Childhood Reading Feelings
Chase my tomorrow
2024-01-19 08:20:51
fifth grade
reaction to a book or an article

Childhood is the innocent partner of children; Childhood is a happy time for children; Childhood is the joy and sorrow of children's life! But for Alesha, his childhood was tragic and painful. Compared with him, our childhood is very different.
Childhood is mainly about the period when Alesha lost his father and his mother remarried from the age of 3 to 10. He spent his childhood together with his grumpy grandfather and his kind grandmother, who were the owner of the small dye house and were getting worse and worse.
I closed the book and there were some tears in my eyes. Ariosha's heart was covered with layers of shadows. Fortunately, his mind was not tarnished. On the back of the darkness, there are a group of people who radiate light and integrity, who have given Aleosha care and warmth, confidence and strength, so that his heart will not be distorted, and he believes that the future is full of light.
In his childhood, her grandmother had the greatest influence on him. She is optimistic, kind-hearted, honest and most brilliant person. She always believed that good would conquer evil. She knows many beautiful stories and often tells them to Alesha. She broadened Alesha's vision with love.
I am very glad that I am not a child living in that era. Now all parents regard their children as the apple of their eyes and don't let them do anything. I'm no exception. My mother won't even let me cook. I like my childhood very much. Because my childhood was full of light and hope.
Compared with Aliosha's childhood, we are extremely happy. Therefore, we should have confidence and courage when facing all difficulties. We must believe that the darkness will pass and the dawn will come. As long as we have integrity, courage and optimism, we will overcome difficulties and achieve success.