A funny blessing in English for Thanksgiving Day 2022 (how to "give thanks" to people of all countries on Thanksgiving Day)
See people's hearts in the fog
2023-04-15 08:55:53
Blessing words

1. The most precious gift you gave me - sincere friendship is like a bright star in the Milky Way of my life.

2. Thank you for helping me. I wish you happiness. I wish you peace and good luck all the year round. I don't know what to say except thank you.

3、 Thank God for letting so many people in and out of my life. Without them, my life would not be more and more complete.

4. The news media reported that the Thanksgiving holiday was also the most stressful time for American Airlines. The flights were almost full, and the flights were often delayed. However, people are probably willing to spend the holiday with their families.

5. When we pick the fruits of the harvest, what you left for yourself is the white hair on the temples dyed with chalk. Salute to you, dear teacher!

6. The ancient Greeks believed in many gods, and their corn goddess was named Demeter. They held the Thesmosphoria Festival every autumn to commemorate this goddess.

7、 Thank you for your careful cultivation during this period. It helped me a lot and improved my business level in an all-round way.

8. I may not be your best employee, but you are my most respected leader! Thank you for your help and cultivation.

9. Dear, I'm thinking of you, and I want to give you a hug on Thanksgiving Day! And a warm kiss for Thanksgiving! Wish you a happy Thanksgiving!

10. Thank God for letting so many people in and out of my life. Without them, my life will not be more and more complete.

11、 Learning alone without friends is crude and unknown. Today, I have to talk with my classmates and enjoy them as much as I can, and as much as I can.

12. After having that happy time, whether we can grow old together may never be, but we are also very happy that there must be our own beauty.

13. Thank you very much. Thanks for your tolerance and promotion!

14、 I support you. Today you are not only on the right track. Your curriculum is for the rest of us. I'm very grateful!

15、 My soul is purified by you, and my sky is supported by you. Teacher, I must give you a blue sky. Wish you happiness and health!

16. On the first day of the festival, married women put up huts covered with leaves, with benches made of plants inside. The next day was their fast. On the third day, a banquet was held and corn seeds, cakes, fruits and pigs were presented to the goddess.

17、 The most precious gift you have given me, sincere friendship, is like a bright star in the Milky Way of my life.

18. During the festival, the ancient Egyptians first held a parade and then a festival banquet. At the same time, music, dance, sports and so on are also their celebration projects.

19、 I may not be your best employee, but you are my most respected leader, happy holidays!

20、 When we harvest fruits, you leave yourself chalk gray-dyed white sideburns. Salute you, dear teacher!

21、 Life must be full of joy, do not make Golden Drum empty to the moon. Natural talent will be useful, thousands of gold scattered back.

22、 Thank God for letting us meet, thank fate for letting us get along, thank time for letting us meet, thank you for your sincere friendship.

23、 A person of great virtue must have his place, a home of good things, a heart of gratitude, and a heart of harmony!

24、 Hold a ray of sunshine and thank the sun for shining. Grasp a handful of clean earth and thank the vastness of the earth. Thank you for the flow of the river.

25. Grab a ray of sunshine and thank the sun for shining. Grab a handful of clean soil, and thank the broad earth. Grab a cup of stream water and thank the rivers for flowing.

26. Nature presents flowers to human beings as gifts, and God presents your friendship to me as a gift.

27. When the ancient Egyptians celebrated the harvest of corn, they often pretended to cry and grieved, in order to deceive the "spirit" they thought existed in corn. They were afraid that harvesting the growing corn would make this spirit angry

28. Thank you for watching me closely as I move forward on the road of life and enlightening my pursuit of the future with friendship.

29. There are many things to be grateful for in my life. I am grateful for the courage of struggle given by difficulties, and for the strength of perseverance given by setbacks.

30. Whether poor or rich, sick or healthy, I will never leave you. Dear wife, thank you for taking care of me!

31. Sukkoth starts on the 15th day of Tishri and the fifth day after Yom Kippur in the Hebrew calendar.

32、 Look at the disappointment and misfortune of life from another angle. Live with gratitude. Life will give you brilliant sunshine.

33、 Thank you very much. Thanks for your tolerance and promotion all the time, I have made great achievements in the company today. Thank you!

34. Living in the world, we should learn to be grateful. Learn to be grateful, you will realize happiness, you will realize happiness.

35、 Thank you for watching me move forward in my life with concern and inspiring me to pursue the future with friendship.

36、 Gratitude is a kind of cultural accomplishment, an ideological realm, an attitude towards life, and also a kind of social responsibility.

37. Thank God for letting us meet, thank destiny for letting us get along, thank time for letting us meet, and thank you for your sincere friendship.

38、 Thank you for helping me. I wish you happiness. I wish you peace and prosperity all the year round. I don't know what to say except thank you.

39、 Joy is always too short, loneliness is always long, I wanted to harvest a wisp of spring breeze, but you gave me the whole spring, dear, miss you!

40. Thank the leaders for their careful cultivation during this period, which helped me a lot and improved my business level in an all-round way.

41、 Thank you very much, what can I use in the future, just say it! Thank you for helping me out.

42. Gratitude is a kind of cultural accomplishment, a kind of ideological realm, a kind of life attitude, and more importantly, a kind of social responsibility.

43. Jews also celebrate harvest. Their festival is called Sukkoth. Sukkoth held every autumn has a history of more than 3000 years.