Copy of the classic sentence of cherishing friendship (29 sentences)
Be diligent and honest
2023-06-20 11:17:26
Complete sentences

1. The coward will give his friend to the executioner. Romance.

2. People who don't even have a noble friend are not worth living.

3. Those who pity you are not friends, but those who help you may be friends.

4. The true friendship is that even if two people don't talk, they feel very comfortable.

5. If it were not for you, I would not believe that friends are more determined than lovers.

6. Loyal friendship is needed in times of happiness, especially in times of adversity.

7. Friends must help each other in adversity, which can be called true friendship.

8. True and rational friendship is the best priceless treasure in life.

9. Wealth brings honor, wealth creates friendship, and the poor are servants wherever they go.

10. Wise people should do their best to build friendship instead of hatred.

11. You are sad, you talk, he immediately comfort and amuse you, this is a friend who cares about you.

12. Friendship cannot be a transaction; contrary. It requires the most thorough concept of disinterestedness.

13. When we are happy, our friends will know us; In times of adversity, we will make friends.

14. No matter how solemn an agreement is, it is better to have those crazy friends around.

15. Friendship does not require anything, but it has a warmth that we can all feel.

16. A friend is like an umbrella. Whether it's sunny or rainy, he will always be with you.

17. Time is like a big sieve, which can withstand filtering. The last one left behind is a real friend.

18. A bosom friend needs no more words, but to communicate with heart; Friendship cannot be expressed in words, but should be tasted with heart.

19. Friendship is like a cup of fresh and cool iced black tea in the hot summer, moistening our thirsty throats.

20. Friendship is really the most sacred thing, which is not only worthy of special praise, but also worthy of eternal praise.

21. People know each other, and you know each other. Those who pity you are not friends, but those who help you may be friends.

22. Friendship is understanding, not compromise; It's forgiveness, not forgetting. Even if not connected, the feelings are still there.

23. I believe that people who really care about me will not be taken away by others, whether it is friendship or love.

24. Friendship is the light that turns on more and more; Friendship is the deeper the river flows; Friendship is the more beautiful the flowers are; Friendship is a wine that tastes better with age.

25. The trust in a friend depends not on whether you will smile at him, but on whether you will cry in his face.

26. The best friend is the one who jokes with each other at ordinary times. He is the one who has the toughest mouth. When you need him, he is the one who has the softest heart.

27. If our current relationship only depends on my own initiative, I don't want it. No matter friendship or love.

28. Knowing each other is important, and knowing each other is important. In terms of making friends, the ancients paid attention to their hearts, so they made friends with each other.

29. The most precious thing in life is life. The most important thing in life is learning. The most enjoyable thing in life is work. The most important thing in life is friendship.