A famous saying about the short life
Look left and right
2023-01-29 17:22:04
A complete list of famous sayings

1. Above people, look up to others; You should look up to yourself under others.

2. Human life is like this string. It can only be played well when it is tightened, and it is enough when it is played well.

3. No more than intelligence, than hard work; No more than starting, more than progress.

4. Every day you pay a higher price than the previous day, because your life is shortened by another day, so you should be more active every day.

5. If you want to do something "later", please do it now.

6. Learn hard and practice hard. Not afraid of shallow knowledge, but afraid of short ambition.

7. Use my strengths to make up for people's shortcomings, and also use people's strengths to make up for their weaknesses.

8. Ask not what others have done for you, but what you have done for others.

9. There is no resplendence waiting for; Only the beauty that comes out.

10. Confidence comes from strength, and strength comes from continuous efforts.

11. The most beautiful thing in the world is the smile that comes out of tears.

12. Where can we tell what is sweet and what is bitter.

13. Success is not looking back, not hoping, but grasping the moment.

14. Sometimes, forgetting is the best liberation; Sometimes silence is the best way to tell.

15. Those who try to do something but fail are much better than those who try nothing but succeed.

16. Those who lose money lose little, those who lose health lose much, and those who lose courage lose everything.

17. Life can be mediocre, but life can never be mediocre.

18. You are the only you, precious you, proud you, beautiful you.

19. When the sea reaches the boundless sky, the shore will be made, and the mountain will climb to the top of my peak.

20. Difficulties are like springs. If you are weak, they will be strong. If you are strong, they will be weak.

21. Others can see the happiness on your face, but who can feel the pain you have hidden in your heart.

22. Anyone who wants to play life will accomplish nothing; Who can't control himself is always a slave.

23. Having dreams is only a kind of intelligence, and realizing dreams is a kind of ability.

24. Why are you afraid of living when you are not afraid of death?

25. Labor can turn the Gobi Desert into an oasis, and laziness can turn the oasis into ruins.

26. It's easy to give up. When you think about it and release your strength, you will feel relaxed immediately.

27. The distance between success and failure is very short, as long as the latter is moving forward a few steps.