Aesthetical travel sentence Aesthetical travel (65 selected sentences)
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2023-06-25 07:09:31
Complete sentences

1. I went to different places, saw different landscapes, learned different things, and realized different lives. In the early morning, as the pulley touched the ground, the plane shook, and I finally said my last goodbye.

2. When traveling alone, you can ignore the complicated trivia and freely experience a city, a story and a laugh.

3. We need to get our luggage ready for departure. Thank you for your concern for our family and friends. Just pray for our safety. Our journey will be accompanied by your stories, so we will not be alone. Don't worry.

4. Travel makes us modest. Flying speed, changing scenery, strange encounters, and unexpected guests All the possible events in the journey are strongly beyond our known scope.

5. I want to travel alone without a camera or a mobile phone, but I must carry some books on my back and enjoy them in the sea of flowers and grass.

6. Hurry up and get on the road. One day we don't want to say at each other's funeral that if only we had gone.

7. There is a kind of travel called bicycle travel. It doesn't have luxury preparation. It just needs the courage to get out of the back seat and a heart to walk when you want. Even a permanent bicycle can make your dream go far.

8. Travel is a disease. When you infect people around you, you don't want to run away from it.

9. The essence of life lies in innovation, the ideal of life lies in ambition, the art of life lies in choice, the steps of life lie in steadfastness, the joy of life lies in pursuit, and the happiness of life lies in insipidity.

10. Good mood leads to good scenery, good vision leads to good discovery, and good thinking leads to good ideas.

11. On the way with backpacks, I have seen many people, heard many stories, and seen the scenery of travel. In this way, I gradually learned to grow up.

12. The reason for a journey that takes place at will is either happiness, stability and abundance, or powerlessness, helplessness and escape.

13. I have always wanted to travel and go to beautiful places, but I often feel this is not the case when I really set foot in the places I want to go. Maybe we just want our hearts to travel, no matter where we are, as long as we have a relaxed and beautiful attitude, life is beautiful!

14. The time flowing has become a beautiful ornament in the life path. Seeing the sky, watching the snow, being quiet and saying nothing is a good scenery.

15. One person, one road. On the way, one's heart moves with the scenery. From the beginning to the end, one may be happy, or sometimes lonely. If the heart is in the distance, one only needs to move forward bravely. Dreams will lead the way. How far, how far, and connect the footprints into a lifeline.

16. To travel is not to see the scenery, but to find yourself the most authentic self.

17. The meaning of travel lies not in other things, but in oneself. "There must be one on the way of travel, body and mind.

18. Don't pessimistically think that you are unfortunate, in fact, there are many more unfortunate people than you; Don't be optimistic that you are great. In fact, you are just a drop in the ocean.

19. I know that in the future, there will be countless opportunities to stay in high-end hotels and taste the delicacies of the mountains and seas, and drive a good car across the land of the motherland. However, the poor and happy young people who carry their bags everywhere are only in these years.

20. Find a comfortable shop, pick up an elegant postcard and send it to your favorite ta. On the back, it said: On a certain day, a certain month, a certain year, at a certain time in the afternoon, the weather was fine, I was somewhere, and I missed you.

21. Fear of the unknown and nostalgia for comfort will prevent us from becoming a traveler on an adventure. However, when you make such a choice, you will never regret it.

22. I have to get my luggage ready for departure. Thank you for caring about my family and friends. Just pray for my safety. My journey will be accompanied by your stories, so I will not be lonely. Don't worry.

23. I have traveled season after season, from cicadas chirping in summer to snowflakes flying. One person's journey, I drifted one journey after another, from Shaohua Nianmao to Meiyu vicissitudes.

24. I always have vague memories of travel. I can't remember where I went, what scenery I saw, and who I met. Although the students said that traveling is not about memory, but about the mood at that time.

25. The best habit when traveling: find a comfortable shop, pick up an elegant postcard, send it to your favorite TA, and write on the back: On a certain day, a certain month, a certain afternoon, the weather is sunny, I am somewhere, and I miss you.

26. Many things are like traveling. When you make a decision and take the first step, the most difficult part has actually been completed.

27. If the root string is too tight, it will break one day. If a heart is confined for too long, it will lose its balance one day. We need to let the heart fly in the free sky.

28. We might as well let the lost be lost, because it can make us less melancholy; We might as well be less satisfied with what we get, because it can make us more sober.

29. On the way with backpacks, I have seen many people, heard many stories, and seen the scenery of travel. In this way, I gradually learned to grow up. The time flowing has become a beautiful ornament in the life path. Seeing the sky, watching the snow, being quiet and saying nothing is a good scenery.

30. Sometimes, when traveling, you will meet a lifelong good friend, two people who have nothing to do with each other, just come together.

31. Travel is a disease. Once infected, you can never get rid of it. It is also an infectious disease. Finally, you may transmit this disease to others and you don't want to extricate yourself from it!

32. Travel, relax and enjoy the scenery with your eyes. The song is "You leave me, it is the meaning of travel". I have no sentimental love story to share, only to tell the beautiful scenery and share the photos without the hero.

33. Traveling only requires a quiet heart and non-stop steps, constantly meeting, constantly thinking, constantly passing my thoughts, and constantly updating my memory. I am traveling, loneliness is self, but thinking about my soul.