Film impressions
Fate is doomed
2023-08-01 23:52:21
fourth grade
impressions of after reading

In the summer vacation, I watched a film about disabled children - "Beautiful Mother". In the film, Sun Liying's mother tries her best to make money every day in order to make her son born deaf live a normal life. She also firmly taught her son to study hard and become a useful person when he grew up. Zheng Da studied hard with his mother, and finally he could talk off and on. Once, when his mother just came home, Zhengda said to her mother, "Mom, I'll tell you...... Stories......" and then he told about "Crows Drink Water". When he finished laboriously, his mother was so excited that she hugged him and cried. I was also deeply moved.
Once, when Zheng Da was skiing and wrestling, his friends found him wearing a hearing aid. The partners gathered around him to laugh at him and said that his school uniform was fake. Zheng Da was very inferiority complex and had a conflict with his mother. When Zheng Da's mother cried at the overpass, I couldn't help thinking of my mother. My mother is just an ordinary housewife. She works hard every day to do housework. But I don't understand my mother at all and often lose my temper. Once, when my mother was cleaning the room, she threw away my favorite things. I was so angry that I made a scene. I messed up my mother's folded quilts and turned over all the books in the bookcase. My mother didn't say a word, but silently sorted out the things I had messed up.
Now when I think about it, I think it really shouldn't be like this at that time, which hurt my mother's heart. We should not laugh at disabled children. They also hope to live an equal life with us. We should respect them.