April Fool's Day is suitable for sending out sentences in the circle of friends (select 60 sentences)
Walk alone in the wilderness
2023-04-29 18:43:17
Complete sentences

1. No green leaves can set off the fragrance of safflower, no brook can set off the breadth of the sea, no flat mountains can set off the majesty of mountains, no you can set off our cleverness, happy April Fool's Day.

2. Fools try to recruit fools: fools should be sincere and foolish, and fools should not be fooled. Fools and fools should not deceive others, and fools should be happy. Fools are smart and foolish, and fools are happy to be naughty. I wish you happiness and being fooled!

3. Don't take anyone's feelings as a game, which only shows that you are a scum and a person who doesn't deserve love.

4. On April Fool's Day, you fool people all over the world, but you can't fool your heart.

5. My grandma said, children now! April Fool's Day confession, Valentine's Day breakup, Tomb Sweeping Day proposal, this is to defy the rhythm of the day ah.

6. If no one confesses to you even on April Fool's Day, no one will like you.

7. I won't tell you that I must treat you to a bag of Oreos today; I won't tell you that I have licked all the cream; I won't tell you. It's changed into toothpaste. Ha, April Fool's Day, I told you to laugh!

8. Thinking about you is seconds ago, thinking about you is ten thousand kilometers away, beating you is something that has to happen, deceiving you is something that is happening and happening from the heart. Happy April Fool's Day!

9. You have an angel like face, a devil like figure, and even your farting posture is so perfect. Can you control the rhythm in public? Happy April Fool's Day!

10. When you are happy, I will stare at you and stare at me.

11. I want to find a handsome guy quickly! Otherwise, all the good cabbages will be hogged!

12. In fact, you are the right person. April Fool's Day is celebrated every day.

13. If anyone cheats me on April 1, I will bury him on April 5, Tomb Sweeping Day! Don't ask me why I went to dig a hole in the middle of those three days!

14. Get tired, get busy, work under high pressure, and teach you a good way. Take a small mirror with you, look at yourself when you want to put it down, and encourage yourself: you have grown up like this, and you still don't work hard. Happy April Fool's Day in advance!

15. On April Fool's Day, the teacher even asked us to go to class. The more we think wrong, no way! We can't be fooled!

16. How did April Fool's Day pass! When Qingming Festival is over.

17. Don't treat me as April Fool's Day, and live as lively as the Spring Festival, then I will make your Tomb Sweeping Day more scary than Halloween.

18. The difference between a lie and an oath is that the one who listens is serious, and the one who speaks is serious.

19. A hundred fools come first, no fools, no joy; April Fool's Day is dominated by foolishness. Let's put aside all dogmas, put aside all reserve, and enjoy foolishness! May you be just as foolish and happy as you can be!

20. I got acrophobia when I was young, so now I am not tall.

21. They say you are beautiful, they say you are a peerless beauty, they envy you for your red lips and white teeth, they love your green dress, they smell your fragrance, and they praise you for your beauty. Don't look at me, stupid friend. I'm not talking about your beauty. What I admire is roses.

22. April Fool's Day is a day of joking and telling the truth.

23. After winning five million yuan in the lottery, the smile is more brilliant than anyone else, and love is more romantic than anyone else. When you wake up, your face will change, and happiness will accompany the envy of immortals. You will be a model. If you continue to look down, you will be a big fool. Happy April Fool's Day!

24. The teacher asked us to go to class on April Fool's Day on Monday! The more you think wrong, no! We can't be fooled!

25. If you let me celebrate April Fool's Day, I will let you celebrate Tomb Sweeping Day.

26. On April Fool's Day, how many people say what they really mean but are treated as jokes.

27. Don't confess to me on April Fool's Day. I'm afraid I will believe it.

28. The depth of fish is known by water; The freedom of birds, God knows; Insect's happiness, naturally know; Your happiness, I know: you must be in a daze. Silently giggle, belongs to your festival is coming, happy April Fool's Day!

29. Happy April Fool's Day, let us become fools today, but tomorrow only I will become wise.

30. Do you know what is the most painful thing about fighting against landlords? It is that someone drops the line suddenly while fighting.