106 quotations from the Book of Songs
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2023-05-07 09:00:17

1. His son is beautiful.

2. I can't turn my heart away.

3. One day's absence is like three autumn days!

4. July Liuhuo, September clothing.

5. The wind in the valley, with rain and shade.

6. When I grow old together, I always complain.

7. And carry old, old make me complain.

8. When you cry, ask for your friend's voice.

9. What is it that heaven does!

10. The husband and wife are like drums, zithers and lyres.

11. As close as possible, as refined as polished.

12. As constant as the moon, as rising sun.

13. A wife likes to play harmoniously, like a zither.

14. If you don't think about me, is there no one else?

15. It is better to return to your parents if you harm them.

16. A new marriage is like a brother or a younger brother.

17. Sleeping and doing nothing, tears pour down in torrents.

18. The smile is beautiful and the eyes are looking forward to it.

19. The heart is worried, and its poison is very bitter.

20. I would like to speak of your kindness.

21. The so-called Iraqi people are in the water.

22. Hold your hand and grow old with you.

23. Pick up and arrive at the city gate.

24. A beautiful person is elegant and graceful.

25. If you have not seen a gentleman, you can adjust your hunger with anger.

26. The peach blossoms are blooming.

27. Before the mulberry falls, its leaves are luxuriant.

28. Hubs have different chambers, while dead hubs have the same acupoint.

29. There is emotion but no hope.

30. Swallows and swallows fly, but their feathers are inferior.

31. The zither is in the imperial palace, and the years are quiet.

32. Life and death are compatible with each other.

33. Look at the sun and the moon, and think about it.

34. It is better to know that I am like this than to have no life.

35. My fair lady, with the music of bells and drums.

36. If I don't go, Zining won't come?

37. The horses are whistling and the banners and banners are lingering.

38. The reeds are green and white dew is frost.

39. Laugh and promise.

40. Who calls tea bitter? It is as sweet as shepherd's purse.

41. Collect curly ears without filling the basket.

42. Zhi Bi Hu Xi, look at my father.

43. There is no beginning in the past, but an end in the future.

44. Look up at the high mountains and walk in the scenery.

45. Fish in the alga depends on its cattail.

46. The kite flies against the sky, and the fish leap over the abyss.

47. The mandarin ducks fly in the air, and the birds fly in the air.

48. Wild geese fly in the sky, and their feathers should be combed.

49. When a gentleman is in service, don't think about it.

50. The son is pure and clear, and his face is beautiful.

51. I look around and frown.

52. If there are bandits and gentlemen, they can't afford it.

53. There is no golden sound, but a reverie heart.

54. On the first day, Tartar hair is made, and on the second day, corn is strong.

55. Give me a wooden peach and give it back to Qiong Yao.

56. Vote me with papaya and repay me with juju.

57. If you know where your son came from, you can give him a miscellaneous pendant.

58. Maintenance does not hurt forever, and maintenance does not cherish forever.

59. In May, Si Li moved stocks, and in June, Sha Ji vibrated its feathers.

60. When a gentleman is in service, he doesn't know what he knows.

61. I hope that one day, there will be a lesbian car with a beautiful face.

62. The emperor of the phoenix flies in the sky, and his feathers are also in the sky.

63. There are bandits and gentlemen who are as close to each other as they can be to each other.

64. Ge Zhiqin is applied to Zhonggu and leaves are abundant.

65. The cicada head and the moth eyebrow, with a beautiful smile, look forward to the beautiful eyes.

66. The winter night, the summer day, after a hundred years of age, belong to their rooms.

67. Picking the Weiwei is also gentle. Every time I return, my heart will stop worrying.

68. There is no resumption of customs clearance, and tears are streaming. After seeing the resumption of the customs, we laughed and talked.

69. Promise and never think against it. It is no longer a matter of thinking.

70. Out of its east gate, there are women like clouds. Although it is like a cloud, I think about the bandits.

71. The north wind is cool, rain and snow are foggy. Huier treats me well and goes hand in hand.

72. It is a small star, and Victoria participates in the Pleiades. We should be ready for the night and hold the quilt and the quilt.

73. Women are also unhappy. Scholars can't do what they want, and they can't do what they want.

74. Women say the crowing of cocks, and scholars say that they are strangers. Zixing looks at the night, but the stars are rotten.

75. The heart seems to love, but the reverie is not enough. The heart hides it, and when will it forget it.

76. My heart is a bandit, and I can't turn it around. My heart is full of bandits, so I can't roll it.

77. If you want to recruit a boat, whether you are involved in human affairs or not. Whether people are concerned about being generous or not, they must be my friends.

78. All over the world, there is no royal land; Leading by the land, Murphy is a king minister.

79. The peach blossoms are blooming. When a son returns home, he should have his own family.

80. When the peach is young and bright, its son should return home.

81. Life and death are compatible, and we can talk with each other. hold your hand and grow old together with you.

82. Since the rain is zero, I will kill the man. The star said that he had driven long before and said that he was in Sangtian.

83. Bai Gui can still be defiled by grinding, but can't be defiled by slang.

84. The white colt is in Bikong Valley. A bunch of raw cud is like jade.

85. The rat has skin, but the person has no appearance; A man without dignity will never die.

86. Those who know my heart are called my worry. I don't know what I want.

87. The engine is in defence, and the wind is in the wind. I think of the ancients, and gain my heart.

88. It is good to have a lifelong engagement. When the zither and the harp are played again, the time is quiet.

89. The reeds are green and white dew is frost. The so-called Iraqi people are on the water side.

90. Collect the curly ears without filling the basket. Alas, I am pregnant with people, and I will set them around.

91. Zhi Bi Nan Shan, Yan Cai Qi Wei. I am sad to see no gentleman.

92. The wind and rain are like darkness, and the crowing of chickens continues. Seeing a gentleman, Yunhu doesn't like it?

93. Look up at the high mountains and walk in the sight. Though unable to reach, I am eager to go.

94. Jiang Yousi, the son of Jiang Yousi, will return. He will not accept me. He will regret later.

95. Qingqing Zijin, my heart is carefree. If I don't go, I'd rather not listen.

96. Be quiet and wait for me at the corner of the city; Love but not see, scratch your head and hesitate.

97. The crafty boy didn't talk to me. Weizi's reason made me unable to eat.

98. The hand is like catkin, the skin is like curd, the collar is like marine paint, the teeth are like gourd rhinoceros, the cicada head and the moth eyebrow.

99. Look at Qiao and the green bamboo. There are bandits and gentlemen who are as close to each other as possible.

100. The general Zhongzi will come to me without exceeding me or breaking my tree axle; How dare you love and fear my parents.

101. My father gave birth to me, my mother bowed to me, stroked me, bred me, cared for me, and recovered me.

102. Those who know me are worried. I don't know what I want. Who are you?

103. Cutting trees and singing birds. It comes from a deep valley and is circuitous in trees. When you cry, ask for your friend's voice.

104. There is no time for women to cry out. The delay of a scholar can be especially said, and the delay of a woman can not be said.

105. The white colt is in Bikong Valley. A bunch of raw cud is like jade. You can write me whenever you want. Do not drive me from your life..

106. There are trees in the south, so you can't stop thinking. There are female tourists in Han Dynasty. The breadth of the Han Dynasty is too great to contemplate. It is impossible to think about the permanence of the river.