Love Motto English
Fish playing near the broken bridge
2023-05-14 01:58:51
A complete set of maxims

1. Am I the only one who has an umbrella and is still wet?

I was the only one with an umbrella, still wet?

2. Can't stand the passage of time, and can't escape from this young man.

Giving timesong, escapes the teenager here.

3. Love is getting used to another person's habits.

Love, is accustomed to the habit of another person.

4. If you choose to be close to me, please stay with me for a long time.

If you choose close to me, so for a long time with me, please.

5. I am the one who cannot part with you, and I am the one who cares about you.

Loathe to give up your people is me, is I care for you.

6. Love is a lonely lie, and fate is the disseminator of lies.

Love is a lonely lie, love is a lie.

7. Love is a kind of meeting, can't wait, can't prepare.

Love is a kind of meet, can't wait for, also can't prepared.

8. I want to cry, but I don't know how to cry.

I want to cry, but I already don't know how to tears.

9. If there is only one second left in my life, I would like to die in your arms.

If the life only for a second, I would like to take refuge in die in your arms.

10. You only take away your love, then. Where is my love for you?

You just take your love, then. My love for you?

11. I don't know what to say, I just suddenly miss you at this moment.

I don't know what to say, I just suddenly miss you at this moment.

12. When it clears up, maybe I will love you again.

Wait until the sunny day, maybe I'll love you again.

13. At the crossroads, we go separately. You walk away my tears, I walk away your hate.

Crossroads, we walk. You take my tears, I walk you hate.

14. Those who said they would never part before have already scattered in the horizon.

Those who previously said never to be parted, have already scattered in the tianya.

15. It is better to have loved and failed than to have never loved.

Better to have loved and lost, than never to have loved at a time.

16. The flowers on the other side of the river have no leaves when they bloom, and leaves grow without flowers.

The other shore flower, flower leaves, Ye Sheng without flowers, phase read pity but may not meet each other.

17. Forget the years, forget the pain, forget your bad, we will never say goodbye.

Forget years, forget pain, forget your bad, we never say goodbye.

18. When a girl falls in love with a man, she will never see his shortcomings.

When a girl fall in love with a man, will never see his shortcomings.

19. You can use any method to get love, but it needs wisdom to keep love.

For love in any way you want, and keep the love is need of wisdom.

20. Those who are easy to hurt others and themselves are always vague on the edge of distance.

Easy to hurt others and themselves, always to the edge of the distance unclear person.

21. We love some people, and we are married and have children with others.

Some love is us, and we marry and have children and others.

22. I always think that people grow old slowly. In fact, they do not. People grow old in an instant.

I always thought that man is slowly grow old, but it is not, people in an instant.

23. Don't make noise, don't show off, and don't need others to know. Just be yourself quietly.

Don't noisy don't make not to show off, also do not need other people know, quiet do yourself.

24. It is not easy to be relieved. Love a person, hate a person, never peace.

It was hard to be relieved. Love a person, hate a person, never not peace.

25. Don't want to face him and leave. Escape is not a good way, but it is the only way.

Don't want to face his leave, escape is not a good method, but it is the only way.

26. The worst way to lose someone is to be close to him as if he were far away.

The worst way to miss someone is to be is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can't have them.

27. When you ask me why I love you, it's like asking me to describe the taste of water.

You asked me why I love you, this difficulty is as described to me what water tastes.

28. I can tolerate all of you. Whatever you want, as long as you have me in your heart, you belong to me.

I can tolerate everything of you, with you how headstrong as long as you heart have me you belong to me.

29. Since love, why don't you say something? If something is lost, it will never come back!

Since love, why not export, some things lost, in also won't come back!

30. You can't abandon me, I can't leave you, you can only be mine, I can only be yours.

You can't discard me, I can't leave you, you can only be my, I can only be you.

31. Except that I said I love you, and you said I'm sorry, the rest is left to me.

In addition to I say I love you, but you said I'm sorry, left, left to my own.

32. If you have a desire for a person, it is called like. If you hold back the desire for a person, it is called love.

Do you have desire for a person, that call love, you as a person endure desire, that call love.

33. Love is a flower growing on the edge of a cliff. You must have courage to pick it.

Love is a growth in the cliffs on the edge of the flower, want to pick it must have the courage.

34. Love should not be rekindled. If it burns again, the beautiful memories of the past will disappear.

Love fire, or should not be renewed. Renewed, once those beautiful memories will be wiped out.

35. If someone is destined to belong to you, you can't let him leave even if you open all the doors and windows in the world.

If someone is destined to belong to you, even open all the doors and Windows in the world, also can't let him leave.

36. Meeting you is fate, becoming a friend is my choice, and falling in love with you is an accident beyond my control.

Meeting you was fate, becoming friends is my choice, but falling in love with you is I can't control accident.

37. If I had been brave, would the outcome have been different. If you insisted at that time, would the memory be different.

If when I brave, ending is different. If at that time you insist, memories will not.

38. If I lose your love, I will be in this world like an empty shell of my soul, and I will never find my home again.

If you lost your love, I am in this world, like lost soul shell, can't find a home.

39. Solitude is the agreement before meeting. So we stick to the waiting at the bottom of our hearts, just to meet you in the near future.

Loneliness is met before the convention. So we stick to the bottom of the heart of waiting, just for meeting you in the near future.

40. Don't use the past to measure the happiness and unhappiness of life. Everyone's life can blossom and be beautiful as long as you cherish it.

Don't use the past to measure life of fortune and misfortune, everyone's life is can blossom beautiful, as long as you cherish.