

19. Three regrets in life: not to choose; Do not insist on choice; Keep choosing.

20. Too much freedom becomes indulgence; Too many constraints become imprisonment.

21. I want to make a download software, called Mask. Because the thunder can't cover the ears.

22. It's an insult to my dark circles when someone put on blue eye shadow!

23. Don't promise others easily, because only those who listen will remember many words.

24. When time and patience have become luxuries, we can only rely on the constellation to understand each other.

25. Although he came to Xi'an, he was gentle and clean, and could not see the demeanor of the terracotta warriors.

26. The grievances that can be said are not grievances; The lover who can take away is not a lover.

27. Life is like a dream. All reasons are false, attitudes are false, and needs are real.

28. Occasionally, you should look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost.

29. Your way of speaking is called "pull" in rhetoric

30. If I am the only person you love in this life, I will cherish our fate.

31. I am waiting for someone who can accompany me to listen to all the sad love songs, but will not make me want to cry.

32. Don't worry about the quicksand you can't hold. If you know me, you will leave the snowflakes walking side by side.

33. It is very simple to determine whether you like a person: when you approach her, you want to kiss her.

34. Nobody can remember that I used to simply believe so much, and finally lost my happiness.

35. Being single does not mean being weak. It means that you are strong enough to wait for the person you deserve.

36. It's troublesome to raise fish. I often forget to change the water every week. Later, I had to change the fish once a week.

37. Innocent people do not mean that they have not seen the darkness of the world, but just because they have seen it, they know that innocence is good.

38. Women should not think that if they are good looking, they can not read. Men should not think that if they read well, they can grow ugly.

39. The two people standing at the top of the mountain and at the bottom of the mountain are insignificant in the eyes of each other, although they have different positions.

40. No matter what, it is always unforgivable for a person to fall for an excuse. The more no one loves him, the more he should love himself.

41. It is not necessary to forget, but it must be estranged. It takes courage even to take the initiative after being silent for too long.

42. What makes us unhappy are all trivial things. We can dodge an elephant, but we can't dodge a fly.

43. Never forget to smile even when you are bored; No matter how urgent, we should also pay attention to the tone; No matter how hard it is, don't forget to persist; No matter how tired you are, you should love yourself.

44. The so-called quality of life is simply understood as finding the most suitable environment for yourself, like a fish in water or a bird in the forest.

45. Others always see us holding hands happily. In fact, the truth is that once I let go, she will go shopping.

46. His hospitality means that he has just fallen in love with you; He is clumsy, because he loves you deeply; He is calm. He is tired of you.

47. Life is for business, not for calculation. Emotion is used to maintain, not to test.

48. Find a deserted valley at the end of the prosperity, build a wooden hut, and pave a green stone path, so as to be at peace with you in the morning and evening.

49. The richest person in the world is the one who falls most. The bravest person in the world is the one who can get up every time he falls.

50. People with love in their hearts will send out positive energy. The ultrasonic wave of love is your calling order, and someone is coming to you looking for a voice.

51. The world won't care about your self-esteem. People only look at your achievements. Don't overemphasize self-esteem until you have achieved nothing.

52. I liked you because I was blind, and you didn't know how to cherish it because you were blind. But now that I have recovered, you are still blind.

53. XXX University is shining with stars. Come in and have a look. Ten teachers, nine fools. Another one is insanity.

54. All harmony and balance, health and bodybuilding, success and happiness are generated and created by the upward psychology of optimism and hope.

55. The heaviest topic among men is talking about their own women, while the easiest topic among men is talking about other people's women.

56. If you want to sit on two chairs at the same time, you may fall down from the middle of the chair. Life requires that you can only choose one chair to sit on.

57. The story of Chang'e and Houyi teaches us that a woman who takes drugs and a man who likes shooting indiscriminately outside will not have results.

58. People would rather care about the food, drink, and trifles of a bad movie actor than understand the turbulent inner world of an ordinary person.

59. There are always a few of them every month. His face changes from red to green, from green to yellow, then blue, then purple, then green, and finally leaves me.

60. The better you are, the more harsh the world is on you. The mediocre can be forgiven for making thousands of mistakes, but the real elite can't stand the occasional slip.

61. When I think of that year, it seems that it was yesterday. When I talk about that year, it seems that it just happened. When I leave that year, my dream will last for two or three years. When I wake up, it will be a long time later.

62. If you want to shine on thousands of people, please have more confidence. If you want to hold your lover, please learn a lesson. If you want to be happy, please knock on your heart. If you can be honest, you will be more attractive.

63. Loneliness is not a negative suffering, but a charming positive force. If you are tired of the world of mortals, you will be confined to the soul like a poet, with flowers, trees and moonlight.

64. People are like climbing high. If you want to see far, you must have a high pattern; If you want to see more beautiful scenery, you need to occupy a favorable position. In fact, the most important thing is who to accompany, and the mood to see the scenery every moment.

65. As long as I meet the princess in my life, I will have the power to never stop. My life is positive and full of sunshine every day. I will change for her, pay for her, be full of ambition, and strive for her career. From then on, my life will be changed.

66. There is a person who is far and near, but not far away. His every move and every action is turbulent, and he often remembers each other from afar. In a corner of your heart, you will often be affected by the name, sometimes as turbulent as a river, sometimes as gurgling streams. He gives you wonderful memories.

67. Simply write down love and missing. If two people who love each other really want to be together: then any resistance between them will go together! It depends on whether they really cherish the most beautiful love and this wonderful fate in the world.

68. Some girls are beautiful and talented, but they always feel that their best side should only be seen by the people they love. So they always sit at the corner, waiting for their lovers to pass by. No gorgeous appearance. These girls who love to sit at the corner may be the bravest.

69. If you love someone, you don't need to do anything vital for her. Love a person, just do something trivial for her. If you love someone, please do these trivial things for her all your life. Love is to extend a little care to the whole life.

70. I would rather we look like parallel lines than cross lines. Parallel lines can at least move in the same direction, at least with you all the way, I will not be lonely. But the crossing line is getting farther and farther, and it will never be seen again. How do you want me to accept that I will never see your time again.

71. Never say that there is no good man in the world. Maybe tomorrow, you will meet the man who loves you. In your eyes, no matter how bad he is, he is also good. In fact, there is no need to bear grudges after breaking up, let alone abandon oneself. Love does not belong to fixed two people, but suitable two people.

72. One day in the past, you met a person. His appearance taught you what is happiness and what is peace of mind. His appearance made you realize what is carefree. One day in the past, someone said I love you in your ear, and he will tell you, don't think about anything, everything has me.

73. When you are happy, sadness will peep at you; When you are suffering, it is followed by joy. In the end, you will find that everything is well deserved, every kind of pain and happiness, every thing you get and lose, good and bad. In the end, you will find that it is the same.

74. There is no two identical people in the world. No matter how ordinary you are, it is also a limited edition. Don't look down on yourself. Whether you have created huge value or not, you are a luxury in the eyes of those who love you. Be worthy of yourself. No matter how contemptuous people around you are, they should not hinder you from living in a cool and arrogant way. You are very expensive. You should live a precious life.

75. When you only desire a comfortable feeling, this is the source of unhappiness in love. In true love, perhaps hard work is more comfortable. Running in consideration and tolerance, everything is tiring. The purpose of suffering is to make love grow stronger, and it is most likely to make people give up halfway. Many people are so tired in love that they begin to suspect that they love the wrong person. No, that's exactly what love is.

76. It is the gods and men who can maintain love with hormones all their lives, and it is the saints who tie each other with Platonic love. We laymen, the only way to maintain love is to run in, to run in with patience and tolerance, to run out their own edges and corners, to cut off the other's tough thorns, and to run in is inclusive. Running in is to change and improve. It is worthwhile to change for love and happiness for a lifetime.

77. When you only desire a comfortable feeling, this is the source of unhappiness in love. In true love, perhaps hard work is more comfortable. Running in, understanding and tolerance are all tiresome. The purpose of suffering is to make love grow stronger, and it is most likely to make people give up halfway. Many people are so tired in love that they begin to suspect that they love the wrong person. No, that's exactly what love is.

78. A young man asked a wise old man: "Where does wisdom come from?" The wise man said: "Accurate judgment." The young man asked: "Where does accurate judgment come from?" The wise man said: "Experience." The young man asked again: "Where does experience come from?" The wise man said: "Wrong judgment.