Campaign monitor
Be your backup
2023-05-20 18:36:46
fourth grade

Hello, teachers and students!
I'm Monroe. Sharp swords cannot be polished without competition. Successful people cannot compete without competition. Today, my only purpose is to run for the class leader. Although many people are eyeing the position of monitor, I believe I can take this position. I believe that with my friendship and enthusiasm with all of you, I will be able to do a better job in the work of monitor in the new semester.
First of all, I am confident to be a good monitor. My academic performance is not bad, and I have certain prestige and influence in the collective. Secondly, I have the ability to manage classes and dare to be responsible. I was the monitor last semester, and I can learn from it. When I become the monitor, I will work hard, be strict with myself, manage the class well, and improve the students' academic performance. Moreover, I am warm and cheerful, love the collective, unite classmates, and have love.
As a monitor, you should perform your duties well, be a good assistant to the teacher, and help the teacher do a good job in the class. The monitor should also care about students and love the collective. For students with poor grades, we should try our best to help them. Of course, it is not enough for a monitor to serve everyone. As a monitor, he should also have the ability to control the overall situation
The following activities will be carried out: (1) "one-on-one" coaching activities will be carried out to help poor students; (2) Carry out extra-curricular interaction activities to promote friendship among students, so that students can actively help each other, help each other to remove problems, and make the class become united; (3) Keep discipline. The teacher is the same as the teacher. I will try my best to communicate with my classmates, improve myself, and change my bad shortcomings. Strive to implement six principles: good discipline, good learning, good class atmosphere, strong motivation, civilized and polite.
I think I can be a good monitor, contribute to the class and win honor for the class
Thank you!