Good words and sentences for running competitions
Heroes have dreams
2023-03-28 02:27:03
Complete sentences

good word

1. Fly over jogging

2. Run, run, run

3. Run quickly

4. Free running, moving like a rabbit

5. The arrow with two feet blowing away

6. Take the lead, trot, wind, lightning

7. Turn around and run away

A good sentence

1. The two people almost hit the line at the same time, like a gust of wind, the referee was stunned, and it took a while to wake up.

2. Running, dieting, regular life, healthy work and rest, some interesting hobbies, some luxurious enjoyment, all of which cannot be left behind.

3. I like running, I like to experience the ups and downs in the running process, I like to sweat heavily when running, I like to breathe freely and quickly, I like to listen to the chirping birds, I like to think freely, I like the cool wind, I like the smoothness and joy of sprinting.

4. If you want to be strong, run! If you want to keep fit, run! If you want to be smart, run!

5. Running is a process, a process of enjoyment. All friends should stretch out to run, bathe in the first ray of sunshine in the morning, greedily suck the fragrance of grass, feel the vitality of dew, and run together to give life another bright color.

6. When I think of this, I feel uneasy. It seems that the wind is blowing under my feet, and I run back three steps at a time.

7. When I am lovelorn, I want to run, because running can evaporate the excess water in my body, so it is not easy to cry.

8. The stride should be big, the speed should be stable, the fist should be hollow, and the breathing should be even... These are all running skills. In addition, what's more, do not stop halfway, and use the tip of your tongue against the upper front teeth when breathing with your mouth? The teacher has said a lot, but I really don't know what is actually used, at least not all of them.

9. It was cold. Many students put on scarves and hats, but they still felt cold. Some of the runners hunched their backs and necks, and some of them warmed their hands and vomited white air from their mouths.

10. I ran all the way to enjoy the feeling of freshness and tranquility. The speed was not fast. I adjusted my breathing rhythmically. I took five steps to breathe in and five steps to breathe out. Sweat slipped down and soaked my clothes.

11. With the shot of the referee, the athletes jumped out of the starting line and rushed forward like arrows. They refused to give in to each other, and the dust on the runway was flying like the rising tide of the sea.

12. A three-year-old boy rushed to the window of the living room like a rapidly rolling ball.

13. The sun is new every day, and the new sun will always give us new hope. Although we have retired, we also need to work hard and create like young people. We also need to sing, dance and run.

14. The best way to run is to find a long lost touch in a strange place. Running alone, free from fetters and constraints. One day, put on your running shoes and take yourself with you.

15. You have insisted on running so far, so don't give up easily. It takes a lot of patience to run a long distance without complaining or explaining. Forget all the "impossible" excuses and stick to the "possible" excuse. Let the strongest solitude accompany your running journey!

16. Qinglai was still impressed when he saw the vigorous and heroic manner of Ah Zou when he ran and the carefree and comfortable feeling of his whole body when he was running at high speed. Although he had known him for a long time, he saw this man who seemed to be born for running running with all his strength.

17. Someone once said to me that running is the simplest sport, just repeating the same movement all the time. I agreed with him with a light face. He was right, but when I sat down on the grass panting after running, I would always gnash my teeth at his relaxed and disdainful tone.

18. Sometimes I go running. Like to run, like to listen to the ear chirping insects; I like the cool breeze around my ears; Like the sky horse of thought; Like to sweat when running; Like to breathe freely and quickly; I like the feeling and joy of sprinting.

19. I picked up my schoolbag and ran to the door of my home. Otherwise, I would be criticized by my teacher if I was late.

20. Running mainly depends on the posture. Lifting legs, waving arms and breathing should be standardized. Only when the posture is standardized can you be calm and relaxed.

21. I was about to reach the end. Suddenly, my hands shook and my legs seemed to be enchanted. I didn't listen. When I was in a hurry, my feet suddenly twisted and I couldn't run.

22. Running is such a boring and lonely sport that no one can force you to fail. It must be the fire in your heart that ignites. You will persist only when you are willing to do so.

23. I like running and listening to the chirping insects in my ears; I like the cool breeze around my ears; Like the sky horse of thought; Like to sweat when running; Like to breathe freely and quickly; I like the feeling and joy of sprinting.

24. The process of running is the process of continuous improvement. During running, I strongly felt the leap of youth and vitality. Therefore, I have to make such an arrangement on the agenda of every day: I will run in the morning.

25. I always like running. I guess I was born with it. Often, when I was walking alone, I ran away and pretended to rush to the scene of the fire every time, which made the passer-by A worried for me, thinking that there was an accident. Oh, actually I just like running.

26. The movement that has always been in place is stepping, and the forward movement is running. But why is life always in place for one thing!

27. Running is a unique experience, which combines two primitive human impulses: fear and pleasure. Whether we are afraid or happy, we will run. Running away from misfortune is also running for happiness.

28. When you are unhappy, you will be happy if you run, play basketball and sweat a little.

29. Seeing that the trend was not right, the guy quickly ran away like wiping oil under his feet.

30. After starting, after several minutes of hard work, he left all his opponents far behind, ran on the track with ease and boldness in a champion's attitude, and rushed to the final goal.

31. Like a mature horse, he galloped with his head suspended: the stride was symmetrical, less frequent and compact, the pedal was powerful, and the waist and legs were relaxed - the whole movement was beautiful and elastic.

32. Running is not only a kind of physical exercise, but also a kind of duty, a necessity of life, or a spiritual pursuit.

33. Running alone on the playground, I felt calm. I knew that I had learned to swim in the lonely river.

34. With the "bang" of a gun, the starting line was like a taut bow string, and six "colored arrows" were shot instantly

35. When the gun was fired, I rushed out with one stride and ran with all my strength. The wind was whistling in my ears.

36. I love running, because it can not only exercise my body, but also relax my body and mind, and see the scenery. Since then, I have fallen in love with running. Every day after dinner, I will go to the river to run. You should also exercise regularly!

37. Look, on the 100 meter track, all the athletes are eager to try. "Bang!" As the starting gun sounded, they immediately rushed out from the starting line like runaway ponies.

38. Running makes me no longer lose myself in all kinds of things, and no longer turn around to care about all kinds of rights and wrongs behind me. Regardless of the road I have traveled, I will move forward.

39. The game begins. The duckling ran unsteadily, the rabbit jumped to the end, the dog ran forward forcefully with four feet, and the pony spread its legs and rushed to the end like an arrow.

40. What I have done is to keep running in the cozy emptiness and nostalgic silence I concocted. This is a wonderful thing, no matter what others say.

41. But my feet are like a huge stone tied with a thousand kilograms. I can't run fast or get up. My face was twisted, but the cheering voice of my classmates was still loud and full of blessings of friendship. Similarly, the strong voice of teachers moved me even more. I widened my steps. It was teachers and classmates who helped me share the burden on my body. It makes me run faster.

42. Running has taught me self-discipline, restraint, never giving up, and never giving up.

43. I can stand the first lap, ranking third from the bottom. The second lap, it seems that I have to sprint. I'm determined to bite my teeth and sprint! I rushed to the tenth place. At this time, I was so thirsty that my throat seemed to smoke. But my heart is still "thumping", as if to remind me: Hurry, hurry!

44. Running is always my worst sport. I have to run for four minutes for only 800 meters. I run so slowly, but you walk so fast. No wonder I can't catch up with you.

45. Look! He sprinted forward a few steps, reached the pedal, pushed his foot hard, and bent his body hard. Swing your arms back, jump forward, jump up like a tiger, and then fall gently into the soft sand pit.

46. People do not stop running because they are old, but because they stop running.

47. Little Lily rushed out of the room and jumped at her father like a swallow with wings outstretched.

48. No one will accompany you all your life, so you should adapt to loneliness; No one will help you all your life, so you should always strive.

49. She ran at full speed, her legs mechanically lifted and fell like pendulums, then lifted and fell again.

50. As I ran, I listened to the rustle of shoes rubbing against the ground, felt the thin and dense sweat seeping into my forehead, and then let the sweat flow quietly on my back. Sometimes I looked up and saw several scattered hanging on the sky curtain. Sometimes the moon was very round, but sometimes only a small half of its face was exposed. Sometimes the night sky was covered with heavy twilight. Sometimes the sky was very clear, but there was nothing but the yellow light reflected by the city.

51. On the most beautiful day, I went jogging in the morning, came back to have a meal, read books at noon, took a lazy nap, helped my grandmother cook dinner at night, watched TV with my family at night, and brushed my teeth to sleep at 10 o'clock.

52. I stood at the starting line with other competitors. My heart was pounding. I wondered if others felt the same way as me. Suddenly, the gunshot sounded, and my limbs softened and I ran forward.

53. Their movements are coordinated and powerful. They fly on the ice like two swallows, flying close to the ground, chasing each other.

54. "Bang, a red signal flare rose in the air, and the athletes in all colors flew out of the starting line like a cloud.

55. Running makes me understand that life is like a marathon. If you hesitate, others will easily surpass you. If you rush to the end regardless of obstacles, you will finally succeed and enjoy the joy of success.

56. Read books and peep into other people's souls. Travel, to feel in a strange environment. Film, go to the screen to experience the life of others. Meditate and explore the secret of your own heart. Running, to enjoy the world that others can't reach.

57. I suddenly found that when I was half dead after running, no one would cheer me on again.

58. Be a happy person, read, run, work hard, care about your body and keep a good mood, and become the best yourself.

59. When running, don't expect too much. Grasping the details of each run will often lead to good results; There is no high requirement in life. If you pay attention to every detail of growth, you will often achieve more than expected.

60. Look, the contestants are standing at the starting line and ready to bend down. They heard a whistle of "Du" and rushed forward like a sword leaving the string.

61. My sister ran with her life. She ran right in front of me. I hurried out, and my sister bumped into my arms.

62. Big stride, stable speed, hollow fist and even breathing are all running skills. In addition, what's more, do not stop in the middle, and use the tip of your tongue against the upper front teeth when breathing with your mouth? The teacher has said a lot, but I really don't know what is actually used, at least not all.

63. I just like his serious running appearance and his attitude. I like watching him sprint and the moment he crosses the finish line.

64. It is not difficult for one person to keep running for a week, to keep learning English for a few days, and the difficulty is to form the habit of excellence for seven or eight months, one year and longer.

65. When running out of the starting line, several athletes kept abreast of each other, almost in a straight line, but in a blink of an eye the distance was stretched, forming an irregular curve.

66. Ho, good guy! As soon as he starts running, you can't see how his legs lift and fall. You can't even hear a sound. It's faster than an eagle chasing a rabbit.

67. The athletes are all in high spirits. The wind is blowing under their feet, and they run forward like arrows.