A Promising Film Review Model
blue sky
2023-11-02 03:12:21

Today, I was at home reading lesson 16, "Promise is golden". When I read that "in order to return as scheduled, he went to the dry bridge near the North Railway Station every night to help the vegetable family push vegetables. At the dawn of the fifth day, he finally saved up two yuan. When he was exhausted, he fell asleep in the bridge.". I was deeply moved, and suddenly I felt a kind of soul sublimation.

As I read, I fell into a deep meditation. I remember that one winter, my friend and I made an appointment to go to the park to play together, but when I was ready, the spy 007 -- my younger brother found out that he wanted to go with me, and I refused, but he refused, crying and making noise, so I used the "summoning technique" to attract my parents. When my brother saw his parents coming, he was afraid that his father would beat him, so he stopped making trouble. I was about to leave when my father shouted at me. I felt my scalp burning and thought, "Ah, it's over. My father found out. What should I do?" My father said, "What should I do? It's one o'clock at noon. Go and do your homework!". After a fierce quarrel, my father was said to be flushed and speechless. I saw it and skipped away. I arrived at the park on time. I waited for a long time in the biting cold wind, but my friend didn't come. I knew that my friend had broken his appointment. My heart is broken, and our friendship is also broken.

A chill hit me, and I could not help shivering. I felt that my friend could not be compared with that boy. Let's be honest and trustworthy people, because our promise is golden.