Care for the feelings after the earthquake
Plum Orchid in Northern China
2023-09-14 16:36:48
Junior three
topic of conversation

Caring is a kind of happiness, getting care from others is a kind of happiness, and caring for others is even more a kind of happiness.
Money is not everything. Caring needs the common concern of the society.
Caring is caring. It is everywhere around us. Each of us needs love, and there is no lack of love in life. If others give us love, we should care more about others, so that the world will be full of love!
Care is a kind of pay, care is a kind of dedication, care is a kind of virtue. Let's start from the little things in life, learn to understand, learn to care, and learn to be human. "Love" is the sail and "love yourself" is the boat. Only by pushing and supporting each other can we keep love and love forever.
Caring for others is caring for yourself, because only when you care for others, others will repay you when you need help. Caring for others is actually caring for ourselves. Caring for others is the premise for us to get others' care.
To be human is to be self.
"Caring for life" is a responsible attitude towards life; Those who ignore their own lives and trample on others' lives willfully are pathetic and hateful, because what they or they bring is sadness, pain, even hatred; For all life, we should have a "caring heart". We should not only care about our peers, but also care about other life on the earth, because their existence in the unique biosphere is closely related to us, and it is their existence that makes our planet more colorful; Caring for life, we should also pay attention to the way, the growth of life has its natural laws, improper care is killing life; Caring for life, we should say goodbye to all bad habits, stay away from things that will poison our life, such as poisons, and let ourselves live healthily is also a manifestation of caring for life
Boiled water is really a good medicine to wake people up. Open your eyes, look at the world, care about yourself and others.
When others need help, it is commendable if a person can sacrifice his own interests without hesitation, even if only a little, without the knowledge of others. To help others is often to help yourself.
Helping others is a traditional virtue of our Chinese nation. When a person grows up, he must have received help and care from many people. Everyone helps each other to form a harmonious society
Friends are the seeds of friendship and warmth you sow, which will germinate and grow; It is the people you have helped and warmed that will ultimately benefit you.
Only pure warmth can warm people's hearts, and only sincere feelings can move others. The so-called help wrapped in money and interests will only be disgusting.
The real helpers are real heroes who help others to improve their own personality. They don't want to return. The perfection of personality is the highest level.
The infinite fragrance falls down, but the green trees remain. Because it is rooted in the soil of personality, silently offering itself, and gradually growing itself.