Joking Classic Sentences Funny Quotations of Doubi's Mood
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2023-02-26 13:01:56

1. Some exams rely on strength, others rely on vision, and I rely on rich imagination.

2. You can lie to me, but since you said it, please try your best to round up the lie. Don't let me expose it or I will kill you.

3. I watch the time in the morning not to see the time, but to see how long I can sleep.

4. Maybe it seems to be, but not necessarily.

5. When the boss uses you, you are a talent. When you are not used, you become a layoff!

6. We must drive the non mainstream out of China.

7. Probably only the word "heard" in the rumors is true.

8. This final exam was supposed to be a blockbuster, but when the exam papers came out, I decided to hide my strength.

9. Most people want to change the world, but few want to change themselves.

10. The four tragedies of life: a long drought meets rain - non-stop; Meeting old friends in other places - borrowing money; The wedding night - do not lift; When winning the gold list - others.

11. When Dev meets Xuanmai. Gu Yuan and Gu Li are together again

12. The wife is tasteless, the lover is too tired, and the young lady is too expensive. There is nothing to do to hold a homecoming meeting, and a pair is a pair if separated

13. I would rather have a prince riding a pig than a prince riding a white horse.

14. No matter how handsome you are, until you are in a mess, you can only love me alone.

15. What cannot extricate oneself from is love, as well as the radish in others' fields.

16. I curse you for buying instant noodles without seasoning bags all your life.

17. Before I could touch the flowers and twirl the grass, I was pulled out by others.

18. The wife is tasteless, the lover is too tired, and the young lady is too expensive. There is nothing to hold a homecoming meeting, and a pair is a pair if separated.

19. All day long, they have no eyes, no meals, no limbs, no grain, no recognition of six relatives, no sense of seven orifices, no prestige, no movement, and are very useless.

20. After studying for more than ten years, I think it's easier to work in kindergarten.

21. How to deal with egg pain? Rub the eggs, go on!