Write ancient sentences about love (95 selected sentences)
Breeze Moon Shadow
2023-03-19 12:52:38
Complete sentences

1. There are trees in the mountain and trees and branches in the mountain. You are happy, but you don't know.

2. The world of mortals is noisy and flashy.

3. One of the two poems written by Huang Jingren is like this star. It was not last night. For whom did you stand at midnight.

4. Li Shangyin's untitled six songs, three of which are straight to lovesickness, are useless, and it is not harmful to be melancholy.

5. In the dream of the Jianghu, a hundred flowers bloom, people come and go, and the prosperity is like brocade.

6. Li Yuqing's peaceful happiness is like spring grass when he leaves hatred.

7. Years walk around, people know whether flowers bloom and snow melts in another autumn. Green silk has changed all over. Who knows how many times I look back in my life?

8. In the world, you are like a lotus, pure and elegant, not dirty and dirty, and indifferent to vanity.

9. When the neon lights go out, the world becomes cold, the fireworks will fade, and the music will stop, which makes the ending of the story more appealing.

10. Look at the spring flowers blooming and falling, the autumn wind blowing the summer months away, and the winter snow is another year. When she waited, people were thinner than yellow flowers.

11. Zhang Jijie's wife sings to return the bright pearl to her husband with tears falling down, and hates not to meet her when she is not married.

12. The weather is not old. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

13. I'm not me. It's not me in Suzhou when you turn around.

14. The day is cold, and the world is old. The vicissitudes of life are brightened, and tears are dry. I am wandering beside the bed on the other side of the river. Watching the past, I have no hope of returning.

15. The wind and clouds in the world come out of our generation, and the time when we enter the Jianghu urges us; When the emperor is talking and laughing, he will be drunk in life.

16. Li Bai said three or five or seven words into my lovesickness door, knowing that my lovesickness is bitter, long lovesickness is long memory, short lovesickness is infinite.

17. Li Shangyin visited Qujiang alone in the late autumn, knowing that he was in love for a long time.

18. If I had white hair and a late face, would you still hold my hands and be gentle.

19. In the past, there were tall buildings singing songs in the morning and singing songs in the night, and dancing sleeves were on them.

20. Colorful and flashy, but you have to.

21. Zheng Chouyu said goodbye to you this time. It's the wind, rain and night; You smiled and I waved my hand, and a lonely road spread to both ends.

22. Who burned the smoke and scattered the vertical and horizontal ties.

23. Li Shangyin's untitled body has no colorful phoenix wings, and his heart is connected.

24. Gong Zizhen's poems of Qihai are not heartless, but turn into spring mud to protect flowers.

25. After a fleeting dream, I can see the full moon blooming by the water.

26. If the relationship between Qin Guan and Magpie Bridge Immortals lasts for a long time, it will not last forever.

27. Zhang Xian is not old for thousands of years. The heart is like a double screen, with thousands of knots in it.

28. This time I leave you, it is wind, rain and night; You smiled and I waved my hand, and a lonely road spread to both ends.

29. The anonymous phoenix seeks her husband. There are beautiful people in the zither songs. They will never forget when they see them. They will never see them for a day. They will be crazy when they think about them.

30. The still water flows deep, and the sound of the wind and the music of the wind; The three lives are full of ups and downs, and once there are joys and sorrows.

31. The short pavilion is short, and the world of mortals is rolling over. I sigh Xiao again.

32. A thousand years ago is like a dream. The past is still stranded in the wake of a dream.

33. Nalan Xingde broke through the Huanxisha people and became less affectionate. Now he is really not affectionate.

34. Once the golden wind and jade dew meet, they will win countless victories in the world.

35. Those who understand the taste of lovesickness, look forward to the return of their loved ones, hold rouge and tears, paint willows and moon eyebrows, complain about love in the song, think about the reincarnation of red sleeves, and pay the wrong amount of lovesickness are all heartbroken people.

36. Butterflies are beautiful. After all, butterflies cannot fly in the sea.

37. The heliocentric period is full of calamities, and you should remember that you are afraid of getting married in your life.

38. Spend the whole life safely. Knows it all.

39. I am young and full of youth.

40. Dye the fire maple forest, sing the moon in the Qiong pot, and sing the long song against the building. Year after year, before flowers and under the moon, a fragrant wine. When the red lotus falls from the water, only the jade chime can be heard, but the feeling remains the same.

41. Dark clouds cover the moon, leaving no trace of people. I can't say how lonely it is.

42. Li Bai's three or five or seven words of lovesickness tell you when to meet? At this time, the night was embarrassed.

43. Liang Qichao said "Acacia at the bottom of the tree" in Taiwan's bamboo words, but he did not know that "missing Lang hates Lang Lang".

44. We don't know where we start, but we go deep. The living can die, and the dead can live. Neither life nor death, nor death nor rebirth, is the supreme love.

45. Anonymous drum beating "The Book of Songs: The Wind" is full of life and death, which is related to Zi Cheng. hold your hand and grow old together with you.

46. Cao Zhi's bright moon goes up to the tall building, and if you raise dust on the road, and if your concubine is muddy cement, she will rise and fall in different ways. When will she meet?

47. Life is just like a white horse crossing the knee, suddenly. However, I will live forever, but I can remember every word you said.

48. If you don't know much, you will worry more; if you don't have enough power, you will get angry more; if you don't have enough faith, you will talk more.