Reflections on fire safety knowledge
Wake up
2023-11-21 07:11:28

Fire, in our view, is omnipotent. In ancient times, our ancestors, in order to survive, fought against various disasters in nature, discovered and used fire. In modern times, people use fire to burn and process food, and use fire to send rockets into the sky... In short, the discovery and use of fire has improved the living conditions of human beings and made them smart and powerful.

However, no matter what, there is a good side, there is also a bad side. Fire is no exception. Today, I had the honor to watch the Lecture on Fire Prevention, which made me know fire and a lot of fire prevention knowledge. In more than 50000 fires, 90% are caused by poor fire fighting and no escape. However, how can we escape in time and reduce the burning area of the fire? Through this video and television, I know what should be done in the workplace: in case of a fire, we should first determine the part of the fire, turn on the emergency broadcast, report to the fire department, establish a temporary fire command, evacuate the crowd, close the fire door, set up a guard, and we should go to the emergency exit in an orderly manner.

At home, if the oil in the oil pan catches fire accidentally, you can use the pot cover to extinguish it; If the carton catches fire, it can be put out with water in time. However, if the fire is not restrained, we should not panic. First call the fire alarm number, then cover the mouth and nose with a wet towel to escape or hide in the bathroom to close the door, and water the door in time to prevent the fire from entering the bathroom. If you can't, you can jump off the building. However, fire developed from the initial stage to the violent burning '. At the initial stage, I learned that fire extinguishers can be used to extinguish the fire. There are many fire extinguishing methods, including cooling fire extinguishing, isolation fire extinguishing, suffocation fire extinguishing, dry powder fire extinguishing... We should use fire extinguishers reasonably. The carbon dioxide and foam sprayed by the foam extinguisher can insulate combustibles such as cotton cloth from the air, while the carbon dioxide extinguisher can insulate books, archives, valuable equipment, etc. from the air after spraying the compressed liquid carbon dioxide... In short, we should make rational use of the extinguisher and not misuse it.

In a fire, carbon dioxide, toxic carbon monoxide and other smoke will be produced. Carbon monoxide combines with hemoglobin in the human body to form carboxyhemoglobin. Oxygen cannot combine with hemoglobin, making the human body lose consciousness due to lack of oxygen and suffocate to death. However, people who inhale 1-2% carbon dioxide will feel uncomfortable, 4% will feel flustered, blood pressure will become high, headache, shortness of breath, and 7-8% will die of suffocation.

After watching the lecture on fire control knowledge, I remembered some signs related to combustion, such as "No smoking", "No kindling", etc. These signs always remind us to pay attention to fire prevention, learn more safety knowledge, and prevent fire from harming our happiness and repeating the tragedy of 890000 casualties. We should remember the words "life is precious, and fire knowledge is a good helper to protect life" together, so that we can always be alert to prevent fire from spreading.