Individualized short sentences that are easy to attract fans when you shake your voice (23 selected sentences)
Safe and happy life
2023-07-06 18:49:01
Complete sentences

1. After the first half of our lives, we learned that life is not easy.

2. Time will tell us that simple love is the longest, ordinary company is the most secure, and people who understand you are the warmest.

3. The knife is not sharp. Ma is too thin. Why do you fight me.

4. The past covered by years goes by quickly and quickly.

5. Don't give up long-term company because of cheap novelty.

6. Don't even think about me. What do you think about Chanel?

7. If you hit a person and that person retaliates against you, there is only one reason, that is - you hit him not hard enough!

8. Stand in the world you love shining.

9. I felt as if I had become blue and boundless, with countless stars inhabiting my eyes and fingertips.

10. Sorrow falls all over the hills. When youth is over, prosperity will fade away sooner or later, and the splendor will eventually converge to insipidity.

11. Once in a while, be a gentle person, never say a word, never fight, never rush, never slow down, and take it lightly.

12. Don't judge me. What you see is what I choose to let you see.

13. Don't look at others' faces or listen to unnecessary gossip. How to live is up to you; I have my own opinion.

14. If I don't die, you are ministers after all. If I die, you should be buried with me!

15. I hope someone will accompany you through the romantic and snowy days and see all the Cangshan and Erhai lakes.

16. In fact, the happiest fairy tale in the world is just to spend time with you.

17. It is better to be alone than disobey. Better regret than make do.

18. The sun rises in the east and the rain in the west. You and I are beautiful women.

19. You must remember that the red sandalwood has not been destroyed and I have not gone.

20. There is no shortcut in life. The furthest way is always to a better future!

21. You have backbone, you have ideas, and you are not willing to be mediocre, but you are lazy.

22. The green plum withers and the bamboo horse grows old. Since then, everyone I fall in love with looks like you.

23. Try to please yourself first. As for others, it depends on your feelings.