Anthology of Motivational Slogans for College Entrance Examination 2023 Anthology of Motivational Blessings for College Entrance Examination
Women are like flowers and dreams
2023-03-12 21:22:46
A complete set of slogans

1. The eagle can fly late, but it must fly high.

2. Because I can't, I must; Because we must, we must.

3. Turn sweat into pearls and dreams into reality.

4. Nian Hanchuang whets a sword. Right or wrong depends on today.

5. Hurry up, you are the first, heroes have been young since ancient times.

6. Don't ask for harvest, but ask for cultivation. God rewards diligence.

7. Destiny is like one's own fingerprint, which is always in one's own hands despite twists and turns.

8. He fought against the rising and setting of the sun, and fought with no regrets.

9. If you don't fight, you will live in vain. If you don't suffer, you will be tired.

10. Last night, I had a few more minutes of preparation. Today, I have a few less hours of trouble.

11. Struggle changes fate, and waste time destroying future.

12. Spirit makes a career, attitude decides everything.

13. The end of failure is success, and the end of effort is brilliance.

14. Confidence comes from strength, and strength comes from diligence.

15. The wind breaks through the waves and strikes the sky. The sky is lifted up and the sun leaps over the Dragon Gate.

16. Having knowledge can change your destiny, and having ideals can change your attitude.

17. Two eyes open, start to compete; Open your eyes and learn to turn off the lights.

18. The climber who aspires to the peak will not be intoxicated with a footprint along the way.

19. Learning is similar to sitting meditation, which requires perseverance.

20. No more effort than intelligence, no more progress than starting point.

21. Concentrate on study and prepare for the college entrance examination.

22. To gain time is to gain success, and to improve efficiency is to increase scores.

23. There is no desperate situation in the world, only people who are desperate for the situation.

24. Faster, higher and stronger. Leading is the gold medal.

25. Reading changes our destiny, and we work hard to achieve our career. Attitude determines everything.

26. Own knowledge to change destiny and ideals to change attitude.

27. The closer you get to the exam, the more you need to work hard on the solid.

28. Spiritual adults, knowledge and attitude.

29. No rainbow without wind and rain; If you dare to fight, you will pass. If you love to fight, you will win.

30. The heart is the dwelling of the gods; God is the foundation of knowledge; Thinking is the wonderful use of divine knowledge.

31. Be motivated without pressure, nervous without anxiety, and quick without panic.

32. Base on the foundation and fight for the college entrance examination.

33. A little patience and expectation may lead to a great harvest.

34. Be ambitious and realistic in meeting the college entrance examination.

35. Race against the clock to review skillfully and study hard to achieve good results.