2022 Good night classic words are warm, concise and clear. Good night is beautiful and warm (select 30 sentences)
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2023-02-26 10:49:01
Complete sentences

1. Hold back and don't see if you don't want to fall in love again. Close the lonely persistence and unnecessary good night every day.

2. The warmest word in the world is good night.

3. Emotions are like clothes and trousers. If they are dirty, they can be washed and dried. Of course, the sun will spread. The sun is so good, why complain about the world and people? Every time you live a good life, 10000 beautiful future can not rival a warm present. good night!

4. If some people understand at another time, they will have different results. good night!

5. Good night wanan "I love you love you"

6. Time will bite you, and you will be scarred all over before you leave. good night!

7. When I get angry, I tell you not to talk to me. It's always a fake. You must go home and talk to me; What I said to you in a temper must not be true; If I don't speak well, it is good; When I say no, I mean yes; I said "no" just to think, do you understand? good night!

8. When hard work reaches a certain level, good luck will come unexpectedly.

9. Have you ever tried your best to stay up until the person you love says good night, and then you fall asleep with a flick on your mobile phone.

10. I like to take out my mobile phone at night to check the indoor space, and then help the people I care about say good night on the message board, so that they can understand that I am still here tomorrow.

11. If one day I stop telling you good morning and good night, will you be restless

12. Hesitant and silent from afar; Give thoroughly without regrets. Not willing to show, only willing to understand; Regardless of the gain or loss, I only want to like it. good night!

13. No one urged me to go to bed early and get up early, and no one told me good night.

14. We have no good night today in cold violence.

15. Several of them held their eyes until a good night, dropped their mobile phones and went to sleep.

16. In order to better someone who loves you, please save your sincerity. good night!

17. It is not so much to laugh against one's conscience as to be quiet. It is not so much to care about others' betrayal and impropriety as to run one's own personal dignity and happiness. good night!

18. Although you run slower, at least you never go backwards.

19. I hope someone can help me every day: say hello, say I like you, and say good night. This is all my greed.

20. I am willing to be an umbrella. I will accompany you on sunny or rainy days. I will accompany you happily. I will accompany you crying and crying and I will accompany you to see the sights of the world... Good night!

21. Sometimes I really want someone to accompany me. Let me talk on the phone every day. Good morning and good night to me every day. I never forget to say love to me every day.

22. Why should I call you what you are doing? Why should I call my love you good night? Because it's too cheap to say it directly.

23. Everyone who goes to bed after saying "good night" is still rustling after half an hour!

24. If some people chase me for three years and tell me good night on this day, how about I marry him.

25. No one knows what you can do unless you try it yourself. good night!

26. I like to hear you say you love me. I like to call me every night and say good night. Because that would be enough.

27. Life is sometimes about recognizing one's own follies, and then sometimes accepting the follies of others—— Zhu Deyong Good night!

28. From today on, no matter what happens, smile every day. The world is full of trivia except life and death. No matter what troubles you encounter, you don't have to make trouble for yourself.

29. No matter what kind of pressure we suffer, we don't have to doubt our working ability, let alone haggle over past mistakes. As long as you learn to let go of your mind and time, you will be able to do things better. good night!

30. If you want to find another half, you need to be open-minded. People who are generous and don't want to eat at all should not believe that they say "love you" 10000 times. People who love you will be willing to lose to you. Only when we learn to be used to it and understand humility can we prove our love