Snow's circle of friends Short sentences
Old look of empty city
2023-05-30 12:13:14
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1. Once it snows in Chang'an, half a dream intoxicates the world.

2. Snow trees and silver flowers burn red lips with anger.

3. Northern scenery, thousands of miles of ice, thousands of miles of snow.

4. After you returned to the north of the Yangtze River and passed the wind, the sky sent the first snow to the world.

5. You buried the mud under the spring, and my life was covered with snow.

6. The window contains the snow of the west ridge in autumn, and the door berths the ships of the Eastern Wu Dynasty.

7. The first person who told you that it snowed must love you

8. The dirty heart is covered with white snow.

9. The snowflakes in Yanshan Mountain are as big as a mat, blowing down the Xuanyuan Platform one after another.

10. Pure snow, after all, whitens my whole world.

11. All cooling that does not aim at snow is hooliganism.

12. No sweet love in winter will only freeze people into foolishness.

13. I really want to find a super magnifying glass to take a closer look at the shape of snowflakes.

14. It snowed, and I was immersed in this dream world, and didn't want to wake up.

15. When it snows, you should have fun making a snowman, and then talk to your friends.

16. I am a thousand piles of snowflakes, and you are the long street, afraid that each other will collapse when the sun rises.

17. That winter, the warmth in the snow, now, I cry alone.

18. The snow is beautiful. The moment it falls, it is destined to turn into water.

19. When it snows, if we walk all the way, can we get to the white head?

20. The winter is lonely. Fortunately, the snow is making flowers. The past is buried under the flowers. It is spring when the flowers bloom.

21. A snowy winter is cold; The snow is beautiful, but very cold, cool to the bottom of my heart.

22. When it snows, I go out and feel like a little pudding in the world, covered with coconut paste.

23. The snow finally stopped, the vast fields were white, and the houses and mountains were covered with silver.

24. The snow is still falling, like salt on my wound. But I know that this pain is necessary.

25. Summer is going to pass and autumn will start again. If you have nothing to do, you can spend the winter with us.

26. They fall one after another and build mountains and rivers, regardless of height. Birds fly away and people disappear. A heavy snow, white occupied the world.

27. We can't see all the snow falling in a person's life. Everyone spends the winter alone in his own life!

28. The snow on the sidewalk beside the road has melted, and only the sunward roof still has residual snow, just like wearing a small white hat.

29. Snow is a complex hidden in her heart. If she knows it's snowing, she still needs to ask. If she asks, the snow will fall in her heart.

30. Suddenly, the snow was so pure that in a moment all the dreams were disillusioned, and the time limit of love was frozen, but the pain became forever.

31. After another heavy snow, the sky is as blue as the sea, and more crystal clear than the sea. Thousands of peaks and mountains are all white, shining with a continuous silver light.

32. When falling snow, I used to pick a bunch of white roses for myself with the help of imagination, and then bid farewell to the memory. The tenderness of falling snow is the purest. I can even feel many sorrows falling off from heaven and earth.

33. Several holes were broken in the roof, and the continuous rain fell into the house like strands of twine, which wetted the whole poor house. The air was cold, and I could almost get frost on my eyebrows.