It was issued at night and talked about arrogance
Chanting old love songs
2023-07-12 14:45:35
Talk about the encyclopedia

1. If you face the sun, there will be no shadow.

2. I like you, I love you, what's your business.

3. There is no injustice. You can't win if you are moved.

4. If nothing bad happens, you can never see the people around you.

5. You said that people will change when they live in different bad circumstances.

6. Women, women who will understand the heart of men.

7. Be polite to each other. I'm not as considerate as you think.

8. When we lose contact and miss each other, our last hope will become disappointed.

9. Some people go far, but still reluctant to delete those messages.

10. There is no other half who has one hundred points, only two people who have fifty points.

11. If you do it yourself, you have to accept it. Anyway, you have never been advised.

12. Like a man, bear every slap of fate!

13. Blame you for being sensitive and soft hearted, unable to live your own life and loving others.

14. The feelings that always need you to compromise should be ended as soon as possible.

15. When I see your face, I think your parents were not serious when they made you.

16. Don't gamble on fate, don't guess people's hearts. God can't afford to gamble, and people can't guess.

17. They are so arrogant and unwilling to bow their heads, so let's leave. Why bother each other.

18. If what you give me is the same as what you give others, then I will not give it.

19. Don't pay too much attention to what some people say, because they have mouths, but not necessarily brains.

20. The women in your hand are counted again and again, but you forget that there are countless men in my hand.

21. Don't just say that you should give everything to time. Time is too lazy to clean up your mess.

22. Never eat the fattest, use the worst and live the cheapest at the best age.

23. My life is natural and unrestrained, which is just my demeanor. Your imitation is only defective.

24. Put away unnecessary grievances and unnecessary tears, and from now on, just be your own queen.

25. Every step is love. The last step is dignity. May my heart be as wide as the sea to let the past hold the future.

26. When you encounter something disgusting, you should learn to be calm and unhurried. The scum in the world is in various forms.

27. It will be dark and people will change. There is still a long way to go. Don't be too crazy. You can't decide who will be brilliant in the future.

28. People who do not know me have the right to point at me, and people who do not know me have the right to gossip about me.

29. Reading is to speak calmly to fools, and fitness is to let fools speak calmly to me.

30. On the way forward, we are not afraid of being blocked by thousands of people, but we are afraid of surrender; The sail of life is not afraid of strong winds and waves, but afraid that he has no courage.

31. I hope you can distinguish between good and bad. You can distinguish between a person and a dog. You can be sensitive but don't be sentimental. Nothing is worth your life.

32. The best thing for a person is to put it down. No matter how much he misses, he will never bother. One day you will know that losing is more reliable than having.

33. In your life, you will meet three people at most. One wants you to live, the other wants you to die, and the other doesn't care about you.

34. If you are determined to do something, don't ask others whether it is worth it. Only when you are willing can you take it for granted.